
Mmkay's Heavy Metal Chelation Journal

203 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Devin said:

@mmKay it shows low levels right?

By the way; It said you're low in selenium, you mentioned acute hair loss, low selenium could do that

Initially I wasn't going to do any kind of testing and just chelate as its impossible for me to have absolutely no heavy metals. The only reason I did the hair test its because it's suposed to be an accurate way to measure cadmium levels.

If you're cadmium toxic you need to take baking soda pills to regulate your urine PH and measure it with urine strips as cadmium is chelated by dmsa but it's not soluble in  acertain PH and therefore accumulates in the kidneys. 

I suspected I was cadmium toxic since it's added in cigarettes to slow down how fast it burns, and I've been a life long passive smoker.

So that's why I took the test. It's not a good assessment of mercury toxicity as it could be burrowed deep down in organs  and not show up in your hair. 

Turns out im not cadmium toxic. 


Hair falling out turned out to be covid aftermaths 90% sure. I do supplement selenium. 

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@mmKay I figure the best way to test your levels is with urine while chelating, so you can see if you're removing anything

Were you taking selenium before that test? You were really low

Edited by Devin

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4 minutes ago, Devin said:

@mmKay I figure the best way to test your levels is with urine while chelating, so you can see if you're removing anything

My logic is that's I'm definitely toxic as it's impossible not to have accumulated heavy metals metals throughout 20+ years. 

Chelators chelate. They take them out. 

I don't see the reason to take a huge megadose of more than 4000mg of DMSA in a single day just to have some numbers. 

Leo recommends urine test under your own risk. It also bumps up the price a lot. 

Edited by mmKay

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@mmKay you read about how those chelators do damage though right? It's to only be used if the metal is causing a problem, I didn't think they were to be just taken like a supplement

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19 minutes ago, Devin said:

@mmKay you read about how those chelators do damage though right? It's to only be used if the metal is causing a problem, I didn't think they were to be just taken like a supplement

The chelators are as safe as they get. What's dangerous is the metals moving and redistribution. Learn and follow a proper chelation protocol and you should be fine. 

Nothing is guaranteed tho. 

And don't take random doses of chelators. 

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On 9/23/2022 at 3:40 AM, mmKay said:

Leo recommends urine test under your own risk.

@mmKay Why would it be risky?

Don't wait for things to get better. Take proactive action.

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Due to popular demand and the fact that I have not even reached the 10 DMSA rounds in the whole year I will be re-starting chelation and this journal. Looking back im kind of proud of myself for all that I have documented here.

I will do 4 rounds more of 50 MG of dmsa every 4 hours for 4 days. and then Ill start adding ALA  ( where I expect to feel the real results as it's the only chelator that pulls heavy metals out of the brain)


Recently I had a few days of very strong brain fog and short term memory struggles and my intuition is telling me that it's related with drinking lots of coconut water and organic fruit juices that come in tetra bricks ( the inside contains a layer of aluminium ) 

I Hope my chelators have not expired.

I also need to re-stack on core 4 , ACE , liver support and Taurine,

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1 hour ago, mmKay said:

Due to popular demand and the fact that I have not even reached the 10 DMSA rounds in the whole year I will be re-starting chelation and this journal. Looking back im kind of proud of myself for all that I have documented here.

I will do 4 rounds more of 50 MG of dmsa every 4 hours for 4 days. and then Ill start adding ALA  ( where I expect to feel the real results as it's the only chelator that pulls heavy metals out of the brain)


Recently I had a few days of very strong brain fog and short term memory struggles and my intuition is telling me that it's related with drinking lots of coconut water and organic fruit juices that come in tetra bricks ( the inside contains a layer of aluminium ) 

I Hope my chelators have not expired.

I also need to re-stack on core 4 , ACE , liver support and Taurine,

I appreciate what you've done here! Great resource, even though it's helped me to decide not to chelate, if I ever have a problem though I'll reconsider!

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I was feeling very " burned out " for the last two weeks. I hadn't consistently used supplements for months. The moment I took vitamin C three days ago it was like a cloud had lifted from me. I definately needed that and I felt first hand the effect of it. I'm convinced.

