
Mmkay's Heavy Metal Chelation Journal

203 posts in this topic

I started at 1am last night 100mg dmsa every 4 hours. I bought 100mg pills before I researched it more and it just arrived. Starting with less is probably better but I am too impatient to wait another 6 weeks. I will check out your experience from time to time. I wish you the best.

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my dmsa came, so it was less than a week :)

ordered the "super smart" brand

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@Bogdan @Bogdan

On 21/1/2022 at 10:55 AM, Bogdan said:


Jesus not being able to remove @s and quotes when typing on phone is so annoying. Pls ignore this. 


What is holding me back from starting ?

  • I need to take the core 4 every day for 2 weeks before starting. There is no problem with that. Look up the required dosages and do it. 
  • I haven't done a hair test to find out if I have cadmium toxicity. It is possible. And the possible cadmium acumulation in the kidneys if you dont alcalinize your urine thing left me uneasy about not doing the hair test. 

It would be about 4 weeks for the results and 150 ish bucks. Or look up if there is any possible side effects with just taking some baking powder pills here and there to alcalinize the urine while chealating.

  • I haven't done the thiol exclusion test. I intuit im sensitive to thiols cause it seems like eggs and tumeric make my sleep terrible.


That would be all I think. Also buy maybe a decent wrist watch so that i don't miss the dosages , or something lile that. 

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Hey mmKay,

Been really enjoying keeping track of your journal. I have a question about taking the "core 4" supplements for 2 weeks prior to chelation. Why such a long period taking large doses? I understand there is a need to "build up" these reserves but 2 weeks sounds like overkill to me. What are your thoughts? 

Secondly (as a european) I wanted to share something I found that was useful. If you go on the german amazon website and type in "heavy metal urine test". You can find a relatively cheap test of 65 euros. My thinking is if you react well to dmsa than perhaps give challenge testing a go (despite the ACC facebook group hating challenge testing). It'll save you some money on hair testing and give you a clearer idea of how many heavy metals are in the deeper tissue. Just a thought though, obviously dont do it if you are very heavy metal toxic.


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10 hours ago, Aubs said:

I have a question about taking the "core 4" supplements for 2 weeks prior to chelation. Why such a long period taking large doses? I understand there is a need to "build up" these reserves but 2 weeks sounds like overkill to me. What are your thoughts?


It's seems long relative to our quick fix mentality of " Take this pill and tomorrow you're well ".


If heavy metals interfiere with mineral and nutrient transport a two week period of building up these is not much in contrast with having carried heavy metals since pretty much birth ( you can get some passed from your mother ) . And I have memories of eating lots of seafood since age of 4.

Only reason i wouldn't do the 2 week prep would be because I'm impatient. But I'm not in a rush. 

Not doing it would potentially falsify my experience once i start chelating. And personal experience is very important while chealating since you ain't got no scientist spitting studies in your ears. You have to go by how you feel. 

For example, maybe I'm sensitive to a dose of a chelator that otherwise would be just fine for me if I just had taken the supplements. But it makes me think the dose is to high when actually i just needed to have taken the supplements for that time. 

So that's my thoughts on that. 


Edited by mmKay

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9 hours ago, Aubs said:

If you go on the german amazon website and type in "heavy metal urine test". You can find a relatively cheap test of 65 euros. My thinking is if you react well to dmsa than perhaps give challenge testing a go (despite the ACC facebook group hating challenge testing). It'll save you some money on hair testing and give you a clearer idea of how many heavy metals are in the deeper tissue. Just a thought though, obviously dont do it if you are very heavy metal toxic.


Idk. For my bodyweight I'd have to take 1800 MG of DMSA ( that's eighteen 100 MG pills) for a proper urine test from what I know. And you can see why i think that's not the best way to start.

I'll consider it once I've done about half a year of chelation and I've built up my doses so I know how I take it. 

Thanks though. 

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Hey mmKay,

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. Its appreciated. 

On the core 4, based on what you've shared. It sounds like the 2 week period of build up would depend on how toxic the system is. That is to say if the system were really mercury toxic, absorption of these minerals is disrupted. Therefore a 2 week build up is necessary. However it would also suggest the opposite, as in the less toxic the system the better it should be at absorption and therefore the less time it would take to reach build up. I hope I am reading this correctly.

As for the urine test. You are absolutely right, taking that much dsma without knowing how toxic one is can be dangerous. So finding the proper dosage and feeling how toxic your system might be is a good start. I only shared this because I am somewhat dissatisfied with the current testing suggestions. Sure hair sampling is the safest. But only urine challenge testing can really get into the whole system and show you how much metal you are excreting. Its just more useful in my opinion. 

