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Thoughts on handling side effects.

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   I've received my first dose of Pfizer vaccine shot a month ago and am scheduled to have the second in the middle of January. I've been dealing with irregular heart beats after the first shot since more frequently than in the past. So far my fitness routine took a drastic hit and now I keep the activity very low. I sleep the 7-8, nap, and eat ok, whole foods stuff. Studies, work and hobby are at bare minimum. General socializing with family, friends and people is more limited, as now I've developed a more stressful response to going out, which isn't good for my chest. Had to really limit down the sex part of my life, as that adds to the stress. I can't also do my regular mediation routines as well. 

   Has anyone else experienced this side effect, and if so, what are you doing to manage this?

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@Danioover9000 I empathize with you. I'm dealing with similar fears. Although I did not take the vaccine so I'm not sure how it must feel, it's sad that it has this side effect. 

Did you have any other condition that could have possibly contributed to the heart rate problem? 

Also it could be possible that this side effect might slowly go away on its own. Now who knows. Just speculating and trying to offer you assurance. 

I have been quite fearful of the vaccine too. I just want to know more about it. 

I think if you take good care of yourself and continue to eat healthy then most likely these effects might go away. 

I wish you feel better soon if my words can give you some assurance. Is all I can say right now.

You might even schedule an appointment with your heart doctor to see if you can take some medication or do something specific to reduce the severity of your symptom. 

Regarding your booster dose, im not sure if you need it if you aren't going anywhere. Ask your doctor if you really require a booster in such conditions. 

Just take good care. That's all you can do right now. And please consult a doctor as they might already have an answer if many patients have this complaint.

The sooner you meet a doctor the better. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Also this very important advice from another thread. Please follow. 

3 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

After a week/10 days. Don't disregard heart problems.


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:

@Danioover9000 I empathize with you. I'm dealing with similar fears. Although I did not take the vaccine so I'm not sure how it must feel, it's sad that it has this side effect. 

Did you have any other condition that could have possibly contributed to the heart rate problem? 

Also it could be possible that this side effect might slowly go away on its own. Now who knows. Just speculating and trying to offer you assurance. 

I have been quite fearful of the vaccine too. I just want to know more about it. 

I think if you take good care of yourself and continue to eat healthy then most likely these effects might go away. 

I wish you feel better soon if my words can give you some assurance. Is all I can say right now.

You might even schedule an appointment with your heart doctor to see if you can take some medication or do something specific to reduce the severity of your symptom. 

Regarding your booster dose, im not sure if you need it if you aren't going anywhere. Ask your doctor if you really require a booster in such conditions. 

Just take good care. That's all you can do right now. And please consult a doctor as they might already have an answer if many patients have this complaint.

The sooner you meet a doctor the better. 




   The worst part for me at that time, and with past flu jabs, was the needle and the soreness and sometimes the temporary phantom pains. It goes away roughly 4 or so days. It never gets easier over time. But this frequency in heart palpitation lately is a bit worrying.

   I suspected I may have had an underlying issue with my heart, considering on past occasions when I had to exert more effort, or when I ate a meal a bit high with fats, my heart tended to skip beats more. However, back then it was infrequent and few and I thought then it's not a big issue back then, and lately my diet is ok and am guarding against too much fat/high cholesterol consumption.

   Am gonna speak to the doctor soon about my condition, and about the omicron variant booster I'll wait a bit to see if the research on omicron symptoms is as severe or not as the previous ones, I definitely don't want to worsen my heart with shots if I can help it.

   If any one's reading, any supplementations, nootropics or anything else you can recommend help with this heart issue, please share. 


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