Im using cheap powdered vitamin C ( ascorbic acid )  for now and I really feel it work, not like other stuff I've tried before. 500g is like 15€ which is pretty much free compraed with buying it in pills. ( ill " upgrate " to sodium ascorbate powder soon )

I'm concerned because the interior of the bag seems to be aluminium, just like tetrabricks are,  and it may be reacting with the acidic powder......... maybe a plastic container is the lesser evil? It probably is.

I can also buy 500G of pure magnesium bisglycinate powder for 45€ which is  like 7-8 times cheaper than buying pills, 240  100mg magnesium pills = 35€.

I'm considering purchasing a capsule machine to DIY some supplements.

Or just use the powders.

Putting it into capsules adds a significant cost as well, but for the sake of convencience and precision ( for chelation rounds ) it may be necessary)

Currently doing a few days of building up CORE 4 supplements as my re-stock arrives. Spent another 100€ on them but mental clarity and vigorousness are among my top 5 values so I dont mind that much putting money into it. 
I'll do more chelation soon. My chelators expire this month but aparently I can use them till march because they've been stored properly. My intuition is telling me it's a stupid move though. I may reconsider.

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I've been spending countless hours reading through this thread. Currently I'm reading page 2.

I've dissected Leo's lecture on the topic, and I have read Cutler's book. 

I will let you know if I have any questions, but I am curious to know what your research process looks like, as you seem to be pretty good at pulling sources together. Also, how much time do you think you've spend researching?

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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On 24/12/2021 at 11:57 PM, mmKay said:

Looks like 80%+ of my personal questions have been anwsered. All the info is so widely avaliable that It's basically just taken me a week.

Some conclusions and anwsers for myself : 

It seems to be safe to go into the chelation protocol without testing.

At this point I'm just waiting for my order to arrive so I can start walking the walk and not just rambling. 

But there is more to be read on the ACC FB forum protocol.

You don't know what you don't know, right ?

Not very long, but I still learn things till this day @ZenSwift

Generally the process is pretty straightforward unless you have some health issues or amalgams.

consistently chelate, supplement, rest,  adjust dose, repeat

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I've been building up on Core 4 over the last-ish 2 weeks as I procrastinated on starting another chelating round.

Tonight 6AM I'll start 50MG dmsa every 4 hours ( for convencience, ideally I'd dose every 3 hours ).

I've prepared a week's worth of supplements. The recommended time by ACC is 3-4 days. You can go longer if you feel good, but not shorter.

I'll report back. This will be round 6. Last round was back in August woah. Hardcore procrastination, welp

if this goes well I'll try dosing 100MG dmsa every 4h next round, or the one after


I hope I get enough sleep as I've taken 50mg of modafinil at 7AM which is pretty late for it . It's 1 AM and I still feel the come-off.

Edited by mmKay

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day 1 gone, all good besides a little sleep deprived becuase I can only get 4H sleep on this current schedule. Also I feel a little burn while peeing, apparently it may be because DMSA can provoke yeast overgroth OR my body is flushing the excess VIT C ( ascorbic acid ) . Im taking 1G of AA every 4H which may be overkill. I definitely need to switch to a buffered version so that it's not so acidic. I'll try this one next time.

I may cut the round short to 4 days bcause I worry that I may damage my stomach with so much plain ascorbic acid.

                        IN FACT i just ordered the one from my link and I'll simply swap the vit C from the chelation pill containers i have prepared for this week. I belive they are simply distinguishable as they are the biggest pills in the box. You never want to do this though. You don't want to accindentaly take out a chelator pill and miss a dose... but this is an exception.

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Woah I just read this : 



Taking vitamin C can increase your absorption of aluminum from medications containing aluminum, such as phosphate binders. 

it would explain why does my short term memory go to shit I drink coconut water or orange juice that is in a tetrabrick lined with aluminium inside. It may be a possible correlation

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On 22/9/2022 at 5:45 PM, Devin said:

@mmKay Heartburn gone after swapping to buffered vit C. It was a good move. I just don't know yet if there is any issue with having that much calcium on the form of calcium ascorbate. 

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Just started day 5 of round 6. Feeling good energetically, adrenals seem fine, just sucks a bit getting only 4hours of sleep per night. Sometimes I manage to get a bit more. Throughout the day im good.

