
Mmkay's Heavy Metal Chelation Journal

203 posts in this topic

On 27/5/2022 at 1:12 PM, mmKay said:

Easy time calculato


Used this to make 100% I'm accurate lol. 

Dosing 25 DMSA every 2 hours 40 min  ( aka 160 min)  so that I do it at the same day every single day and don't need to switch up alarms or anything.




ok im stoopid dosing every 3 hours archives exactly the same thing and is easier.

EDIT : dosing DMSA every 4 hour archives the same ; dosing every day at the sime time . Lel.

Edited by mmKay

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Started round 2 after 5 days break .

Dosing 25 MG DMSA every 3 hours, for 4 days ( 96 hours ) .

I'm willing to extend it up to a week if I really feel good throughout the round , even though I was advised to do the short 3 day rounds.

Supplementing with adequate ammounts of Core 4 + other stuff.

Waking up mid night sucks a bit.


The results of chelation and mercury and other heavy metals leaving my body are subjective by nature.

Today I wanted to testify that I feel improved capability to visualize and imagine for longer periods of time. By this I mean something very simple and down to earth : imagine stuff with my mind in a more clear fashion for longer periods of time without losing track.
Also I can have longer chains of thoughts more easily. I don't get distracted that easily.

I'm very glad I'm feeling the results after 7 months of arm wrestling with myself to get done with some basic understanding and research and logistics to make this hapen.

Mental clarity was my objective from the very start in December 2021 and I'm glad I had the wisdom to see the importance of this and to pull through the discomfort of making this habit happen. 



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Just finished last dose of day 4. i feel i could keep going for a week no problem but I've been advised to stick with the 3 -4 day rounds for the begging. 

I'll see if redistribution feels different from last week. ( lasted  2 days) 

Taking some selenium after finishing the round this time. Apparently it works like magic for the symptoms. 


Besides that, im sick aF right now. Idk why exactly . Intuition telling me it has nothing to do w/ chelation

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Still sick so ill wait until like Thursday to start third round of Chelation ( I'll go 50 mg DMSA) 

Btw ACC doesn't recommend dosing more than 50Mg dmsa ? they say it may flare yeast and is not needed since it only picks up Heavy metals from extracelular spaces and lead from inside the bones ( which is a slow process in itself. i remember Leo recommending up to 300 MG because of a few research papers he linked. 

ALA you can go all in on it. 300 MG and more ( build up over time) 



Restock vitamin c and vit E. 


Edited by mmKay

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I'm not sick anymore. It was probably Covid . I got myself new Vitamin C and vitamin E bottles. Im ready to start my third round today. 50 MG of DMSA.
It's not ideal to switch too many things at once because then I can't track WHAT makes me feel HOW: Upping the DMSA dose , Different vitamin C, different vitamin E, less magnesium ( I was taking 800MG /day or more, Now around 400MG I won't be using liver or adrenal support supplements this time to see if they make any difference...

I'll see what happens. I don't think I'll die or harm myself so let's go.

Start of Round 3 : 23 / 06 / 2022 at 18:00. Finish is in 4 days  27 June at 18:00.

Reminder to drink water.

Edited by mmKay

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I'm excited for ALA. In 7 more DMSA rounds I'll start ALA which actually pulls heavy metals out of your organs and croses the BBB ( Blood brain barrier ).

That's where I'll start seeing the real MENTAL GAINS.

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about to finish day 4 of  my third round of DMSA chelation.

I did 50 MG DMSA every 3 hours.  I almost missed one dose by an hour but there is about 1 hour grace period so its okay.

Some stuff I noticed : Day 1 when I started dosing I got a dry cough. It also happened the other times I started the round but I shrugged it off and didn't draw any conclusions. If it happens again I may consider researching it. I did have pneumonia when I was 3 years old caused by excess inhale of cement fumes during our house construction . It may have to do something with that but no idea.

I dosed less magnesium this time, and no other suplements than DMSA, Vit C and vit E

I got yellow poop once which aparently means Poor bile flow ( need more liver support supplements, in my case I use milk thistle extract and artichoke extract as recomended by ACC )

Also I had a consistent mild headache throughout the 4 days .

Also people on the group criticized me for " upping the dose from 25 MG to 50 MG too fast. they say there is no reason to go above 25MG unless you have Lead toxicity ( I do to a small degree ) . Im skeptical about that as seen by Leo's DMSA provoked urine tests do show heavy metal excretion. I know what I mean but I'm just too lazy to elaborate right now so If you want me to explain ask me specifically about this ,


People said that the headaches are related to adrenal fatigue and that I should take supplements to support it .  I did take ACE on my other rounds but I wanted to personally experiment if it helps or not . last dose I had a bit strong of a headache and I took 2 250 MG everything spectrum brand ACE and I gotta say the headaches faded. IDK if it's placebo or not . Kinda sucks because one ACE pill box is 50 €  lol .

I'll wait a week before next round . I plan going 50 MG again but " properly supplementing " this time . ALso Ill take  selenomethionine today few hours after I finish the round as it's suposed to help to cope with redistribution symptoms. I'll take it tomorrow again as it can get toxic quite fast even in the lower doses  ( apparently ).

