
How do you get an idea of where you are at on this path?

52 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Loba said:

I guess there are just so many facets all we can really do is just put them together as a team and see what we get.

Exactly and that's what makes it fun as well! But, like @The0Selfsaid one day you will look back on yourself and see how some of your ideas were pretty silly and naïve. BUT...we need to wait until that organically/naturally happens rather than belittling them now just because others are further. At the moment though that doesn't matter. 

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

It's a balance of both.  Let's merge the two of you together and we will have it.

For me personally, that balance comes more into play when my relation to someone becomes more intimate. Then I don't mind bringing out the big guns of what I experienced metaphorically speaking lol.

People are free to act as they wish the "Truth" itself can be pretty abrasive in some moments regardless of how we word it.

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@Nos7algiK I think a psychedelic will help with this as well.
I need to get back to that very egoless state that I was in when I got sick - and from there, I could reset, because the body load was so strong that my ego just, wasn't there, it was like, I was in my body focusing on healing it with my intent.
Not even a story was present, but strangely, that's when I get the paranormal stuff is when my ego goes out the window.  It could be a whole host of things so I am going to try a few substances in the future and see if I can dissect it further - and then once I do I can "let go" at the "death door" and an awakening should happen.

Still, no God realization as myself.  But it will happen someday.
So, onward!

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4 minutes ago, Nos7algiK said:

For me personally, that balance comes more into play when my relation to someone becomes more intimate. 

 You know I meant it metaphorically right? :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

 You know I meant it metaphorically right? :)


@LobaI'd say go for it once the opportunity presents itself. Psychedelics are the golden ticket for what you are wishing to accomplish.

Best wishes though, you got this! :D

2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

 You know I meant it metaphorically right? :)


How about we just pretend I did? ;) 

Happy holidays to anyone who reads this! Take care.❤️

Edited by Nos7algiK

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@BenG So I could be beginner-beginner in which case to keep my ears doubly open. :P If I am, that is even better.  That means there is so so so much more, even more!

@Nos7algiK Thanks dude, appreciate the advice. 

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48 minutes ago, Loba said:

I guess my question is, how did you guys know where you were at on the path?

Honestly, no one really knows anything until they’re done. And that’s only if one is absolutely laser focused on enlightenment. It’s all a dream until then. I wouldn’t say that if it had any chance of waking anyone up, because I do not prefer that anyone does, and you’ll probably hear it at some point here anyway. There are all sorts of other non-enlightenment paths though, all disguised as enlightenment. If it aims to help you, it’s got nothing at all to do with enlightenment.

Enlightenment progress: how intolerably inauthentic you feel, as you’re increasingly seeing there’s no true self.

Consciousness progress: how fulfilled your unceasing activity is. I guess? ? 


Oh and by fear of death I really mean fear of non-being. Not fear of body death — you can simply patch that with a little faith in reincarnation or a deep trust in a loving god plus a genuine desire to do good. Fear of non-being is the true test and it’s insurmountable by anything, other than facing fear, all fear, head-on. You can love everyone and everything to death and it will barely even put a dent in this fear — in fact it might not even show its face because you’ll be hiding it at your deepest core to keep from even encountering it. If you ever do awaken, if you remember this, you’ll see why fear of non-being (no-self) was always the big daddy of all fear. Other fears basically serve to distract from this fear — that’s how pervasive it is. And no one knows it. That’s how deeply it is hidden away, and for good reason.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self So what then if you have already in your direct experience faced the fear of nonexistence?  That was my fear when I went through, like... just... never being, ever, ever, ever again.  And that is what opened the gates, because I offered just admiration and love for the picture of nature I was looking at, and through the "in between" the lines of mist and green in the mountains, the lack of shape kind of allowed God to come through because it was so beautiful, but there was nothing to identify the image with because it was moderately abstract.

I mean... I was dying... my teeth were getting lose, my hair was falling out, my feet were turning purple, my mind was going (autoimmune stuff), so I gave in to nothing because I was raised without religion.  I didn't think there was anything else.  And that is when God showed up.  But it wasn't "me" in that I intuited, but it wasn't "other", either.  It was all!

