Using Psychedelics For Self Actualization

By Jared in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
To preface, I am not encouraging the use of illegal psychedelics, I am just curious on your opinions on how beneficial the use of things like LSD and DMT can be in the enlightenment journey. I personally have experienced an extreme ego death on DMT which was what got me interested in meditation, self improvement and the idea of no self. Obviously if someone plans to have one of these experiences they should be knowledgeable of the drug, it's potency and the effects it will have. Most importantly I want to note that for me psychedelics are used as way to gain new perspectives on certain aspects of life, using them solely to find answers is not what they are meant for. So what are your thoughts and opinions? Has anyone had a similar experience, and was it beneficial to self actualization?
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