
Is the Birth Control Pill safe?

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40 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

So you know your body so well that you know when to have to sex so you won't get pregnant?

And what would you do if you made a mistake and you ended up getting pregnant? Abortions aren't natural either.

This seems very risky, but i don't know.

Well yeah so typically right before or after a girl's period is a good time to have sex because of the shedding of dead egg cells. And when you're ovulating is about the worst time to have sex, haha. obviously xD  But as far as the abortions I mean that's such a huge topic/conundrum. All I have to say is that you do not need artificial hormones to alter your body. There are plenty of natural ways to balance your hormones, endocrine system, etc. (TCM, organic foods, etc.) 

Edited by Gianna

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You can even get a diaphragm inserted if you are only worried about pregnancy and not hormonal imbalances, acne, or whatever. I mean that is wayyyy better than taking the pill imo. 

Edited by Gianna

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@Gianna How confident are you that when you have sex you can guarantee you won't get pregnant?

I see your point about the pill though, disrupting your hormones like that does not come without some cost


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@Raptorsin7 Well of course you can't guarantee it. It's a risk. And I'm never confident about it. But I cherish my body and it has cherished me back. Your body is spirit, this is why I'm super aggressive about this particular topic :) NO PILL !!! hehehe ?????? 

Edited by Gianna

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@Gianna Hmm I see where you're coming from but idk. I am terrified of getting someone pregnant so I'm a bit bias lol.

Maybe if you master your system you can make millions with alternative birth control methods (:

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@Raptorsin7 hehehe. Well if you are terrified of getting someone pregnant (which I totally get btw, I myself do not want kids) then you can take the pill; I hear there are pills for guys :x hehehehe. 

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@Raptorsin7 hehehehe. What's a condom like for a guy? Like if no-condom is a 10/10 then what's sex with a condom like? Out of 10? Just curious.  

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17 minutes ago, Gianna said:

@Raptorsin7 hehehehe. What's a condom like for a guy? Like if no-condom is a 10/10 then what's sex with a condom like? Out of 10? Just curious.  

I've never had sex without a condom so... ?

But I definitely feel the difference with a blow job. That's like 3/10 to 9/10 difference.

Do you feel a difference when a guy wears a condom 

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@Raptorsin7 Wow!! Nice job, that's amazing. And yeah there's a difference and it's obviously better without, but I imagine the difference to be more noticeable to guys. For me, at least, it's only a few point difference. So maybe 10/10 goes to 7/10. 

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@Gianna I've definitely done some risky things sexually, but yeah I am fortunate I never had an urge to not use a condom.

Okay maybe that's enough sexual dialogue, I think some people reading this may be like... ???


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On 12/26/2021 at 10:39 PM, Gianna said:

@soos_mite_ah I understand :) . But solutions don't have to come in the form of an artificial pill. There are other ways to give your body hormones (like certain foods) without feeding into our unaligned healthcare system. 

On 12/26/2021 at 10:37 PM, Gianna said:

There are smarter ways to go about it than shoving an invasive pill down your throat, putting your body at the mercy of you, and acting like a tyrant. Sorry not sorry :) hehehe. <3 Super pro natural. 

I want to challenge an assumption right here. I think it's very common nowadays in many circles that revolve around wellness to assume that "natural" is the best way to go and that thing that are chemicals and artificial are automatically less than. While that can be true in many instances, I do think that this assumption can be limited. First of all, what is considered natural is something that have changed over decades. There was at one point where people thought grocery stores were artificial and unnatural and therefore bad because it is somehow disrupts the way people are naturally supposed to get food and that this will make us all into lazy slobs. Also it goes without saying that what is considered natural by governing bodies like the FDA and the such can change very easily over time. There are also plenty of natural things that are harmful as well. If you really want to get natural, natural is survival of the fittest. It isn't coming up with a cure for a disease, it's letting it run it's natural course and if it wipes everyone out than so be it. Natural can be incredibly brutal.

What I'm trying to do here is challenge what is considered artificial, what is considered natural and how they can be both be conducive or harmful to survival rather than putting a value judgement on either term (i.e. artificial= bad  natural = good). 

Now when it comes to the pill, again everyone's experience can be different so I'm not saying this is the only right way rather that we need to all find our right way for what works best for us. What's important is having options without judgement. 

I personally have had a really good experience with the pill. I do have a hormonal condition that has wrecked havoc on my body. The pill has been really effective for treating this condition and regulating my period as well. Now, I was able to resolve my condition naturally as well by following a strict diet and consistent exercise routine. But I would say that the key word here is strict. Unless I watch this condition and my health like a hawk, things could fall out of control really easily yet again. When I got on the pill, while it isn't something that would fix everything (I still have to maintain a healthy diet and habits in general), it did give me a margin of error of sorts to where I can occasionally have a nice meal that was out of the ordinary for me and not break out horribly the day after. For me, the pill has been an important regulator. For many women the pill isn't just about preventing pregnancy but it can be part of a solution for a variety of health issues.