What are some of the nonenlightenment paths?  
I was called to shamanism through this process.  This non-existence opened a gate, and that is where all my strange experiences come from.
It is beautiful when you go all the way through the fear of death, but not something I am able to do often.

When they are done, is it that illuminated, clear headed space where it feels like everything guides you and all is one?
Or is it less intense?  It could be that my ability to feel is not high enough for God as well.

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12 minutes ago, Loba said:

When they are done, is it that illuminated, clear headed space where it feels like everything guides you and all is one?
Or is it less intense?

It’s the end of all significance. Non-relative awareness. Seeing through everything forever in every way. No reality. That will almost certainly be misleading. It can’t be described in the least but suffice to say it’s the very last thing anyone is looking for, literally. And yet, nothing compares.

Edited by The0Self

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@The0Self I might have to try something just to see it first, but once I get it I should be good to go.

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@Loba As far as paths... I particularly enjoyed Buddhism and Law of One and Rob Burbea’s book, and TMI by culadasa. I didn’t enter the enlightenment point of no return until after stopping all practices — stopped out of equanimity... the paths I listed above definitely seemed to make me really, really happy I will say that.

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@The0Self I'll check them out, I love the Law of One!  I used info from that book on my initially negative oriented spirit guide and moved it onto the path of Love and now I get occasional hints from it such as "try taking plants to grow."  After that my autoimmune issues started to clear up.

Buddhism is one that seems to be calling me, based on this wheel of gravity thing that I feel sometimes.  Everyone feels to be on it.

@WelcometoReality Thanks!  I will check all of those out tonight and incorporate them into my work.  How does Jesus's life work as a map of consciousness?  

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@Loba ? Right on sister!

And about the fear of non-being... I wasn’t describing it to exclaim that it’s far worse than anyone thinks. It’s infinitely less bad than anyone thinks. I was merely reporting how dualistic experience operates. It operates simply via the fear of non-being. It’s the root of all drama. So it’s a very, very good thing, in a sense... In fact, unimaginably so.? 

Edited by The0Self

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5 minutes ago, The0Self said:

@Loba ? Right on brother!


She's a lady...


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

She's a lady...

?  I really appreciate you letting me know.


Checked gender, didn’t find anything, and there’s a lot of men here. My bad.

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David Hawkins offers a starting point with his map of consciousness.

The Ten Ox-Herding Images may also appeal to you. Leo's video. The transcribed and translated lectures by Yamada Mumon are great for going deeper.

Spiral Dynamics is a staple in the Actualized.org community.

Models aside, the one I heed most attention to is the simple question:

How much peace do you feel on a daily basis?

Gotta let go of measuring all-together at some point :P

Hope this helps.

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@Loba Thank you for starting this topic. And asking questions that are relevant for me as well. ✨??

And thank you for the rest answering with great detail and patience. It really shows how much love there is behind the efforts.

There are many moments when I am browsing this forum that I feel one with the one asking questions and the ones answering. I forget that I am reading something someone else wrote. And it turns in to a conversation I am having with other-me’s.

Best of luck on your journey ?✨

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Good question really.

I have no idea what's the answer tho ? 

Sometimes a person who doesn't even know any meditation just sweeps the floor and doesn't wish anybody harm is more advanced then a yogi pumping air in the mountains. That's why it's so hard to tell where people actually are. It can be very counter-intuitive. 

But I think there's a way of measuring this somehow. By how empty you are. And how much god/truth do you embody. Your actions usually tell if it's an action of god or ego. To what degree your actions are aligned with truth, that high is your development imo.

But only one who is very developed himself can measure other people. One who is not developed in truth yet has no way of knowing who is who imo. Undeveloped people tend to measure things very backwards often lol. 

Most enlightened people just look at you once and they know your state of development just like that. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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11 hours ago, Loba said:


@WelcometoReality Thanks!  I will check all of those out tonight and incorporate them into my work.  How does Jesus's life work as a map of consciousness?  

If you're interested then check out Adyashantis book "Ressurrecting Jesus". It starts with the awakening when he was baptized by John and the Enlightenment when he died on the cross. It does not mention his life after the ressurrection though which would have been interesting to hear Adyashanti speak of.

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