
How Was Your 2021? Time for Analysis & Reflection.

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"The unexamined life is not worth living."

- Socrates

hey, year's almost over. it's a good time for reflection.

even if you had a bad year, i think it's good to do a postmortem every year to keep track on how your life is going. after all, as Leo says, life unfolds in chapters.

here's mine:

work/study: i started college, which is an important step towards increasing my odds of having a good future. it's all about strategy, after all. the college i'm going might disappoint me? yea, but if I want 100% guarantee on the things I do, then I won't do shit.

emotional intelligence: it has increased. i struggle a lot with emotional hypersensibility.  if I have a certain problem in my life, I oftentimes start panicking. "what if I don't find a solution???"

anyway, i've gotten better at becoming aware when those emotional overreactions. and i'm able to use my resources in a wise way. i still have a lot of work to do. maybe i struggle so much with that, because at 8, i had a huge breakdown when my parents divorced. this made me stop trusting that stability is possible. so now i'm slowly recovering that. 

social life: i used to struggle a lot with shyness (and when I was depressed, with social anxiety). i do feel more confident now. when i'm in a group, i've accepted that i listen more than i talk, but when I want, I do talk. as with many fellow introverts, i used to fantasize being extroverted, loud, and care-free. but now, i actually like the way i am. i see that because i don't speak a lot, what I speak has greater value. 

relationships/sex life: it's gotten deeper. i noticed that i'm going out fewer people. it's a quality over quantity sorta thing. and now, before I sexualize a relationship, I think a lot whether it's worth it or not. i feel more self-confident in this area. 

family: my relationship with them is doing well.

self-development/spirituality: i'm going for my second year of doing psychotherapy. i've actually written a topic here back almost exactly 2 years ago about my experience and the benefits of doing it.

to me, high-quality psychotherapy is undoubtedly the number 1 action that truly improves my self-development.   

finances: from my standards, i was able to save a good amount of money this year. next step is learning how to invest in a safe way.

physical activity/weight: i've kinda struggled in those areas. i did lose a good amount of weight in 2020. i'm in a decent shape, but I want to improve. i've been reading a very good book called "Intuitive Eating". it's a paradigm shift. and physical activity, i had some pain in my body as I was doing it, so I didn't do it as much as I would want it.


 • chess. it is an awesome game. it's something i never imagined i'd be interested in, but here I am. and I imagine i will keep playing/studying it for at least the next couple of years. my main goal is to reach a rating of 1500 on chess.com. 

 • piano. despite being kinda demotivated, i kept doing classes. and it was worth it, because I learned a song that I've always dreamed I would be able to play since I was a kid, Rondo Alla Turca, by Mozart.

 • DIY. i've started experimenting with doing things myself. i'm not confident, so i'm focusing on the basics. and it's something that gives a rewarding feeling.

how would you rate it 1-10? 7


it doesn't have to be so structured as the one I did (i'm a virgo lol). it would be cool to hear how you guys are doing.

if you want to do the way I did it:


emotional intelligence:

social life:

relationships/sex life:




physical activity/eating:


how would you rate it 1-10? 


i hope you guys have a great 2022! :)?

Edited by kag101

one day this will all be memories

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Stuck with my fam's idiocy/city fight

and now I end up having a bad sight. 

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I won't go into any details, but it was absolutely the worst year of my life in almost every capacity you listed.

The only reason I'm still here (alive) is because I know next year can't possibly be worse than this one was so I might as well see how it's going to get better hahaha.


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work/study: great I had new projects in the end of the year and I love even more what I do 

emotional intelligence: Way much better but I'm a newbie. Last year I had a toxic relationship, I was weak, stressed, needy. Fortunetely one day I had the courage to break-up with her and I was a totally new person, felt like I was discovering myself for the first time. 
I'm reading & applying the Sedona Method so I think 2022 will be a great year for emotional intelligence. 

social life: Improved my relationship with my friend, became more authentic with them. 

relationships/sex life: oh God no :D I went to prostitute 3 times in the year, I had no girlfriend this year but I know now how to love myself and doing the work to become non-needy & more confident. 

family: a little bit better with my mother, we talk more. I don't see my family very often 

self-development/spirituality: best year for me, I started to spend more time with myself & I stopped a lot of addictions

finances:  Like every year I have what I need to have a decent living

physical activity/eating: Going back to the gym since September, gained 2-3 pounds 

hobbies/habits: Great 

how would you rate it 1-10?  8/10 

Edited by Gabith

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a suicide attempt, an awakening, a 7 month dark night of pure agony and ending with a soft loving mindblowing change of experience and looking forward to 2022 to see how deep this really goes

have a good 1 m8s

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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Best year in my life by infinitudes. And so far, I never had any "bad" years in my life.