I do think that more invasive and "artificial" means should not be the go to since that can easily turn into taking the easy way out of a situation but I do think that there is a time and place for such a thing and that one can go about doing this safely

On 12/26/2021 at 10:37 PM, Gianna said:

I recommend studying your body; knowing your cycle, when you're ovulating, when you're not ovulating,

I do like this and I think it's important to be aware of your body to understand what it does and doesn't need at different points in time and cultivate that sense of awareness. At the same time when it comes to this as well as the whole pull out method, I do think is a gamble and personally, it's not a gamble that I recommend especially when it concerns something as serious as potentially bringing in another life into existence.   

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Personally, I would never want the girl I am in a relationship with to be on it, seen way too many horror stories & how much it can seriously fuck up someone's health. 

You have to be wayyyy more careful, but looking into this is what we did -

Also will help you understand your cycles. Idk what its like in other countries but 'the pill' is so normalized over here its kinda scary, its basically assumed & accepted when you turn 18 / start having regular sex you'll go on it, most don't ever look at alternatives


As a caveat, I Know as a male if you wreck your hormones it fucks you up, so I don't see why it would be all that different for Women, but its each individuals decision. As a personal experience I have seen a HUGE change in GF over last 3 months since coming off of it

Edited by LfcCharlie4
Added thought

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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On 27.12.2021 at 5:57 AM, Gianna said:

Well yeah so typically right before or after a girl's period is a good time to have sex because of the shedding of dead egg cells. And when you're ovulating is about the worst time to have sex, haha. obviously xD 

you obviously don’t understand a cycle at all.

obviously you overestimate not only yourself, but especially children who play grown ups.

especially while underestimating the effects natural hormones have on the developing body but also in the developed body of both genders.

Edited by mememe

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@soos_mite_ah I like and accept your challenge! hehehe. :x And I agree, where we draw the line between natural and artificial can be considered arbitrary. But just because it is philosophically considered arbitrary (due to the fact that it is always changing) doesn't mean it's not important where we continue to draw that line. Grocery stores, for instance. I actually agree that grocery stores are unnatural. haha. I think they are unnatural and I think because of that, they have taken away from our intimacy with the planet; they have taken away from our intimacy with the plant and animal kingdom and the cycle of life. Which has led to dangerous repercussions like the decline in empathy and the incline of disconnection– which is why humanity is able to act like a virus to the rest of the planet without realizing that it is a part of that planet. Killing the planet is killing yourself. We don't realize when we shoot ourselves in the foot because we are so disconnected. We are disconnected and so we cannot understand or even conceive that we are one. And we will never be able to understand or embody oneness if we continue to propagate disconnection by justifying unnaturalness. So this is why I say 'pro-natural' because I am pro-attunement and pro-connection. But if you are connected with your body and birth control is an aid to it then I think that is smart resourcing. More than that actually, I think it is beautiful because it is nurturing. It's just that most people aren't as conscious as you are. They aren't as proactive and intentional with their decisions. And they aren't as connected with their bodies. They aren't doing what they are doing because they are connected with their body (like you), they do it because it's easier and because they are ignorant of the consequence (how it alters the entirety of their system). So they could start to think differently and not notice. They could start to have insecurity issues and not realize it's related to the birth control. They could start to have eczema and not realize it is related to the birth control. Because they are unconscious and disconnected. These are just random examples, but I'm just saying– unconscious tailoring of hormones is a slippery slope. They are so central to the functioning and dysfunction of our system. But, like I said, if you are connected to your body and have 100% awareness and intention with what you are doing I think its beautiful (like I said) to caretake yourself however that looks like for you. :) I've never taken the pill so I can't even speak to what the effects look like, (so you don't have to apologize for my 'bad experience' haha, I've never had one.) But I said what I said about being disconnected because I have toyed around with my hormones in other ways and noticed its effects. This is why I said if you are unaware of the pill's effects on your body (being as invasive as it is) you must be un-attuned. Because I've tailored my hormones with less-severe approaches and still noticed. haha. But hey, you are so right. And I apologize for what I said. Everyone is different and requires different levels of intensity. And we have to take responsibility and ownership of our bodies however that looks like for us!! ???? 

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@integral It seems so fucked to me from what I've heard from my female friends.

Its like fucking poison


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Do what works

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3 hours ago, Gianna said:

So this is why I say 'pro-natural' because I am pro-attunement and pro-connection. But if you are connected with your body and birth control is an aid to it then I think that is smart resourcing. More than that actually, I think it is beautiful because it is nurturing.

3 hours ago, Gianna said:

Everyone is different and requires different levels of intensity. And we have to take responsibility and ownership of our bodies however that looks like for us!! 

