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How to handle somatic symptoms when triggered at night

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So let me start. Sometimes at night I can get wound up and triggered by something and it can make it hard to sleep. I’ll find myself in a mild to moderate fight or flight state. I’ll have uncomfortable sensations at the back of my neck, chest, etc. A lot of emotions. I’ll feel a little ungrounded as well. I’m very careful not to jump into my head, follow thoughts, etc when feeling like this. In general it’s just very uncomfortable sitting with the sensations. I’m doing other stuff to address the underlying causes for it but there is a time and place for that so I don’t jump into this sort of stuff at night or especially when triggered like this cause it’s kinda like a rusty valve, once it’s open it’s hard to close it. So I’m mature and carful when to navigate and explore this stuff. 

I at one point had what many might classify as PTSD but I’ve been able to handle the symptoms on my own for years now and overall am doing great. 

Some stuff in my relationship or work will sometimes trigger it and I’ll have problems sleeping at night cause I’ll be stuck in a sort of mild episode that just makes my body very uncomfortable and emotional. I’m also staying up really late at night and it’s been challenging to get my sleep schedule to more usual hours of rest. 

I'm looking for tips on how to handle such a situation when it’s occurring and anyone who has faced this before as well and what has worked for you. Overall I’m super grateful to be where I am though because it was so much worse years ago. I overcame facing when it was chronic and severe and now it’s just moderate to mild sporadically (2-4 times a month, maybe a bit more sometimes), usually on days I was stressed by something or during nights I have something important to do the next day.

Thanks !

Edited by Lyubov

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Meditate before sleep and take a shower. Shower is number 1 thing to do. Meditation is also great.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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