Only thing worth mentioning:

Found God/Infinite Love and realized my unity with it.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/76489-1-year-meditation-1h-daily-start-at-100122/

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A couple of intense bad trips, loss of a pet, lack of communication in intimate relationships, a bad breakup. I guess Reality was trying to push me out of my comfort zone, I won't resist no more. 

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work/study: I quit work at the end of august with a big celebration. I've been unemployed and living off of job search allowance since besides my savings. It was a much needed rest, but I can feel it no longer serves my purpose of building a better life so I'll be looking for one right away. Regarding studies, well, I am not sure. I used to study IT in high school and university, but I quit after my second semester because I just didn't see myself in it. It's a complicated story (I tried to enroll again at the same place due to different reasons) but I realized it's currently not for me. I'm still searching for the thing I'm truly passionate about and perhaps could build a career out of.

emotional intelligence: Tons of growth in this regard, however I still tend to be annoyingly disagreeable sometimes (to the point it doesn't help anyone). Tons of room for improvement. Especially this constant gut feeling I can't let go of, it's a big hindrance.

social life: I have a very small social circle (1-2 friends I hang out with, I actually dropped a long-term best friend of mine this year), other than that my workplace used to be my social life. Ever since I quit though it's been different, as I had to go out there to explore socializing on my own. Going to clubs and stuff trying to approach and socialize with little success (though still success sometimes and it's fun to keep going).

relationships/sex life: I had a not exactly toxic, but not fulfilling relationship with a girl I broke up with this year. We just couldn't make it work no matter how hard we tried. It was a real kick in the ass, but life's been going up ever since. I miss her sometimes, she was an angel on the surface and a real hot witch in bed. Celebrated quitting work by going on a festival where I ended up with a girl in my tent at one night, it was fun! It's been dry season since though.

I liked being single, however I'm thinking about dating again.

family: I moved back home this spring in order to save money for the university I ended up not enrolling in (oh the irony). It was nice to spend some time with them, however I realized I literally can't grow up at home so planning to move out preferably before spring. Their worldviews are, well not exactly shallow, but substantially more narrow than mine and there's a lot of friction due to this fact.

self-development/spirituality: Tons of character growth especially since the breakup. It was noticed by everyone I am close to, especially these days. In the context of spirituality I haven't developed much (in my mind), however I began a daily meditation practice with 2x30 minute sessions and it's been a blessing (I tried many times but failed to maintain consistency). I'm definitely more confident and willing to put myself out there, sharing my opinion and insights with people instead of just listening to them.

finances: Bad decisions upon bad decisions in a relative context. My ex best friend owes me a shitload of money (which he's supposedly repaying, he started to recently) and I learned to put a big boundary in front of anyone who's asking for money from me. Had no option to save and I kind of didn't even want to this last part of the year, just wanted to make up for the lost period of time experiencing life itself.

physical activity/eating: I had a moderately heavy physical job which helped me stay in shape, without it it's getting a problem. I started to cook for myself though and it's really delicious!

hobbies/habits: Inconsistency basically everywhere, a lot of improvements to be made. My productivity is increasing lately though, I plan to avoid it not sticking.

how would you rate it 1-10? Overall, perhaps an 8

Edited by Norbert Somogyi
Motivation >:D

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Not bad this year, I've got a decent amount of stuff done at least the stuff that matters. I could have done more with less distraction and less bs in my life but overall I'm quite happy with this year in terms of work & study. Definitely want to be reading more going forward

emotional intelligence:
I've had the most growth in this during November & December when I signed up for childhood conditioning coaching, these sessions have been a blessing and a great eye-opener to the world of my own suppressed emotions and also becoming aware of a lot of stuff I did not pay attention to before. 

social life:
There is no evidence of me having a social life outside of the internet and the virtual world. At least not whilst living in the UK. 

relationships/sex life:
Pretty good. I am very blessed and lucky to have an amazing partner and so our chemistry, intimacy and mutual understanding has been amazing. 

Could be better. I have been neglecting my family quite a bit this year and did not make enough time for them until about September - December time. 

Some decent growth but not as much as could have been, had I spent more time reading and investing. 

