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Habit Transformation

239 posts in this topic

@Alex K I think she already has few years, it would be boring to write it down and just increase the number all the time!

When it rains, it pours like hell.

My blog:

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 9
Concentration (10min) - Streak 9 (not yet but in a minute)
Fasting until 12 - Streak 9
Getting up directly - Streak 0

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 0
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 9
Waking up my body outside - Streak 14
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 20 (not yet but in a minute)
Eating no oat meal - Streak 10
Eating no raisins - Streak 10
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 32
Self-Love - Streak 6
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 20
Gratitude - Streak 65

The new experience: I went with my mother into the city. There were sales and I bought a new running shit. (Afterwards I remembered that I could have bought ethical clothing instead). Then I went with my mother into the supermarket. I walked the way back home.

Everytime now that I will fail with a habit I will give my sister 5€. This will be a motivation.

After I got dressed etc in the morning I laid down in bed again with my phone because it was so comfortable. And now after dinner I made myself more fruit because I wanted to eat more while watching an interesting interview. And then I tried something out with Agave syrup and popped amaranth. This was definitively an unreasonable snack. I need to be brutally honest with myself.

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5 hours ago, JKG said:

Getting up directly - Streak 0

i think everyday about this. i remember one of your posts in which you wrote about how warm it feels in your bed. it also reminds me of a quote of Leo "it is very easy to get comfortable." i had this realization today: waking up early is a skill. are you gonna wake up directly, or are you gonna keep procrastinating and feel terrible afterwards?

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 10
Concentration (10min) - Streak 10 (not yet but in a minute)
Fasting until 12 - Streak 10
Getting up directly - Streak 1

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 1
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 10
Waking up my body outside - Streak 15
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 21
Eating no oat meal - Streak 11
Eating no raisins - Streak 11
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 33
Self-Love - Streak 7
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 21
Gratitude - Streak 66

The new experience: I was with wet hair at the farmers shop to buy apples.

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 11
Concentration (10min) - Streak 11 (not yet but in a minute)
Fasting until 12 - Streak 11
Getting up directly - Streak 2

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 0
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 11
Waking up my body outside - Streak 16
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 22
Eating no oat meal - Streak 12
Eating no raisins - Streak 12
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 34
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 1
Self-Love - Streak 8
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 22
Gratitude - Streak 67

The new experience: I studied English in my grandparents living room. There is was quiet because they are on holiday for quite a long time. I practiced the second part of the oral exam and talked to myself and tried to answer questions.

I ate about 200g of dried figs. I will start to feel shitty soon. But at least I didn't ate two bowls of oat meal or something like that. In the last days I've had the urge to eat more fruit snacks although my stomach is full. His is homeostasis. In comparison to the beginning of 2017 my eating habits have improved a lot. I just need to make sure that I don't slack off and keep improving my eating habits. At the moment I often feel the need to eat after dinner. Then I make myself some more fruit because I am used to the sense of sweetness after dinner, and now the nice fruit season begins again. So I guess a new eating habit would be a good idea: "Eating nothing after finishing dinner."

In one of the last posts I've said that I would give money to my sister if I break the streak. But I don't want to give her my money because I know that she will waste it on stupid plastic toys. Instead I should do something like playing with her "Das Spiel des Lebens" (the game of life). It takes quite a while but she loves it.

Edited by JKG

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 12
Concentration (10min) - Streak 12
Fasting until 12 - Streak 12
Getting up directly - Streak 3

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 1
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 12
Waking up my body outside - Streak 17
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 23
Eating no oat meal - Streak 13
Eating no raisins - Streak 13
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 35
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 2
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 23
Gratitude - Streak 68

The new experience: I meditated in my grandparents living room. That was kind of odd. While I was running I took some breaks and just walked because I felt like it. I played cards with my sister.
These are not big new experiences, but in the next days some big new experiences will come.

I removed the Self-Love habit, because I cannot fully appreciate this yet. I firstly need to learn more about this and read the six pillars of self esteem.

