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The implications of no time and no space. No BS

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Timelessness like spacelessness can be experienced. However, the implications of it I am really not sure about.

For example, is there only this right now. Or are the ancient Romans simultaneously cheering at the colloseum? Did the past actually come and go or is it happening at this same exact moment: All events all at once. The illusion of time caused by memory, whereby although each moment has happened simultaneously, each moment has with it for the individual a larger span of memory.

Do you know the sort of infinite slices on Salvia? Or like when you look into opposing mirrors in a changing room and it seems to go on forever. Is it such that time exists in slices like the eternal mirror, each simultaneously existent, but containing one singular perceptual happening? Are each of our individual experiences happening within divided slices of the only right now there is?

With timelessness I see a possibility of something like a movie reel running through a projector. The static fact of the projector maintains the fact of timelessness but the reel is truly moving and events come and go. Or is it more like the eternally sliced changing room mirrors?

Spacelessness: Is the nothing which we are many nothingnesses? See the idea of Atman. It appears finite and limited: I cannot currently see through your eyes, and of course you can say we share the same I. But you see the apparent limitation present... Is that linked in and explained by the fact of timelessness, or something else?

Edited by RMQualtrough

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As far as timelessness goes, there is an important aspect that must be considered here, which is that the present moment is not finite.

Which is to say that there is no "slice", like "a frame" on a tape. There is no finite moment that could be seen as a limited, enclosed "piece" of a larger tape ("the rest of time"), so to speak. 

But it sure seems like that. We tend to think of "the present moment" as a frame of time, the duration of which we are not quite sure of, maybe 1 sec, maybe 100ms? Who knows. But this is an illusion.

And we then think that within this frame of time ("the present moment"), the future flows in, turns into the present moment and then flows out again into the past. And that "the future" and "the past" are like a tape that, although it is now gone, is being stored somewhere, inaccessible to human beings - unless we invent "time travel", so that we can bring up whatever piece of tape we want. 

There is no "it" ("the present moment", as ordinarily conceived). To most people, it feels like they're inhabiting a static piece of time. 

It's rather like an immediate arising and passing away, "both" so "simultaneously", so utterly identical, that nothing is happening at all, and nothing is not happening. 

You are (the) Now. "Now" is not occurring within this world, the world is held within Now. And Now is Nothingness. Now is In-finity.

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38 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

 understand the static feel of timelessness.

@RMQualtrough What is timeless, is neither static nor moving. 

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