Pretty decent, I've found another source of income which hasn't always been great but it added something extra and allowed me to put more effort into important creative work. Overall I feel quite happy with this area of my life at the moment. 

physical activity/eating:
Mostly stable and good. Been maintaining good consistency with healthy habits 

A lot of room for improvement especially around productivity habits and routines. 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 24/12/2021 at 8:07 AM, QQQ said:

"If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family" - Ram Dass

Haha, good one

On 24/12/2021 at 10:20 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

I ended up transitioning to a philosophy/sociology/history/psychology oriented uni, and discovered my joy for writing




On 24/12/2021 at 10:20 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

I did not visit psychologist regarding my aspherghers this year, but then again, I don't think I need to. Visiting her 2 times back in 2019/2020 was enough.

why do you think it was enough?

On 24/12/2021 at 10:20 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

they're hard to describe, and were pretty minor compared to experiences of others on this forum.

i wouldn't worry about that. most people who had those grandiose experiences only had them because they were using psychedelics.

On 24/12/2021 at 10:20 AM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Feels good to talk about ourselves, doesn't it?? Oh, the vanity.

i enjoyed reading it =)


On 24/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, Gabith said:

Fortunetely one day I had the courage to break-up with her and I was a totally new person, felt like I was discovering myself for the first time.

thats awesome, man!


On 24/12/2021 at 11:18 AM, catcat69123 said:

a suicide attempt, an awakening, a 7 month dark night of pure agony and ending with a soft loving mindblowing change of experience and looking forward to 2022 to see how deep this really goes

have a good 1 m8s

:o have you talked with a professional? it reminded me of my 2016.


On 24/12/2021 at 1:43 PM, decentralized said:

Reality was trying to push me out of my comfort zone, I won't resist no more. 

what do you mean by "i wont resist no more"? you'll try to accept whatever happens to you?


On 24/12/2021 at 6:33 PM, Norbert Somogyi said:

Going to clubs and stuff trying to approach and socialize with little success (though still success sometimes and it's fun to keep going).

i think thats the right mindset. the goal is to have fun. ive never been to one tbh. i want to go at least once next year.


On 24/12/2021 at 6:33 PM, Norbert Somogyi said:

I'm definitely more confident and willing to put myself out there, sharing my opinion and insights with people instead of just listening to them.

good! i can relate to that lol.


On 25/12/2021 at 1:03 AM, Myioko said:

 I eat only when I'm slightly hungry and I don't over eat

thats my goal lol

one day this will all be memories

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great thread?

work/study: I’ve been working on my own business and it’s going better than I thought. It’s not easy but being your own boss is priceless.

emotional intelligence: I feel like I became more detached which is something I strive for. Learned a lot about what makes me feel good(Loving as much as possible). 

social life: I’m much more social. Going out twice a week and spend most of my time with people. It makes my life more interesting.

relationships/sex life: I have made some mistakes this year with dating the wrong person which backfired and made a mess.(I don’t like drama). I want to date more women. 

family: There was ups and downs but I got closer to my family. For next year I should learn to put more boundaries.

self-development/spirituality: Stopped meditating. I find it hard to be a saint in this current society. Striving for Orange&green(SD)

finances:  best year so far.

physical activity/eating: started great and dropped to shit at the end. Will improve it significantly next year.

hobbies/habits: Nothing stick. Will workout and start to swim.

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work: Work still has been pretty bad for me this year. I have a job but it's low paying, tiring and potentially dangerous. I am on the lookout for a better job. 

emotional intelligence: My EI has increased tremendously during this year. Read several books and attended several courses. On top of that, I have been going out and gaining new perspectives on a lot of things.

social life: Social life/skills has improved.

relationships/sex life: Relationships life with others has improved. Gone out more often and talk to different people. 

family: My relationship with parents are good. I committed to visiting them at least once a month and was able to keep to that. Disaster happened with my partner and brother however. Both want to sever ties with me. 

self-development/spirituality: I finally go to church regularly. Very happy to make new friends and learn more about God.

finances: Finances was a disaster. Burning money mostly for the whole year but I am confident going forward that I will be able to support myself and eventually thrive.  

physical activity/eating: I have done a decent amount of exercise. Sleep well and eat well too. 

hobbies/habits: My habits are still poor (watching too much videos) I need to have better routines and habits.

