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Answered my hero's call!!Any advice on working with addicts?

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I have answered the calland am beginning my hero's journey. Working with a local orginization and starting as a volunteer, I will be directing a free art program for recovering addicts/alcoholics. This program will help them cope through art and will help them think about their problems through art. I will also be incorporating short meditations into the beginning of each class.

What are some of the most common problems that addicts/alcoholics have that hold them back from being their best selves?

Unresolved trauma? To little control of emotions? Mental illnesses? Lack of grattitude?

I ask because I want to focus on what will potentially make the biggest impact on the most people attending.

Edited by Adodd

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I'm aligned with Gabor Mate, with a lot of my views.

Addictions occur as a result of trauma, usually childhood related.

However, I think a lot of people have a lot of structural obstacles that prevent them from changing as well. I.e. they feel very unsafe in the world because of their material circumstances (say treatment at a shitty job). And so there psychic system isn't so open to change.


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Addictions are about loneliness. This is why support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous work– because of connection. Connection is the antidote to addiction, along with other things. I personally think having a sense of purpose is one of those things. But I think connecting through art and connecting through the support of this organization is a great way to help addicts. Congrats on such a noble call! It is a really beautiful service to give. Addiction is such a huge problem in our society, especially considering the impact it has on others. Good luck! ^_^

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