
I want to introduce my old father to psychedelics

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I just think He is ready. He just is 70 years old, conservative and knows a lot about philosophy and religion(He is not religiös) but not spirituality. I ask me how I should approach this whole thing without him thinking that I give him drugs to get high or addicted. 

I think he should have at least a glimpse into spirituality and then He will know what that taking is all about

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Hmm difficult to say because we don't know him. But the goal for you must be not to convince him, but to make sure that taking psychedelics is because of his motivation to do so, you know what I mean? I don't mean that you should manipulate him into taking psychedelics, if he doesn't want to, then that's his choice and must be perfectly okay. 

But if he is interested in religion, philosophy etc. then that's a good thing and you should start from there. You could go about it by asking him whether he has ever wondered how these profound religious ideas came about and how it can be that all kinds of cultures and people all seem to have a notion of a God or something equivalent. And then slowly introduce him to mysticism as the origin of all religion and spirituality. If he isn't already, make him familiar with nonduality. And if he's open-minded to all these things, you can tell him that it is possible to reliably induce states of consciousness which are the origin of all spirituality, religion, mysticism, etc. And that it isn't just talk, but grounded in profound experiences, which can be brought about by the use of substances like LSD or mushrooms (I wouldn't give him 5-Meo). 

The important thing is to be patient, don't push it on him.

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@Tim R thats a nice approach, but I think he could think thats just talking. 

Non duality explained is also difficult because I never experienced it(or I Did not recognize as such)

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Don't drug people, let people who want to do these things get into it by themselves.

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3 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

Don't drug people, let people who want to do these things get into it by themselves.

@RMQualtrough @RMQualtrough @RMQualtrough @Tim RR <-bug


Yeah and how Do you think an 70 years old conservative man who is not Interested in spirituality because He thinks its nonesense will ever in his life time get into psychedelics by himselfe? LOL



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@Gregory1 I know this is a joke:) 

But there could be really people out there doing this. This is the most stupid thing. He would totally freak out, even harm himselfe if He decides to use the car spontaneously. This is one of the reasons why psychedelics are forbidden

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@RMQualtrough I never said I want to drug him(=forcing him to do psychedelics), this is stupid. I want to ask here how I can introduce him best to psychedelica so He can decide for himselfe


How to introduce someone who never touched this whole topic

Edited by OBEler

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