how would you rate it 1-10?  3/10 

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work/study: I don't work at the moment.  I have in the past, but when my mental disorder started getting worse I quit work and have not worked for about seven years.  I tried to heal myself with spirituality for almost 6 of those years and simply could not do it.  I do study every day, even though I am not in school, as someone who is naturally curious I find that I must/like to be learning new things all the time or I get bored very easily.  I have to be drawing, or working with my hands, or reading or doing something while awake... I hate watching t.v. and just sitting there without introspection or something.  Sometimes this can be a hindrance to just sitting still for a while, though.
I plan to get myself mentally healthy enough to start part-time work and that is my goal for 2022.  I am keeping my goals realistic, for what I am dealing with.

emotional intelligence: My emotional intelligence has improved quite a lot this year compared to previous years, where I had kept a lot of bitterness, now I can let things go.  I have forgiven a lot of people and can hold space for others and am more friendly and outgoing.  There is still a ways to go with this, as emotional intelligence isn't my strongest gift and generally I am not always sure how I am feeling.

social life: My social life could use improvement, but the thing is I am very introverted and kind of awkward initially.  I used to have friends, but when my mental health got bad, I did not treat them well and they either left - or they betrayed me and did actions that were not good for me, either.  Most of them were high school friends, and we outgrew one another.  This was about 8 - 6 years ago; and there is nothing that we would have in common anymore, although I probably would get along with some of them as I am now better than I did then as I am much more self aware, more informed, more emotionally intelligent and spiritually developed - I can set boundaries and decide for myself, whereas in the past I did not and let it get out of hand and I would then get angry - holding it all in - and sometimes explode on them.  Their actions were not kind and so they "deserved" it - but it ended up making me wallow in the mud with them, thus not making me much better - and then making my protests no longer coming from the high ground.  The thing is, I don't want a bunch of friends, I don't like to have to manage interacting with a lot of people.  I find a lot of things people do to be boring.  I like to be busy with my hobbies, listening to music or imagining.  I plan on making some friends in a year or two after I work on some emotional stuff first for the year 2022.  I'll make maybe four or five friends and that is all I can handle - all I can offer my time to.  They will be treated well, but first I need to work on some things emotionally, have a few more awakenings, and get a bit busier with my life so that I have things going on for myself.

relationships/sex life: I'm not looking right now, and wasn't this year - after attempting to get to know someone in 2020 and it ending in arguments, followed by a rehash of the exact same behaviour ... yet again, I still need to work on myself before I can do that.  I need to develop confidence, self love and build for myself a daily schedule that I can put my time focusing on, and my meds need a year or two of working; adjustments and stuff, I want to be sure I don't get delusional while in a relationship because that's, well, it is embarrassing when that happens.  I plan on trying mushrooms this summer and to do some serious introspection this year to weed out some family and previous relationship baggage first - I want to leave all of that at the door and not bring it with me; I want to have some things going for me in terms of what I want to be doing for myself so that a relationship doesn't end up being the only thing I focus on or spend time on, I want to keep my sense of self and ability to work on my path and make sure that I am remaining authentic to myself, and I need to have the extra space in order to hold space for someone and I don't have the extra space mentally right now.  I have never had a positive relationship, and I would like to experience that someday.  I don't want... like, forever.  I just want day by day, each day, a bit of improvement, add time into it, and go from there but I need to mature and individuate first or I will become too attached in the wrong ways, or too little and then too much interested, back and forth like that - I don't have that stable space from which to create something and the whole point of relationships is to hold that space and add to it, so that it creates kind of like a "bank account", or "third entity" of action, that over time becomes fluid and is generated on trust and love - I know how to do that internally - on paper - but not in reality.  So this is something I will work towards, but won't be ready for for another year or two.  I might seek a therapist when I find a relationship and then have the therapist help me build that space - and help me navigate my traumas and stuff.  I don't want a "therapist partner" and I don't want to get lost in another person and lose my sense of self.  Individuality is very important.  I've learned all this in 2012, whereas before I wouldn't even know what I want or be able to articulate this.  It took a lot of self reflection to get to this point, and this is just the beginning.  There's still the "have to go through and re-live the trauma and make it right with myself" point - that's where the therapist will come in.
I need a neutral third party to basically show me how to love another human properly because my family is dysfunctional and did not teach me these things and they spread to me.

