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Habit Transformation

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17/02/19, Sunday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 3
Programming my Subconscious Mind (30min) - Streak 1

17/02/20, Monday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 4
Programming my Subconscious Mind (30min) - Streak 2

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17/02/21, Tuesday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 5
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 3

17/02/22, Wednesday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 6
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 4
Getting up directly - Streak 1
Mindfulness Meditation - Streak 1

I think 15 minutes of visualization and affirmation exercises are enough, so I've changed the habit.

I want to start getting up directly. Yesterday I have wasted 40 minutes in the morning just from being lazy.

And I want to improve my mindfulness. So I will substitute do nothing with mindfulness. I always hated mindfulness meditation because I am so bad at it. But Peter Ralston motivated me to do it again. I will improve over time, if I just do it every day. This habit is not hard, so I think I can just add it too.

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17/02/23, Thursday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 7
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 5
Getting up directly - Streak 2
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 2

17/02/24, Friday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 8
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 6
Getting up directly - Streak 3
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 3

17/02/25, Saturday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 9
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 7
Getting up directly - Streak 4
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 4

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17/02/28, Tuesday

Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner, without additional stimulation - Streak 12
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 10
Getting up directly - Streak 7
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 7

Getting up directly gets easy through just not laying down again and just sitting in bed until I get out of bed.

The eating stuff gets easy too. I often feel full and don't want to eat. Normally I still eat because of habit. It would be strange to just skip dinner. But the often I eat less. It is doing towards the right direction.

Eating without additional stimulation is also easy. I just sit in the living room, on my couch or in my sisters room. I try to practice a bit of gratitude for the beautiful food and try to eat slow and mindful. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work so well. But I definitively eat less because of that.

I want to increase my mindfulness a lot. I already am able to act a bit slower and more mindful throughout the day. Just while studying its hard. I want to do a lot more mindfulness meditation. I want to make out of March the "Mindfulness March" :D. I mainly want to do mindfulness meditation. It seems like I did the contemplation stuff just to distract myself from the main problem, the annoying monkey mind and that I just am so bad at mindfulness meditation.

I created a new vision board which I will also use to program my subconscious mind. Maybe I will also create a video where I put in all the other great pictures which didn't fit onto the vision board.

Life is great. Constantly improving a little bit. The future will be amazing.

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I fool myself!!!

I need to be radically honest to myself!!!


Edited by JKG

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17/03/04, Saturday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 0

Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 14
Getting up directly - Streak 11
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 11

As I said above, I fool myself. I make little excuses here and there. For example I ate lunch on Sundays while watching Leo. That is kind of a ritual I really like, but IT IS AN EXCUSE! Or today I ate cake in the afternoon and many other unhealthy snacks (my birthday). Or on Thursday afternoon my teacher brought us apples and I ate one. 

These excuses are generally not bad, but they are excuses! At the moment I don't make tooo many excuses, but in the future the excuses would become more and more. Then homeostasis kicks in more and more and I am back at normal. Eating is my weakness and there I have to be especially cautious.

It is kind of frustrating because I want to implement many other habits too. But first things first. First eating less. Otherwise it will never work out in the long term.

But still I want to try something new out, regarding the getting up directly. I want to try out a function of my alarm that I have to take a picture of a certain object. Then I will have to go to the bathroom/shower, change my clothes, work out for 10 or 20 minutes, then take a cold shower... Just trying it out. Inspired by this German video:


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17/03/05, Sunday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 1

Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 15
Getting up directly - Streak 12
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 12

I ate two pieces of vegan apple cake as a part of lunch, because I am not allowed to eat cake after lunch. How often do I need to experience this? After eating cake I just feel bad, very very bad. In the afternoon I then had absolutely no desire to eat. Maybe half an hour before dinner I ate a few grapes, but thats okay. Is that really okay? Isn't this homeostasis? Yes, I have to reset the streak. No excuses.

Breakfast I ate with my parents after 4 promodoro chemistry study sessions. Lunch I ate (without watching Leo) in my sisters room where my little cousins were playing. And dinner I ate with the family.

I did a 1h SDS session again. I haven't done SDS in a while, but now I want to get better at it, longer durations, enduring pain... For the first half I was pretty tired. Sometimes I just closed my eyes and then my body automatically lend forward. So I had to stay in this weird position for the rest of the hour. I could have gone longer.
It was hard to do mindfulness while being sleepy. I still need to figure out the optimal time to meditate.

I was awake directly and looked on my phone for 5 minutes. I felt very much resistance against doing the idea from yesterday. One thing at a time.

I think I should turn the bright lights on while programming my subconscious mind in the morning. Sometimes I also get sleepy there, so bright lights could lower my melatonin level.

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17/03/06, Monday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 2

Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 16
Getting up directly - Streak 13
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 13

I resist writing about this. I again made excuses. One was a very good excuse, one a very bad excuse. The good one was that I wrote an 4.25 hour exam and therefore needed to eat some fruit to keep my brain working throughout the exam. The bad one is that I came back home, my father said that we had cake left over, he just gave me some, and I just ate it. Then I even got another piece. And I really was conscious making the decision to make the excuse.

