
Mmkay's Heavy Metal Chelation Journal

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I did a 5 day 50 mg DMSA every 4 hours round a few days ago ( Not recommended to do long DMSA rounds ) .

Something clearly worked, either the zeolite nanoparticles or the two ALA rounds I've done, because last time I would be burned out after a 3 day DMSA round  and maybe even  bedbound for some days  .

Maxing out on Sodium ascorbate clearly works as adrenal support ( they store vitamin c) . This is literally the most important thing that has helped me with physical energy. Almost 6 grams per day. Makes me wake up with energy and have constant energy throughout the day. But sometimes I struggle falling asleep.

also, keep all the timers going even after the round  ( besides at night ) to keep supplementing as much as during round, otherwise I'd crash really bad .

i didnt even take milk thistle or artichoke extract this time. I find it useful to see when my feces starts going yellow ( sign of overworking the liver and clear indication of need to stop the round asap ). It gives me information about my limits. If I'll do long ALA rounds in the future I'll be taking liver support for sure. Also need to drink at least half a liter of water with each ala dose, most likely my gut issues were because of the pill sticking to a part of my digestive tract and disolving there. Ala is both water and fat soluble so whatever it touches it will soak into it .

The highest quality zeolite nanoparticle spray ive found for now is actually this one  ( not affiliated ) at least on paper. It's way more expensive than ACZ though

1- it doesnt have coloidal silver as a side ingredient . 2 the average size of the particle is 1.7 nm,  compared with 30 NM of the other brands, therefore it theoretically has a bigger chance of crossing the BBB. Very very promising. I have yet to see proof of the particle size besides a random screenshot of the tests.

when taking zeolite, dont drink before of after like 15 min, it will bind to the water particles and render it less effective ( if its even effective to begin with )

note to self - dont open the bottle 🤦‍♂️ i unscrewed the cap to see inside and now probably dust and other stuff got in there, and it got a few grainy texture things inside. gotta throw  half a 100€ zeolite bottle away

If you find the dose you tolerate you're suposed to stick with it for 3 rounds and then increase 50%. they dont recommend going above 25 mg dmsa unless you have lead toxicity which i probably have to some degree. 

Ill try a 3 day 100 mg DMSA round next time. every 4 hours seems to be okay for me but ideally you want to be doing it every 3 hours to keep chelator levels more stable. for ala its 3 hours but if you can tolerate and deal to do it every 2 hours its aparently more effective and safer

I may have to take antibiotics for an infection starting next week. ill need to brew some water kefir again to repoblate my gut. I hear heavy metals and specifically dmsa can colonize your gut with candida, and we dont want that happening.

Edited by mmKay

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testing this stuff

almost 80€ for a bottle

I better feel a difference one month from here lol

I'll start ALA soon. I'll try microscooping the doses even though it's not avised by ACC group. I think it should be more acurrate actually than DIY capsules actually

Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-07-13 a las 22.02.49_e5479873.jpg

this brand doesnt have colloidal silver as an aditional ingredient and the average particle size of zeolite is aparently 1.7 nm instead of 30nm ( ACZ ) or 20-100 nm ( coseva ) 

Edited by mmKay

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Did a 72 hour 50 MG DMSA every 3 hours 60~~ mg ALa every 3 hours round 

As the ala pills are home made there may be a little difference in dosages between pills. About 20% is acceptable. I was taking 2 sprays of that zeolite nanoparticle spray to mop up whatever heavy metals may have been redistributing due to the inconsistent dosages and I have to say I did not feel any negative symptoms.

This is the dose I have to stay for about 5 more rounds before Increasing ALA. If I had gone one day longer I feel I'd burn out my adrenals.

Getting off round was very smoth. Last two doses are DMSA only to mop up the heavy metals and then 100 mcg seleniomethionine every 12 hours , two times only ( it binds to mercury )

Also the zeolite nanoparticle spray seems to mitigate any redistribution side effects when stopping the round. Im still experimenting with it and I'll update with my experiences.

I only experienced fatigue and some brain fog two days after stopping the round. I can't tell if it's due to  dehydration  or that I was talking less core 4 supplements ( not waking up at night to take them )

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Completed another 72 hour DMSA + ala round. It's very smooth with the zeolite nanoparticle spray. I often feel euphoria , a way more clear mind, and barely need to nap throughout the day with such high doses of vitamin c. 