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 13
Concentration (10min) - Streak 13
Fasting until 12 - Streak 13
Getting up directly - Streak 0

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 2
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 13
Waking up my body outside - Streak 18
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 24
Eating no oat meal - Streak 14
Eating no raisins - Streak 14
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 36
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 3
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 24
Gratitude - Streak 69

The new experience: In the afternoon I drove to the car dealer. I didn't know the exact way, but I found it. And the streets were fuller than expected. There I collected the license plates for my new car, a lot of important papers, and a few advertising gifts. Normally my father would go there but today he had no time. So I had to talk to this guy. It was a pretty awkward conversation for him I guess. I said mostly just "hello, yes, yeah, alright, mhm..., thank you." And on the way back I almost didn't find the way.
At home my sister wanted to show my grandaunts my new license plate, so I went there with here. Normally I wouldn't have done that but I did because I was in a good mood.

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 14
Concentration (10min) - Streak 14
Fasting until 12 - Streak 0
Getting up directly - Streak 0

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 0
Eating less than 20g nuts and seeds - Streak 14
Waking up my body outside - Streak 19
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 25
Eating no oat meal - Streak 15
Eating no raisins - Streak 15
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 37
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 4
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 25
Gratitude - Streak 70

The new experiences:

  • final oral exam
  • small talk with another student, who I don't know well
  • laying down on the street with a friend as a comfort zone challenge (a old woman looked at us and just shoke her head)
  • climbing in a tree
  • being in a little climbing park
  • getting the results of the exam and shaking the hands of my schools director and two other teachers
  • cleaning up my room and putting my whole school stuff away
  • installing my operating system again

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6 hours ago, JKG said:

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 14

I love that!


6 hours ago, JKG said:

climbing in a tree

Haha, I have done that


6 hours ago, JKG said:

small talk with another student, who I don't know well



6 hours ago, JKG said:

laying down on the street with a friend as a comfort zone challenge (a old woman looked at us and just shoke her head)

Sweet!! Friends help a lot for summoning up courage! :)

6 hours ago, JKG said:

Eating no raisins


6 hours ago, JKG said:

shaking the hands of my schools director and two other teachers

I like that. I wanted to talk to an authority today, but I didn't have courage enough. Good for you!



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2 hours ago, Gabriel Antonio said:
8 hours ago, JKG said:

Eating no raisins


I used way tooooo many raisins. Sometimes I went because of boredom into the kitchen and ate like 3 big hands full of raisins. I was/am addicted to them. But its getting better. At some point I will eat some of them again.

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 15
Concentration (10min) - Streak 15
Fasting until 12 - Streak 1
Getting up directly - Streak 1

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 1
Waking up my body outside - Streak 20
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 26
Eating no oat meal - Streak 16
Eating no raisins - Streak 16
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 38
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 5
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 26
Gratitude - Streak 71

The new experience: On my run I met someone from my English class who had yesterday the same oral exam. We talked about the exam and the grades. But after a few hundred meters I took a different path to end this awkward conversation. But it would have been a comfort zone challenge to stick to my original plan and take my normal running route - which was her route. In the evening I picked up my sister from a friend. I had to go into the garden of the friend. I messaged someone on this forum.

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Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 16
Concentration (10min) - Streak 16
Fasting until 12 - Streak 0
Getting up directly - Streak 2

Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 2
Waking up my body outside - Streak 21
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 27
Eating no oat meal - Streak 0
Eating no raisins - Streak 0
Eating a raw lunch - Streak 0

Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 6
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 27
Gratitude - Streak 72

The new experience: The whole day was a new experience. I was for 12 hours away from home. I went with my father to a certain German city by train, and collected there my new car. Then we drove back home. I have gained a lot of new impressions.

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New Habits

I want to change some of my habits now. I feel like I can handle eating less oat meal, raisins and nuts. I can control it, I guess. I also don't eat something rather unhealthy like bread for lunch anymore.

But I still see that I eat much more than my body needs. Sometimes I feel so full. I just continue eating out of habit. Sometimes I just eat some "reasonable" snacks although I feel no need for eating anymore. It just feels good to continue eating and afterwards I feel rather bad.

I also want to try out eating more fats in form of nuts and seeds. Maybe my desires to eat more and more comes from my rather high carb diet, although I eat already medium fat. Maybe it comes from the blood sugar level stuff, so eat more fats could regulate that and I feel less hungry.

So I want to eat only if I am hungry. I don't feel hungry often. A new habit that I want to build will be "eating only when I am hungry." Now the hard part is to define what I mean with hungry. It could be having an empty stomach or it could be having a very strong desire to eat.

Another habit is "eating only until I am full." This is especially hard at dinner. Sometimes I just take another plate because then all the food is empty and my mother doesn't has to store the rest. I feel like obligated to do that.