I kind of feel more mental clarity but the  only 3 hours of sleep at night make me kind of lazy. I sleep more but only 3 of these are quality sleep I feel. I don't have energy problems but I do feel sluggish .

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Sleeping the whole night in one go is amazing and i couldn't do it that often before. I can still feel the sleep debt though. 

Selenium works for redistribution symptoms. 200 mcg every 12 hours twice is a bit too much for me. 200 mcg every 24 hours for 2 or 3 days next time. I got chest pain ( probably caused by this, you never know for sure) 

Apparently the liver and adrenal support work so I'll take them next round ( starting next Monday) 


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I was destroyed for a whole week after this last round. woke up extremely tired every day. That is suposed to be a singnal of crashing my adrenals. I did the whole round without taking ACE for adrenal support or without taking Liver support and my poop indeed was yellow.

I'll  start soon round nr 5 and this time I'll take the adrenal and liver supplements .


I'll dose 50 MG of DMSA every 4 hours this time, since it's suposed to be it's half-life. 3 hour dosing is only for ease of taking when taking in conjunction with ALA.

Taking 50 MG dmsa every 3 hours is suposed to be the same as taking 67 MG DMSA every 4 hours. Apparently .




Starting dose depends on the severity of the illness. Those who are seriously sick or frail would start with a LOWER dose. Always start with one chelator and find the appropriate dose for you before adding a second chelator. A general suggestion for adults is to start at doses of 12.5 mg for trial rounds (frail adults start at 6.25 mg or even lower). If side effects are too much then stop the round and trial half that dose in the next round. If there are no side effects at all then the next round trial double the dose. Once you find the dose where side effects are manageable stick with that dose for several months before increasing. Increases are then generally 50% of the current dose. If you are using 2 chelators (ALA and DMSA or ALA and DMPS) only increase one chelator at a time and adjust to that dose before increasing the dose of the other chelator.

When you can chelate at 3 mg/kg doses of ALA without any side effects on or off round and there are no further improvements to your health conditions, chelate for another 6 months and you are done.

For DMPS and DMSA there is not much extra to be gained by going above 25 - 50 mg doses (except in some special circumstances).

One of the things you can try if you are struggling with chelation is to take the chelators more frequently. It is somewhat common for people to feel a smoother chelation experience when they take ALA every 2 hours, DMSA every 2 or 3 hours, or DMPS every 6 hours.

Edited by mmKay

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How have your results been with heavy metal detoxing? Have you gotten any better in terms of health? Any results?

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2 hours ago, Vision said:

How have your results been with heavy metal detoxing? Have you gotten any better in terms of health? Any results?

Read through the journal, I've documented everything. Yes, I do feel improved mental focus for now to a degree and im just getting started

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This will be my 5th round of DMSA. When I reach round 10 I can start adding ALA - which is my goal, because It pulls heavy metals out of the brain and I intuit it's when I will feel the real effects of chelation . DMSA only pulls them out of extracelular spaces .

I will do 50 MG DMSA every 4 hours this time ( contrasted with every 3 hours last time which was too much for me, perhaps because I didnt support Liver and Adrenals )

This should be a nice experiment to see if I feel better overall during the round as I'm suposed to get better sleep at night . It may actually be counter-intuitively worse because many times I come back from work at 01 or 02 AM which means for the night dose I will not be able to fall asleep until I take my 4 AM dose . . . We will see how it goes.

Also I will support with ACE and liver supplements. See how big of a difference it makes.

Gotta say that last round left me kind of destroyed. Terrible sleep for the first week and I'd say perhaps it still affects me until today. It's been 3 weeks since last round.

This is my schedule :

16 - 20 - 00 - 04 - 08 - 12 - - - repeat 4 times in total. 

Start time =  Thursday 16 PM 21 - 07 - 2022 . - - - END :  25 th Monday  16 PM


50 MG DMSA every 4 hours. 1200 MG of DMSA throughout 96 Hours.

Supplements : 500 MG buffered calcium ascorbate  every 4 hours ( 3000 MG ) , together with the DMSA, as long as the round lasts. ( I'll try buffered Sodium ascorbate as soon as I get my hands on it, I feel this brand is pretty crappy )

200 MG  Chelated Magnesium Glycinate every 8 hours. 600 MG a day in total.

536 MG of Vitamin E ( two 268 pills - you could take this in one go but I don't mind splitting it. I've never felt any effect of taking vitamin E but I do it because it's recommended. Leo recommended a brand that has 100 mcg selenium in it and I've read on the group that it is not advised to be taking it ON round, only after - to mitigate redistribution symptoms )

50 MG of zinc once a day at night .

Other  ( the effect is not clear ) :

5000 IU vitamin A - once a day.

molecularly destilled omega 3   around 300 EPA 200 DHA  a day 

Iodine : 150 μg a day.

ACE ( adrenal cortex extract ) around 450 MG a day ( my biggest dose yet to try ) 

Artichoke extract and Milk thistle extract for liver support : as recommended in ACC FB group.