Again, big fan of this journal and thank you so much for committing to it. I've really enjoyed following along. 

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I keep forgetting about this process & then the extreme fatigue & brain fog wave comes back, then I am reminded. 

Feeling guilty now, I have barely started. I want this to be over, I want to enjoy some of my 20's with a normally functioning body & brain. 

It's just so long & daunting, I can't even get the will to start it yet, this process is even more daunting than getting a GF. 

I prey that within a couple months at least I will have done some chelation & feel better already, life is too short for this bullshit. 

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4 hours ago, Striving for more said:

I keep forgetting about this process & then the extreme fatigue & brain fog wave comes back, then I am reminded. 

Feeling guilty now, I have barely started. I want this to be over, I want to enjoy some of my 20's with a normally functioning body & brain. 

It's just so long & daunting, I can't even get the will to start it yet, this process is even more daunting than getting a GF. 

I prey that within a couple months at least I will have done some chelation & feel better already, life is too short for this bullshit. 

I feel you. Get your priorities straight. Understanding proper chelation protocol should be on top of the list. And then actually gradually consistently chipping away at it. 

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My post on ACC FB group:

I was about to start chelating but I've stumbled upon something that has me a bit restless about the whole process.It's about cadmium being possibly accumulated in the kindeys.

I was researching and somewhere in this group here I've read:

Quote : " Cadmium chelates with DMSA and possibly ALA. The key to chelating cadmium safely, in addition to the usual chelation precautions, is to ensure the urine is alkalinized to a pH of 7 or greater (preferably closer to 7).

This is because cadmium is insoluble in acid urine; we alkalinize it so that the cadmium does not deposit in the kidney. Urine pH is measured with pH test strips and small quantities of baking soda in water/capsules taken on round to raise the pH.

One study found that people who smoke have four or five times higher cadmium concentrations in their blood than people who don't smoke.

I've been a life long second hand smoker ( aka passive smoker ) . IDK if how severe it is relating to cadmium toxicity.

I will take a hair test to see if I'm cadmium toxic but I'm a bit paranoid that I still may be toxic even though it doesn't show that I am.

My question : could I take some baking soda pills here and there to help cadmium excrete once I start chelating? How much would I need to take and how often? are there any dangers with taking baking soda pills to alkalize my urine ?

Anwser from admin:

What you do has to be consistent because if you make it too variable the absorption of ALA could be variable. Best thing to do is get some pH strips and test your urine then figure out how much baking soda to take to bring pH into the right range. The other thing is that baking soda/water should be taken away from meals because digestion needs an acid pH.

You can get urine pH test strips at swimming pool supplies, aquarium supplies or maybe garden stores. Keep a cup by the toilet and test urine. Keep track for a week. Average over the day. Then dissolve a tsp of baking soda in water. Take a measured amount (1/8 to 1/4 cup?) Every 3h as if you were taking a swig of it to wash down chelator while doing a round. Keep measuring urine pH. If it's not getting high enough increase dose of baking soda and try again.

Then again, I know smokers who did not have cadmium toxicity so don't get too excited until you see your hair test.



I may get a hair test done here. It's in german but the UK site is 80 pounds + 60 pounds delivery. This one seems to be just 99 € but IDK about the delivery.

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@mmKay ?? for me. I ordered the hair test from the German website. 

Just took me a whole month of procrastination ?

Should be here in a few days. 99€ and delivery + taxes included for EU members. 

Kinda excited for it. 

Edited by mmKay

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Aight procrastination lord. The test arrived a few days ago. Just cut some hair and sent it back to the lab and in the meanwhile I could start taking the core 4 to get ready to chelate.

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let's get real for a second.

I still haven't started chelating. I've had a quite long chunk of time with no progress in this area ( AKA Procrastination ) .

I truly do belive chelation will radically improve my cognition over time. 

I guess I'm somewhat afraid of fucking myself up, as in I'm actually good now as in  " don't fix whats not broken " 

I guess I have this buzzing background noise lack of faith in the chelation protocol that subconsciously has been stopping me from getting started.  

It's kinda weird but I have this belief that part of Leo's health problems are caused by heavy metal chelation. I've heard SIBO is also a protective mechanism of your body against  leaked heavy metals leaked in your gut.  It's just this thought that has been stuck in my subconscious for a while. 

Another thing that was stopping me : Im growing my hair out and I legit didn't want to cut a chunk for the hair test ? . But I have no excuse with that now because I can send some pubes.