In the last few weeks I have meditated very little. I feel that, and I feel that I need to meditate more again. Therefore the next habit is "meditating 1h at a time." Sometimes I meditate more than an hour a day, but in shorter sessions, and I don't feel the same effect there as with one longer session.

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Eating only when I am hungry - Streak 0
Eating only until I am full - Streak 0

Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 1

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 17
Concentration (10min) - Streak 0
Fasting until 12 - Streak 1
Getting up directly - Streak 3

Waking up my body outside - Streak 22
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 28
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 7
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 28
Gratitude - Streak 73

The new experience: I went running right after waking up, at around 7am, because it was already very hot. At midday it would have been too hot. I drove with my new car to the farmers shop. And I figured some stuff out with the car. I cooked pieplant with my sister and I played a game with her.

I was only hungry before lunch. The other stuff I ate really just out of habit, because it would be strange to not eat at these times.

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Eating only when I am hungry - Streak 0
Eating only until I am full - Streak 0

Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 2

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 18
Concentration (10min) - Streak 1
Fasting until 12 - Streak 2
Getting up directly - Streak 4

Waking up my body outside - Streak 23
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 29
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 8
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 0
Gratitude - Streak 74

The new experience: I visited my grandmother in the afternoon with my mother and sister. There I went for a 50min run in the heat.

I think its enough to firstly try to "eat only until I am full."

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Eating only until I am full - Streak 1
Eating nothing after finishing dinner - Streak 0
Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 3
Sticking to one meditation technique - Streak 0

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 19
Concentration (10min) - Streak 1
Fasting until 12 - Streak 3
Getting up directly - Streak 5

Waking up my body outside - Streak 24
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 30
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 9
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 1
Gratitude - Streak 75

The new experience: I picked up my sister and a boy from the neighborhood from school. I was mountain biking at midday in the heat. I skyped.

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Feeling hunger in the afternoon - Streak 0
Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 0
Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 4
Sticking to one meditation technique - Streak 1

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 20
Concentration (10min) - Streak 2
Fasting until 12 - Streak 4
Getting up directly - Streak 6

Waking up my body outside - Streak 25
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 31
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 10
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 2
Gratitude - Streak 76

The new experience: We had to meet at school today. We firstly got information regarding tomorrow. Then we all had to blow up 5000 balloons - people want to do crazy shit when they want to party. We were like 80 people. I feel like I have blown 200 balloons. At some points I felt pretty bad because of breathing so much. And the taste of the balloons was also not that nice. And it was pretty hot.

I need to find a better way to measure my fullness. Just saying "stopping eating when I am full" is hard to measure and I easily start to trick myself. But actually feeling hunger is a good indicator that I have not eaten too much at lunch. And then its also less likely that I will snack in the afternoon. Well, I still need to figure out a better way to measure this stuff. Right now i feel like I am falling back into old back habits, especially regarding eating raisins.

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Feeling hunger in the afternoon - Streak 0
Eating no unreasonable snacks - Streak 0

Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 5
Sticking to one meditation technique - Streak 2

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 21
Concentration (10min) - Streak 3
Fasting until 12 - Streak 0
Getting up directly - Streak 7

Waking up my body outside - Streak 26
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 32
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 11
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 3
Gratitude - Streak 77

The new experience: It was the day of the senior prank at my school. I had to explain a game to little kids and that was clearly out of my comfort zone. I also bought my friend back home which was challenging because of the traffic and because I didn't know the exact way.

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Contemplating and embracing the desire to eat (10min) - Streak 0
Meditating 1h at a time - Streak 6
Switching meditation techniques no more than one time - Streak 3

Having a new experience or doing a comfort zone challenge - Streak 22
Concentration (10min) - Streak 4
Fasting until 12 - Streak 1

Getting up directly - Streak 8
Waking up my body outside - Streak 27
Dorsiflexion exercises - Streak 33
Programming my Subconscious Mind (10min) - Streak 12
Apple cider vinegar in the morning - Streak 4
Gratitude - Streak 78

The new experience: I've had to do cut the grass in our garden at a different part of where I normally don't have to do it. So I had to use a different lawnmower which I have never used before. It is fueled with gasoline and is much heavier. So I spent about 2 hours driving around with this lawnmower. At some times it didn't want to work. I used coconut oil as a sun protection, because I yesterday had a sunburn. All the time I listened to the audio bonuses from the LPC. 

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