I really like this. I do find myself using language in this way where I tend to use adjectives like "natural" "in alignment" and "authentic" interchangeably  but in some discussions there are certain nuances that needs to be emphasized to keep everyone on the same page if that makes sense. I guess my misconception came in where pro-natural can contradict with being attuned with your body. And I'm glad that you clarified this and expanded on your POV. 

3 hours ago, Gianna said:

It's just that most people aren't as conscious as you are. They aren't as proactive and intentional with their decisions. And they aren't as connected with their bodies. They aren't doing what they are doing because they are connected with their body (like you), they do it because it's easier and because they are ignorant of the consequence (how it alters the entirety of their system).

I do think it's essential to think through the implications of putting in hormones into your body and that a lot of people tend to use birth control as the default answer when really, considering all of the side effects in can come with, making the decision isn't always as easy. I wouldn't say that it's the case that most people aren't connected to their bodies when it's pretty common that when most people first get on birth control, there is a trial-error period where basically you're supposed to see how exactly the hormones are impacting your body. And if the side effects are overwhelming or they don't go away, that's when it's important to switch to a different pill. Not all birth control pills are made with the same hormones and that is important since everyone's bodies react differently to different combinations of hormones. 

Of course there are people who react badly to all forms of birth control and I think that's when it's important to look into other options such as getting and IUD or the such. It's also incredibly important that there is more research and innovation for male birth control since women have so many options in this area while men just have condoms and vasectomies. Not only do men benefit from having more options that will suit their needs, but in this case women won't have to shoulder as much responsibility when it comes to preventing pregnancy. 

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22 minutes ago, soos_mite_ah said:

I really like this. I do find myself using language in this way where I tend to use adjectives like "natural" "in alignment" and "authentic" interchangeably  but in some discussions there are certain nuances that needs to be emphasized to keep everyone on the same page if that makes sense.

Yeah that makes total sense. And I agree, making sure you are on the same page as far as language is critical when talking about dynamics like this. 

26 minutes ago, soos_mite_ah said:

I wouldn't say that it's the case that most people aren't connected to their bodies when it's pretty common that when most people first get on birth control, there is a trial-error period where basically you're supposed to see how exactly the hormones are impacting your body. And if the side effects are overwhelming or they don't go away, that's when it's important to switch to a different pill. Not all birth control pills are made with the same hormones and that is important since everyone's bodies react differently to different combinations of hormones. 

Oh, interesting about the trial-error period. So you find what combo of hormones works for your body to not have overwhelming or harmful side effects. But to me, the side effects are important messengers for how your body feels about these hormones. If you find a combination of hormones that aren't giving you side effects, and you acclimate to whatever dose of hormones you are taking, now you are dependent on those irregular hormones– hormones that are not regular (that are not produced by the body). My thinking is, why do that and be dependent when you can put your body back into balance by introducing ways it can produce those hormones on its own? And then you are not dependent. The reason why I disagree with artificial processes is that– to me– it implies the body cannot heal itself when it absolutely can. The body is just so incredible and so powerful and beautiful. But I get that for some people having these resources is important for them– especially when they are struggling with something they think is beyond their control/capability. We really need to realize our innate power and recognize that our body's responses (hormone releases or otherwise) are reflections of our thoughts and our emotions, and we have control over that. I do like medical resources and advancements; I just think with birth control, specifically, it's not as necessary as we are making it out to be. 

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i‘m totaly impressed by the ignorance on this topic. 

it‘s totaly not true that directly after the period are non fertile days - the fertile days start with end of the period. 

i‘m completely on track with giving young grown up girls more education about their cycle especially because the saying about taking a pill or not should be completely pressureless in the decision of the female.

i don’t have one friend in my end of thirty years who ever had problems while taking a pill as birth controll. but know more than one having infammations and myoma because of a spiral, because of these silly myths. and also more than one having children as single moms at the end of their teens, because of these silly myths.

some of them at the same time fucking up their brains while taking drugs. this green peer pressure thing is totally backwards. and it’s repeating in every generation, just that it was in the beginning fanatic christians who did that peer pressure job.

i could also throw up about the possibility that cycle tracking apps probably also track data.

Edited by mememe

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@Gianna From what I remember is that if you have mild symptoms, they're usually supposed to go away within the first 2-3 months and if they don't that's when you need to switch to a different pill. For the birth control that I'm taking at the moment, for the first two months I had to deal with some nausea when the hormone dose would get higher around the week before my period. And that's the other thing, there are some birth control options where the dose/ composition of the hormones varies from week to week according to your cycle. As a result, most of the times when you do feel symptoms, it's not like you get the symptoms all the time for the entire month. 

I remember that one time when my roommate was first getting on birth control (no health issues, just using it as a contraceptive) she had to deal with a lot of depression and anxiety for a month straight on the first pill she got on. It was bad to the point she didn't want to wait for another two months to see if her body would adjust and she figured that the hormones in that particular birth control wasn't working well with her.  She switched to a different pill and then she was more or less fine with no symptoms. 

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