Gut feels a little acidic constantly, I hope it's not a big deal and I last till day 7.

Poop has been getting a little yellow over the last 12 hours, which is a clear sign of poor bile flow.

 I'll try 2 doses of bile support  per day instead of 1. I only have Taurine and Milk Thistle atm. I may purchase glycine and phosphatidylcholine soon. And probably molybdenum. ACC recommends these and so does @The0Self.

I'll figure out doses and edit this soon. [ edit, added below]

If I don't fix the yellow poop I may need to cut the round short. IDK the severity of this.

EDIT 2 : I need to be taking bile flow support WITH food, not at random times.


Milk Thistle Extract (and/or Artichoke Extract) (250-750 mg of silymarin in divided doses with meals) - A general purpose liver anti-oxidant that many people use while chelating. One of the most commonly recommended supplements outside of the Core Four.

Taurine (500-3000 mg) - Has a non-thiol sulfur. Helps Phase II of liver detox, also helps the kidneys retain magnesium.

Glycine (1-20 g) - Helps the liver to produce glutathione which is necessary for liver health. Can be taken in a ratio of 2 Glutamine : 1 Glycine to further increase glutathione. Add in 4 parts NAC to that ratio only if you know you need more thiols to function properly. If you are thiol intolerant, NAC is dangerous.

Edited by mmKay

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Amalgam Ilness page 147 - " Stuff you can take " .

[,,,] Calcium - 500 mg - a mineral important in nerve and muscle performance as well as in preventing bone loss. It helps you hold copper in and reduces histamine levels.

 I may need this in consideration as taking ALA builds up copper and needs to be taken with x4 small zinc and molybenum doses. I'll probably need to purchase Sodium ascorbate as Calcium Ascorbate contains 50 mg calcium per pill. IDK if this is correct to avoid calcium

Edit: IDK anymore: 

[...] in normal individuals 96% of copper is excreted in the bile and 4% is excreted in the urine - Lipoic acid increases copper in urine and somewhat in intestinal secretions but eliminates copper secretion in the bile [...]The normal intake of copper is 2-5 mg per day of which 40-60% or 1-3 mg is absorbed. Someone who is not secreting copper in their bile needs to limit absorption to 0.2 to 0.6 mg daily to keep tissue copper within normal limits. Vitamin C in large amounts, zinc, and molybdenum hinder copper absorption from the intestine. Taking 10-20 mg of zinc, 250- 1000 mcg of molybdenum, 250-500 mg of calcium and 2 grams of vitamin C every time you eat will greatly reduce copper absorption. Taking zinc and manganese in a ratio of 20:1 will increase the urinary excretion of copper.


[...] Mercury catalyzes oxidation of important parts of your body. The part it messes up the most IS the membranes around and inside cells. It sticks to sultbydryl groups that are present on membranes. Then it catalyzes oxIdatiion of the unsaturated compounds in the membranes. This destroys the essential fatty acids that your body can't replace. It also destroys the phospholipids (like · phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine) that hold the membrane together. Since the membrane is damaged, it does not perform its function of passing signals along properly so lots and lots of messages your body needs to pass around become garbled. This is why it affects the brain so severely - the message center of your body is the most sensitive to garbled messages. This is also why it affects the endocrine system so much - your hormones are really part of a complicated communications system that carries messages around to make your body do the appropriate physiological thing.

Edited by mmKay

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Ended up doing a 5 day dmsa round instead of 7 days. I didn't want to push it. I'd say I could make it  to 7 days with a bit more of effort, but I don't want to burn myself out and not be able to keep going next week. I'll take a week off now.  Next round Tuesday 7 March.
My purpose is to knock off the 10 dmsa rounds to incorporate ala, where the real gains are I belive.

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Just threw away two 100mg dmsa and 1 12'5mg ala bottles because they expired. Slacking off has it's cost sometimes. 

I didn't even think about expire date at the beginning. 

I gotta say for now 50 mg dmsa every 4 hours for 4 days maximum is my sweet spot. 

I'll start round 7 tomorrow and order more dmsa and ala. Looking forward to implementing ALA as I sometimes  mentally feel like a vegetable. 

Edited by mmKay

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