Zeolite Nanoparticle spray + Selemethionine + mopping up last few doses with only DMSA makes getting off round efortless. No redistribution symptoms. Make sure to finish the round in the morning after taking the night doses so that you can properly suppelement and take the zeolite every 2-3 hours during your waking time ( personal choice, no science for this yet )

Three days is as long as I can take for now .

note to self : when doing all these DIY capsules, make sure to put Silica Gel Packets in the containers. Very important, specially in the ALA and vitamin C

Edited by mmKay

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On 13/7/2024 at 10:04 PM, mmKay said:

this brand doesnt have colloidal silver as an aditional ingredient and the average particle size of zeolite is aparently 1.7 nm instead of 30nm ( ACZ ) or 20-100 nm ( coseva ) 

My bad, coseva has a particle size of 0'7 to 0'9 nm, the smallest of all brands i've seen so far. but its more than twice as expensive as Pure body extra ( 1 to 1.7 nm particle size ) 

Coseva is aparently synthetic, and pure body extra is natural zeolites. I dont fully understand the difference yet but ive read you should stay away from synthetic ones. Who knows.


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@mmKay Great work you're doing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Coseva has Sodium Magnesium Aluminosilicate as an side ingredient. Idk what may be the long term side effects. 

Edit : some decent science here

@integration journey I can't tell. I stopped using ACZ when I learned it contained silver, ( i had only taken about 1 third of the bottle ) but I did feel it working. So I do with PBE ( im on my second bottle atm )

nice, particle size finally explained



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this nano zeolite stuff can seriously dehydrate you. It's written on the bottle. Take it seriously. 

Peeing a lot can also deplete your electrolytes.


I stood up to stretch on my pull up bar and suddenly passed out, hit my head on the hard floor, bit my tongue bad and twisted my wrist.  Luckily it seems that I spinned forward mid air and instead of smashing the back of my head it was the front side corner. HOnestly idk whats worse.

Learn from my mistakes boys.

Kinda cool whacky consciousness experiment though,


It coult have been infinitely worse

It could have been inifinitely better as well. I could have developed savant syndrome like some people do after a head injury. What a bummer

IF I HADN'T MOVED MY PULL UP BAR 20 cm YESTERDAY, and this thing had happened, I would have cracked my head on the table corner. Period. I woke up laying flat on the floor centimeters away from the table.

I literally could have died right then and there

I've had a fever for the last 3 days, so who knows what's the real cause of my fainting, but most likely its a combination of both. 

Last time I fainted was doing breathwork on psychedelics. But there I was laying down already so it wasn't that dangerous.

Edited by mmKay

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Last Saturday I finished a 72 hour 100mg ala 50mg DMSA every 3 hours round. It have increased the dose too fast. 60mg was just good enough , I should have stayed with that dose for at least 5 more rounds 

It's been 3 days and I still haven't recovered. It has made me really physically exhausted. I'll wait at least one week before trying again.


Also accidentally being dehydrated doesn't help

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It's been almost two weeks and I'm still wrecked from that 100mg ala chelation round. Sometimes sleeping 12-14 hours before feeling somewhat rested 

It's very insightful how much it wrecks my mood , energy and mental clarity. This is a feeling I've been carrying for a couple of years now and this experiment allows me to accurately blame it on heavy metals rather than let's say being potentially depressed or demotivated.

Looking forward to getting my brain and body heavy metal free. I really value mental clarity and physical vigor


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@mmKay Great work, indeed! Thank you for documenting all of this, very much appreciated. I'd like to ask you this: I plan on trying zeolite, and zeolite only, to chelate lead, which is my main issue - if you were to use one the zeolite forms you've experimented with so far (Coseva vs ACZ vs powder), which one would you choose? I have an average budget.

Just to clarify, I gave up on the idea to go with DMSA (which I had initially bought, but expired since then), as the side effects of this product scare me. I never got the courage to start with rounds... although what you wrote earlier in this post, alluding to the possibility of doing it only once a month may spark the flame again, who knows. But anyway, zeolite seems smoother and less scary to me.

Thanks a lot in advance and good luck recuperating from that last 100mg ALA round.

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I just barely recovered from the 100MG ALA round yesterday. It's been 3 weeks. What worked was taking 8 to 10 pills of adrenal cortex EXTRACT for a couple of days. It seems that round seriosly fatigued my adrenal glands. Mercury and heavy metals are known for " crashing your adrenals ", which manifests as that chronic fatigue where no ammount of sleep is enough. I'll do another round soon. I should go back down to 60 MG but I may just be stoopid enough to try 100 MG again, for the sake of science, even though I'm no scientist.