I have some problems with this eating only 3 times a day habit, because of two more exams in the next two weeks and more birthday stuff. The exam stuff is okay because it is a good excuse. But this week my sister has her birthday and I will again feel obligated to eat this fucking cake in the afternoon, and the same happens on the weekend again because there more family members come for my and my sisters birthday.

I could be able to get myself out of this situation on my sisters birthday because I have long school. But on the weekend... Either I will just pause this habit for the rest of the week, or I endure the emotional labor of saying now and being looked at weird by my family. Shit.

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17/03/07, Tuesday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 0

Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 17
Getting up directly - Streak 14
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 14
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 0

No excuses, not letting homeostasis gradually kicking in!

I need to be firm with my goal. I want to eat light, feel light, have a lot of energy, eat raw vegan, doing fasting periods, detoxification... to have a healthy, functional body, and longevity. I need to tackle this now. Really! I need to start visualizing this. This should be my focus at the moment. When this habit is handled, I will be able to focus more efficiently on other goals. Then my focus will not be between many different goals and I can work better on future goals. In 21 days I will be done with this eating habit. On the 29th of March I will be done! No cake, no snacks, no distraction! This is my only goal at the moment!


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17/03/10, Friday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 3
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 3

Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 20
Getting up directly - Streak 17
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 17
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 3

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17/03/11, Saturday

Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 4

Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 4
Getting up directly - Streak 18
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 18
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 21 (!!!!!)

Well, I ate 5 pieces of cake and feel terrible afterwards. Always I tell myself "never again."

I think about changing this "Eating breakfast, lunch, dinner." Sometimes the circumstances just don't fit together with this regiment. And I still overeat sometimes. Maybe it would be better to eat only when I really feel like I want or need to eat and only as much as my body needs. That will be harder because sometimes it feels just good to really overeat. I love it while doing it and getting just unconscious.

Maybe "Eating only when my body needs food and only as much as my body needs." It is just highly subjective and I can easily fool myself. To prevent that I should meditate for 5 minutes and listen to my body.

And I got this intuition that I should try to quit eating gluten in maybe one year. I often feel so heavy and bad after eating grain products. But first I want to do intermittent fasting again and other stuff.

I love it to see myself making progress and also failing. Although I have never reached the 21 Streak at any of those eating habits my habits have improved. And I really love the programming the subconscious mind habit. My mindset has been very positive in the last weeks. I feel like I will really work towards my life purpose.

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17/03/12, Sunday

Eating only when and only as much food as my body needs - Streak 1
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 5

Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 5
Getting up directly - Streak 19
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 19
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 22

I ate at 9:30am breakfast (1 apple, 1 pear, 1 banana), at 1pm lunch (buckwheat porridge), at 4pm a snack (1 avocado with 1 tomato) and dinner at 7pm (potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips). At all occasions I had some sort of hunger.

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went on. That was cool.

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17/03/13, Monday

Eating only when and only as much food as my body needs - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 6

Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 6
Getting up directly - Streak 20
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 20
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 23

I ate an oat meal for breakfast although I was not particularly hungry, fruit would have been enough. At lunch I ate after the salad a smoothie although I was already satisfied with the salad. In the afternoon I snacked cake. This will be harder than I thought.

Tomorrow morning I will eat some fruit after 4 promodoro sessions of studying. For lunch the salad will be enough. In the afternoon I will have to do enough so that I will overcome the temptation to snack. And at dinner I might eat two plates of whatever.

Otherwise everything else is working well.

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17/03/14, Tuesday

Eating only when and only as much food as my body needs - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 7

Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 7
Getting up directly - Streak 21
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 21
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 24

I ate nuts after dinner although I was pretty full. My body didn't need it!

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I think "Eating only when and only as much food as my body needs" is to much at the moment. I already struggle at the beginning of the day with the breakfast.

I will change it to "Eating a light raw breakfast." That means fruits or a smoothie but no oatmeal stuff like I do at the moment.

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17/03/15, Wednesday

Eating a light raw breakfast - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 8

Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 8
Getting up directly - Streak 22
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 22
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 25


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17/03/16, Thursday

Eating no snacks - Streak 0
Eating a light raw breakfast - Streak 1
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 9

Gratitude (5min) - Streak 1
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 9
Getting up directly - Streak 23
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 23
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 26

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17/03/16, Friday

Eating no snacks - Streak 1
Eating a light raw breakfast - Streak 0
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 10

Gratitude (5min) - Streak 2
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 10
Getting up directly - Streak 24
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 24
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 27

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17/03/18, Saturday

Eating no snacks - Streak 2
Eating a light raw breakfast - Streak 1
Eating without additional stimulation - Streak 11

Gratitude (5min) - Streak 3
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 11
Getting up directly - Streak 25
Mindfulness Meditation (15min) - Streak 25
Programming my Subconscious Mind (15min) - Streak 28

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