Other things to keep in mind :

Avoid thiols while chelating  - follow my diet that I have posted above . basically only coocked peppers , highest quality ground beef, white rice, bananas and coconut water for fiber and potassium.  Go shop in bulk for these items. 

I will try my homemade water kefir for probiotics as my batch will be ready around sunday. I've tested it for months and it makes me feel amazing but I've never done it while chelating .

Drink a good quantity of water to pee a decent ammount, and fiber intake is important to poop at least once a day. ( thats the very minimum for a proper chelation experience , as the heavy metals are excreted through feces and urine  ) 

Do a couple 5 to 10 minute cardio workouts ( I have the site attached to the browser for an easy reminder and easy click ) Minimal effort, maximum results . Treat it as another supplement, but instead of orally taking it you must go through the effort of these movements .

  • Double alarm for night doses.
  • Carry a paper cup so that you dont spill the pills when it's time to take them.
  • phone allways in pocket so I dont miss the regular alarms 
Edited by mmKay

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Day 1 / 4 done. I felt actually really energetic throughout the entire. I had stopped taking all the supplements for a few weeks and overall my wellbeing had gone to worse . But now taking daily supplements again it's very good by contrast.
I only could get in 4 hours of sleep which may be one of the reasons I'm pretty fatigued. You can't ever tell exactly what is the core cause . It may be a side effect of chelation.

But I do feel way better than last time I dosed 50 MG. every 4 hours insdead of 3 hours seems to work for me. I don't feel any redistribution symptoms so that means I'm not dropping my blood chelator levels . 

3 more days to go .

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On 21/7/2022 at 2:26 PM, mmKay said:

Supplements: 500 MG buffered calcium ascorbate ( vitamin C) 

My vitamin C turned out to be an issue. From what it feels it's practically useless and had no effect. I swapped the vitamin C for 1000 MG ascórbic acid pills and very soon I started feeling way better. May be the reason I felt so bad last round. 

Also increased ACE intake for more adrenal support and I do feel the difference as the adrenals are the hardest hit organ by mercury. 

I also purchased Taurine for Liver support. I'll have to try out if it makes any difference. 

I'll also be drinking  an " Adrenal cocktail " As recomended by ACC group. Ascórbic acid powder, cream of tartar and some Himalayan salt  ( for electrolytes) . See how I feel. 

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19 hours ago, mmKay said:

My vitamin C turned out to be an issue. From what it feels it's practically useless and had no effect. I swapped the vitamin C for 1000 MG ascórbic acid pills and very soon I started feeling way better. May be the reason I felt so bad last round. 


I've been taking the 1G ascorbic acid pills every 4 hours for about a day. At the beginning it was great but the last few doses make my stomach burn a bit. I've purchased the BUFFERED version ( sodium acorbate ) off Iherb. Just 15 bucks or so and it will be here in two weeks. I could not find Sodium ascorbate on Spanish Amazon.

92 hours have passed since I've started the round. I was feeling really tired until I swapped my vitamin C supplement and increased adrenal support with ACE.

this 50 MG DMSA every 4 hours seems to be my sweet spot for now. I'll repeat 2 more rounds and see If I increase.

I'm already feeling more clearheaded but the real gains will come when I start ALA. DMSA only chelates from extracelular spaces aparently .


Also potassium seems to be a very important electrolyte. a 4-1 potassium to sodium ratio is recommended and I consume quite little of it if it's not bananas . I'll try the adrenal cocktail next round ( ascorbic acid, cream of tartar, pink himalayan salt, orange juice ) 

Edited by mmKay

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3 weeks have passed since my last chelation round. I've re-stocked on ACE and I have everything I need to start round  6. After round 10 I will start implementing ALA which is the goal here .

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Currently doing a 4 week keto challenge with my brother to get off all the sugar, pin down possible alergic reactions to foods and for mental clarity, but I have to say that simply drinking the water kefir makes me feel amazing, my digestion is pretty much perfect and I dont really crash unless I have some really trash food.

I'll need test how keto diet affects chelation and cross reference the thiol list with foods that I consume

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@mmKay So did you ever test for your heavy metal levels? if you posted it I must've skipped over it

Edited by Devin

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On 31/5/2022 at 4:47 PM, mmKay said:

Just wanted to add that when I missed that one night dose by almost 3 hours I felt a stronger headache but that's it. It faded over time as I followed through the round even though I was advised by the mods to stop. 


I've been officially diagnosed mercury toxic as I had assumed. IDK the acurracy of all these tests and diagnosis though but I'll roll with it. 

I'll definitely keep chelating as I feel it working with little negative side effects for now. After 10 rounds of increasing DMSA ill add ALA. 




@Devin I ended up doing a hair test as recommended by ACC group. I didn't want to take such a huge dose of DMSA without knowing how I would react, since  i do not care about tracking how much heavy metals were in me initially or how much is left.

It's an unecessary risk for the sake of measurement IMO. I'll just keep chelating for years . The way you know you're done is when you can chelate your maximum dose of ALA for 6 months without side effects. 

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@mmKay it shows low levels right?

By the way; It said you're low in selenium, you mentioned acute hair loss, low selenium could do that

Edited by Devin

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