family: My relationship with my family has improved tenfold after going on bipolar medication.  I used to fight with them all the time and I would be paranoid, or if they asked me to do something around the house I didn't have the ability to switch gears and would just get pissy.  I can voice my needs easier now and we are more respectful towards one another.  My bipolar got really bad.  I was either manic or catatonic.  So I moved back in with them because I need to work on developing, basically, a productive day that can move me forward.  And the things I had avoided learning for myself all hit me like a ton of bricks - and so I still need them.  I can't do it all on my own.  I wish I could.  So we all worked together, I helped them out, and we moved into a new home and we love it.  My family can retire here and my brother and I will inherit the home when they pass away.  I feel safe now, whereas earlier this year I was living in paranoid fear, delusion and anger and it felt like my mind was "on fire" - now things feel like, calmer, more peaceful.  I feel hopeful for the future and don't feel scared that I will end up homeless, or mentally ill beyond repair.  I learned that with a support system, I can grow and that it is okay to ask for help and I learned that if you have Bipolar 1 - the more severe type - that you have to stay on meds.  Spirituality will not fix a brain chemistry that is so messed up that it makes you catatonic.  It just won't.

self-development/spirituality: I need to do better in the self-development department.  As I mentioned, the mental illness took away my motivation to even take care of myself.  But I did learn what I need to be doing in order to grow based off of what was not working for me ands so now I know what I need to do to develop myself, and I can see where my limitations are.  I don't feel manically grandiose anymore, either, I can see my skillset for where it is.  Spiritually, I grew the most this year.  I've had two hospitalizations that proved to be very helpful, and many awakenings that have shown me things about myself that I did not know.  Both good and bad.  I learned what the entity that I have been working with is, I was able to move it towards the path of light, I learned that my experiences were so intense that they were like a long salvia trip of feverish delusion.  My autoimmune disease flared up around March, and continued for a few months and during this time I had many fever-awakenings that gave me insight into what happens after death.  I was literally preparing for my death, I thought I couldn't handle myself.  I didn't think anyone would come to help, and I could "move" myself.  I tried reaching out to people on YouTube and got delusionally attached and also paranoid about them - just like you'd expect from someone with these sorts of issues - I had to play out the entire spectrum of karma with this person, in order to then see what I needed to work on.
I am like a new person in a lot of respects, but there is still a long ways to go and there is so much room for improvement.  This was a year of learning about, and conquering the fear of death, and it was about accepting my mental illnesses instead of running from them and pretending that I was okay, and could fix myself on my own without any support at all.  I tried to hide it for a long time, and it all came crashing down when I needed those hospital stays to stabilize.  I saw how the medication actually really DID HELP PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK.  I saw them, within weeks, recover in very good ways, and that those who were delusional, or catatonic or schizophrenic, got better.  They did!  The only thing that was a failure was the lack of allowing spirituality, because a lot of people were having spiritual symptoms as well and were told those were delusions.  I have done enough work to be able to tell the difference... usually, but plan to do much more work so that I never, ever.... hopefully, end up with another one again.

My goals for this upcoming year are to simply find part-time work, to lose the weigh the meds made me gain through working out, and to do a morning routine that should then set the stage for busier, more eventful days.  I want to start small and give myself goals that I will actually be able to finish.  Before being medicated, I would get manic and think I could do all these things that I could not do - and then would crash and couldn't move and I would be paralyzed by fear and emotional anguish that is rooted in trauma, but the illness seemed to magnify it and I couldn't step back far enough from my emotions to work on it.  Now I can.  I plan do that this year as well.

I've been doing a lot more art, lately as well.  When sick, I stop my favorite hobbies.
My goal is basically to "get a life".  Literally.  Build a daily routine over the next few years that will get me through and just maintain it.  After developing a morning routine for a year and working for just two days a week, I can add onto that the next year, and add a nightly routine, and then the year after that, something else, that is small but life changing and do-able.

This whole year has been one of intense karmic growth.

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work/study: improved quite a bit in this department. Feel like the first time I’ve actually worked towards something regarding my academics. 

emotional intelligence: basically 0 although I don’t feel like developing it will be that helpful in my situation anyways

social life: I’ve been trying to understand how socializing works. Analyzing conversations and my own interactions etc. Overall some good progress. 

sex life: there isn’t much I can do here, still too horny for my own good. the getting laid series was really helpful though 

family: Ok. They can be annoying to deal with but whatever.

spirituality: Tried meditation again a few times but stopped because of reasons (definitely will try again next year)

health: worsened. Very frustrating and demotivating at times. 

Rating out of 10… hmm


hope 2022 will be better.

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In 2021, I realized that one should be grateful for each day that we are alive.