@baconsfield Pure body extra Zeolite Nanoparticle spray. If I were you I'd at least try a single 3 day 25 mg DMSA round. You should be just fine if you've never had amalgams and will get a feel for how chelation feels to you as safely as possible

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that last 100 mg ala round scared me off chelation. I was K.O for 3 weeks.

I'll start building up on core 4 and do a 50 MG dmsa + ala round for 3 - 4 days, at least 3 times without serious side effects before I increse the dose by .25 ( as recommended by ACC , increasing dose too quickly is a rookie mistake. I knew this but I was reckless nevertheless)

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It’s wild and seems so frustrating this heavy metal chelation.

I did a round of dmsa.

But stories like yours (and not a great sleeper anyway) scare me from trying  dmsa+ala.

Stay safe.

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Posted (edited)

On 26/11/2024 at 2:11 PM, mmKay said:

that last 100 mg ala round scared me off chelation. I was K.O for 3 weeks.

I'll start building up on core 4 and do a 50 MG dmsa + ala round for 3 - 4 days, at least 3 times without serious side effects before I increse the dose by .25 ( as recommended by ACC , increasing dose too quickly is a rookie mistake. I knew this but I was reckless nevertheless)

End of September was my last round. I have been stuck in a cycle of not taking the core 4 consistently for 2 weeks prior to starting chelation so I never could get myself to get re-started chelating.

To break myself off of the rut I just took a dose of DMSA without building up on the core 4 before,   to get the ball rolling so that I just have to force myself to restack my supplements and take doses on time. Kinda brute forced myself


I had been feeling lots of fatigue and brain-fog for the last month. Sleeping 12 hours and waking up tired and not being able to form coherent thoughts quickly.

My libido was absolute trash

I realized I hadn't been taking supplementing zinc for over a month. Three days after taking zinc daily my energy and libido increased noticeably! I had never felt the benefits of zinc before until I experienced the on / off / on sequence of it. And it makes even more sense that the effects of not supplementing with zinc are so bad since heavy metal toxic people are chronically deficient in zinc  because of mineral derangement 


Literally one hour after the first dose of DMSA I started feeling like a curse was lifted off of me. I had energy to get off the couch and walk on the beach to record a video. I could sit around playing the guitar without wanting to lie down to nap. I stopped feeling fucking tired the entire time.

Not all rounds have noticeable effects but this one is crystal clear 

I feel wide awake both physically and mentally. What the actual fuck. I keep forgetting how serious this is. Heavy metals have literally stolen my early twenties if nothing more, by sapping most of my energy and clarity of mind

I'm absolutely taking this serious again.

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@mmKay how has heavy metals stolen your twenties?

did you have health problems or something, or is the mere boost in focus and wakefulness you feel that intense now that your chelating. 

Edited by UpperMaster

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@UpperMaster by making me not have any spare energy or focus to do stuff besides basic survival 


I'm wasted again. No ammout of sleep feels enough.  I was okay until 8 Am when I woke up after taking night doses every 4h rather than 3h. I also had taken two sprays of zeolite nanoparticles before sleep which may have caused more severe dehydration as I hadn't loaded up on water troughout the day. Having late dinner doesn't help with dehydration... Adequate water intake is needed for the DMSA to work.

It's most likely improper hydration during chelation but most importantly my vitamin C has oxidized and is not effective. ( I didn't put enough silica gel packs in the container and humidity got to It) . It clearly gone yellow ( from white).

I feel like when my adrenals crash ( you get used to the specific feeling and eventually can recognize it )

Sodium ascorbate feels less effective for me compared with ascorbic acid but I can't take AA in large doses without gut issues.

I have 1kg of sodium ascorbate I got off of eBay and turns out it expired in September 2024. I looked at the label and it looks like some Chinese crap. I'll try it to mix it 50/50 with AA.

I'll have to make another order from Iherb soon

My mind does feel more clear though. I hope I manage to sleep well or tomorrow will be even worse. On Friday I have a coaching call with one of my mental fitness clients and I want to be eloquent and clear minded.

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Weird, the last couple of times i had no problem going 4 hours in between the doses at night. This time it seems to be the reason for most of the fatigue. I do okay until I stretch re-dosing by 1 hour to get a little more sleep in . 




missed a dose by 27 minutes. I didn't respect my rule of taking the pills as soon as the alarm rings . I turned the alarm off, told myself ill go in a moment -- and then almost half an hour passed without me taking them. It's okay, im doing 3 hour dmsa dosage, so 1 hour later is still fine. 1 hour 30 still would be fine i think without having to go off round.

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