Action steps : Send in pubes to the lab. Start taking the core 4 supplements ( restock on magnesium ) . After the 2 weeks start slowly chelating even without the lab results . Adjust after results come .


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?? big clap for me. I beat procrastination and sent in the hair samples. Now i just need to load up on the big 4, liver support and Adrenal cortex for two weeks and then I can slowly start chelating. I Don't need the lab results to start. 

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On 03/02/2022 at 3:36 AM, Striving for more said:

I keep forgetting about this process & then the extreme fatigue & brain fog wave comes back, then I am reminded. 

Feeling guilty now, I have barely started. I want this to be over, I want to enjoy some of my 20's with a normally functioning body & brain. 

It's just so long & daunting, I can't even get the will to start it yet, this process is even more daunting than getting a GF. 

I prey that within a couple months at least I will have done some chelation & feel better already, life is too short for this bullshit. 

@Striving for more Any update? Have you started it? 

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On 31/1/2022 at 7:51 PM, mmKay said:

haven't done the thiol exclusion test. I intuit im sensitive to thiols cause it seems like eggs and tumeric make my sleep terrible.

I'm definitely sensitive to thiols. I've accidentally made the thiol exclusion challenge and my sleep is terrible when I have eggs, tumeric pills or kebab meat which is not great in the first place but probably loaded with tumeric. 

My diet is pretty simple so I'd be okay with avoiding thiols for longer

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I taped a micro calendar to my laptop to track how long have I been successfully been on the core 4 supplement regime. 

6 more days to start chelation ?


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Omfg I'm actually doing progress. Hair sample was sent 6th of May ( two and half weeks ago). In about 2 weeks more I'll get emailed my results.

As you see below all it took was to track the supplement regime and tick the day. Very simple very effective.  I just taped a micro calentar to my laptop ( a place where it's super visible for me ). I Chugged all the supplements x1 a day and then 3 more times just vit C and magnesium. Actually feeling way way better just from this . Magnesium and vit C before sleep is extremely underated. 

✅ Finished 2 weeks Core 4 build up supplement regime.



Today I can actually start chelation.

I want to recap everything all the important stuff I've learned during this last half year over the next few posts.


To figure out your thiol status, you need to do an elimination diet. Eat exclusively low sulfur foods for at least four days. Do not chelate with ALA during this time. Reintroduce high sulfur foods at ONE meal. Watch what happens.

As a rule, people who do well with thiol foods feel good while taking alpha lipoic acid and can use robust doses. People who are thiol sensitive get a lot of side effects from it and need to stick to lower doses.

A Low thiol foods list I can eat for me personally during chelation would be :

Mango. Sardines . sugar ( I add it to my DIY water kefir ) . Apples. Banana. Avocado. Chicken. Beef. Lemon/lime. Ginger. Mushrooms. Rice. Peach. Pear. Peppers. Carrots. Tomato. Watermelon. Spelt. Sweet potato. Dates, Corn, Cucumber. Basil. Berries. Black pepper. Figs. Olives. Wheat ( huh ) Fruit (all fruits parsley spelt other than papaya and pineapple are low thiol) Honey. Grapefruit  ( YUM ) , Kiwi.

Buttermilk is where the thiols end up. Butter is thiol free. No CHEESE.

Oats ( Properly fermented over days, otherwise it's 下痢 for me


[...]" there is no significant amount of thiol precursors or thiols in coconut. However some coconut products are sulfited to keep them white colored. Read the label. " 

Things I'll want to stop eating that are high in Thiols and are in my current diet : 

Eggs. ( Checked that I'm sensitive to them. Terrible sleep )

Beans, Lentils, Peas of all sorts.

Dairy products., Cheese, milk... ( even better, I'm lactose sensitive. IDK if im allowed to have Goat stuff but IDC)  Butter is fine actually it seems.

No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Carob.

Brocoli, cauliflower. Chives, Onions. . Garlic. Mustard. pineaple( RIP - But on second thought, I remember feeling off after eating Pineaple, multiple times by now hmmm ) . Peanuts ( sensitive anyways ) .

[...] Meat is also high in sulfur, but most people tolerate it well due to its low thiol level.

Sulfur ≠ Thiols, contrary to popular belief.


About Supplements : 

No-No  :

Curcumin - I sleep terribly after it . Turmeric (while it does not contain thiols, it is thiol levels). My supplement actually is curcumin and tumeric. F me lol.

Supplements that are safe and support the sulfur pathways : 

Molybdenum. Dose = 500- 1000 mcg / day

Edited by mmKay

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