Kyle Gjerseth

Thoughts/question on using psychedelics while attempting to burn through karma

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Lately I've been allowing myself to go on social media, watch porn, eat shitty food, use more caffeine and nicotine, and have a general attitude of laziness. I'm surprised I haven't started to feel depressed. The truth is that my highest desire is to do drugs again but I'm on paper and I don't want to go back to jail. I've been meditating for around 10 minutes a day, far less than I used to. A thought came up in my meditation recently that I could do shrooms and pass a ua. I can't tell if my intentions would be to escape or to gain insight about myself. Based on my past experience with LSD (the only psychedelic I've been able to access), I believe taking shrooms could temporarily relieve my drug cravings and allow me to focus on the things that I'm most passionate about, which are mostly based on forming strong relationships with people (I believe I'm at stage green), planting trees, working at my terrible job more so I can buy gifts for people, researching the mental health field, and avoiding anti-social/damaging behavior. On the one hand I think this temporary "improvement" could be beneficial for my mental and physical health and help to give me a sense of direction. On the other hand I believe this would hinder my burning through karma intention as I believe I simply wouldn't have the desire to do the "bad" things I desire to do as I write this. Even though I've admitted to myself that my highest desire lies in getting high, I feel scared about potentially getting psychologically addicted to shrooms. That's awfully confusing for me as I'm obviously contradicting myself. I've been feeling my cognitive performance decline since I've started engaging in these unhealthy activities more often. I'm very forgetful and my adhd is much more noticeable. I believe doing hard drugs would make these symptoms worse and ultimately prevent me from accomplishing my long-term goal of becoming some sort of mental health professional. Another symptom is anxiety. I feel anxious about asking so many questions on this forum and not providing any valuable insight to people I see struggling on here. "Maybe I'll get banned because I've been perceived as engaging in mental masturbation the whole time I've been asking questions on the forum." Is that possible? I'm asking for people's thoughts/advice on my recent experience. I want to know if I'd be doing things "right" by taking psychedelics again while attempting to burn through my karma.

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There's a small chance psychedelics will improve your daily life. Could even make it worse likely.

Burning through karma by indulging in cravings is very questionable attitude imo.

Edited by Salvijus

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It is one thousand times easier to create a new habit than to destroy a bad one.

Also probably it's just an ego trick to indulge again in endless pleasure search, which as you might have discovered does not satisfy you and also you know where that road leads to. Pleasure cannot make you happy that is it's nature, it cannot satisfy, you must cognise and realise this, you must digest this understanding. Otherwise, your life will be an endless desire and cravings. For sure you must burn through them, but the right diamond discernment and understanding must be applied. Which is: that did not make me happy, is not making me happy and will not make me ever happy. Nobody has evern been happy lost in pleasures, it's imposible. You must order your life what goes first must go first. Your will-power is unbeatable you just have never used it to break free from all your life-negativity-patterns. Understanding is like a lightning or you get it right here and now or you are not getting what I'm saying, that is the right discernment about this post.

Edited by The Buddha

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5 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Burning through karma by indulging in cravings is very questionable attitude imo.

Could you say more about that? I feel the same way to a small degree but my understanding was that it's necessary to pursue what you desire. Maybe I need to rewatch that episode.

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8 minutes ago, Kyle Gjerseth said:

Could you say more about that? I feel the same way to a small degree but my understanding was that it's necessary to pursue what you desire. Maybe I need to rewatch that episode.

There are thousands of other methods to burn karma which are much more effective and healthier. To indulge is when all the other methods failed and you just exhaust the craving in order to cause a cognitive shift in your system.

One of the best methods to clean karma is listening to Sri Rudram. I strongly recommend you to start this video 1.5h before the sunset and to have it on the background, or better to be fully on it.


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2 hours ago, Kyle Gjerseth said:

Could you say more about that? I feel the same way to a small degree but my understanding was that it's necessary to pursue what you desire. Maybe I need to rewatch that episode.

I think most you can achieve by indulging in pleasures is disillusionment that they won't bring happyness. And then the real burning of karma starts. It's called a spiritual path ? 

You can chase money, sex, fame, pleaures etc..etc. believing it will make you happy. After you do all those things. It's possible that a realization will happen that all these things won't make me happy. And then a person turns spiritual. But it's a dumb stupid way of doing things. If you’re smart, you can see through the nonsense of worldy pleaures and jump over it on a spiritual path without going through all that drama.

That's how I see it at least. It's true tho that many people are so blind that if you tell them wordly pleasures won't make them happy. They will not comprehend this and deny it. So these type of people need to struggle in the world a bit. Play the rat race games. Chase after their fantasies. Pursue all kinds of pleasures etc. After they do all that for long enough wisdom is supposed to come. That these things are not going to make me happy. But if you're smart, all this is irrelevent. This advise to indulge in pleasures is for stupid people who have no vision at all. ? 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Also the word "burning through karma" has a different meaning here I think then the original meaning. 

Original meaning of burning through karma is the end of desire. 

It's impossible to burn through desire by indulging in pleasures. It's actually creates an opposite effect. It's gathering more and more karma this way. More and more unsatisfaction and cravings.

The more you chase pleaures more karma gets acquired. Real burning of karma means, end of cravings. That is only possible through some spiritual dicipline or path. By the practice of awareness and purification and selfless activity/seva. It's the opposite of indulgance. It's total abstainance of pleaures combined with awareness and spiritual dicipline. This leads to liberation and the end of karma in the original meaning of the word. People are misusing this word for something else here i think.

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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