The idea of a "good" vs. "bad" year went away, and I understood that we all learn valuable lessons throughout life .. even from the "bad" years.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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On 26/12/2021 at 7:14 PM, Myioko said:

It kind of just happens :P You can do it! When I tried to make myself eat less, I ate more, but when I try eating what makes me feel good, I eat less and overeating really does become unappealing 

that makes sense. the book i'm reading talks about that. it also suggests to ask myself some questions such as: "how hungry am I?", "do I really want to eat that?"

one day this will all be memories

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On 26/12/2021 at 7:27 PM, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Because this forum and youtube channel helped me more, than any psychologist could ever hope to help me.

idk about that... in my experience it has been the contrary. it has to be a good psychologist thou.


On 26/12/2021 at 8:12 PM, Heaven said:

work/study: I’ve been working on my own business and it’s going better than I thought. It’s not easy but being your own boss is priceless.



On 26/12/2021 at 9:58 PM, hyruga said:

I have been going out and gaining new perspectives on a lot of things.

im glad to hear that


On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

I plan to get myself mentally healthy enough to start part-time work and that is my goal for 2022.  I am keeping my goals realistic, for what I am dealing with.

sounds like a plan!

On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

I plan on making some friends in a year or two

do you have any idea where can you find new people?

On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

I still need to work on myself before I can do that.  I need to develop confidence, self love and build for myself a daily schedule

just be careful to not "overprepare". this can quickly turn into a self-sabotaging perfectionism.

On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

I need a neutral third party to basically show me how to love another human properly because my family is dysfunctional and did not teach me these things and they spread to me.

 i've been going to a good therapist over the past 2,5 years, and it's been changing my life. it goes to the core of the problem. it's not a quick-fix psychedelic trip that doesn't last. it's a gradual and reliable process. 

On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

family: My relationship with my family has improved tenfold after going on bipolar medication.  I used to fight with them all the time and I would be paranoid, or if they asked me to do something around the house I didn't have the ability to switch gears and would just get pissy.  I can voice my needs easier now and we are more respectful towards one another.  My bipolar got really bad.  I was either manic or catatonic.  So I moved back in with them because I need to work on developing, basically, a productive day that can move me forward.  And the things I had avoided learning for myself all hit me like a ton of bricks - and so I still need them.  I can't do it all on my own.  I wish I could.  So we all worked together, I helped them out, and we moved into a new home and we love it.  My family can retire here and my brother and I will inherit the home when they pass away.  I feel safe now, whereas earlier this year I was living in paranoid fear, delusion and anger and it felt like my mind was "on fire" - now things feel like, calmer, more peaceful.  I feel hopeful for the future and don't feel scared that I will end up homeless, or mentally ill beyond repair.  I learned that with a support system, I can grow and that it is okay to ask for help and I learned that if you have Bipolar 1 - the more severe type - that you have to stay on meds.  Spirituality will not fix a brain chemistry that is so messed up that it makes you catatonic.  It just won't.


On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

it was about accepting my mental illnesses instead of running from them and pretending that I was okay, and could fix myself on my own without any support at all.  I tried to hide it for a long time, and it all came crashing down when I needed those hospital stays to stabilize.  I saw how the medication actually really DID HELP PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK.  I saw them, within weeks, recover in very good ways, and that those who were delusional, or catatonic or schizophrenic, got better.  They did!

i got goosebumps at this part. btw - are you currently going to a psychiatrist?

On 26/12/2021 at 10:22 PM, Loba said:

My goal is basically to "get a life".  Literally.  Build a daily routine over the next few years that will get me through and just maintain it.  After developing a morning routine for a year and working for just two days a week, I can add onto that the next year, and add a nightly routine, and then the year after that, something else, that is small but life changing and do-able.

i can really relate to what you wrote. i think you're on the right path! i accepted that i needed medical help in 2018. i got stabilized in December of 2019. then in 2020, i was able to work on maintaining some basic routine and i also started some hobbies. then in 2021, i started college. so it's a gradual process of fixing my life.

and i have to say that going to a psychologist helps me tremendously. the fact that my mood is stabilized (thanks to medication) allows me to navigate through life without feeling like i had a 100-lbs weight on my shoulder. but the thing is, because i havent had many experiences in my life (because I was in zombie-mode for many years), im still imature in some areas. and my therapist helps me a lot to accelerate my healing. id say it amplifies 10x. it's like a calibration. 


7 hours ago, Dryas said:

hope 2022 will be better.

me too! health problems is such a pain in the ass

one day this will all be memories

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