
Mmkay's Heavy Metal Chelation Journal

203 posts in this topic

More on Gut health : 

[...] Probiotics are organisms that should be present in your digestive tract. You can take them direCtly or grow your own in cultured foods such as kefir, kimchi and yogurt.

Mercury compromises the immune system and an impaired immune system can allow yeast and other harmful microorganisms to grow out of control.

In addition to mercury, many food chemicals, additives and ingredients interfere with how the body regulates yeast and other organisms. Some of them can also act as a fertilizer.

Chelating with DMSA can cause yeast overgrowth and is an issue for some people. When enough chelation has been done and the immune system Starts working properly again, yeast and dysbiosis will cease to be a problem.

In the meantime, you will have to be constantly on the lookout to keep it under control.

One of the most effective remedies is dietary modification. Eliminating sugar is the most important thing you can do. Yeast loves sugar.


I knew it . I've been doing my own water kefir for over half a year now and the results and improvement in gut health is beyond words . 


Check these videos out :




Tastes beter than fanta or any other sh1t soda. and is literally THE  SUPREME health potion.

Edited by mmKay

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On 21/12/2021 at 0:24 AM, mmKay said:

I posted this few months ago: 


I was thinking about possible sources that may have intoxicated me with heavy metals throughout my life, and I came up with : 

Tap water: Cooking, cleaning dishes, showering, rinsing mouth after brushing teeth, even making coffee and I remember my teachers at school telling me to drink tap water.

food: Low quality vegetables, fruits and meat possibly poluted and grown in low quality soil that use the crappiest " water " possible. Meat soup where the bones leak the accumulated heavy metals. Lot's of fish and seafood. Mostly fed tuna by my parents and I allways loved shellfish ( f*ck me )

Hygiene products : mostly deodorant ( aluminum )

Cookware : I remember keeping the trashiest most scratched teflon coated pans for so long. Same with teflon coated sandwich grills, and teflon coated rice cookers. I'm concerned that even though I only use the rice cooker to steam food, it still may leak teflon.


And now the biggest one and the one that made me create this post : Traffic.

For as long as I can remember, I've allways lived no further than 200 metres from a big road with 24/7 traffic. Sometimes even closer than that, for years and years . It just hit me today as I was going to the gym that the " fresh air " that I'm getting on my nice morning walk is not fresh at all , but possibly poluted with all kinds of heavy metals like lead and other poisonous gases.

It's fucking brutal to realize how much you have been constantly bombarded with all this crap, and still probably are. 

I have lived on main roads before too and everything I eat still is packaged & not organic because organic vegatbles dont even exist in nearby supermarkets. 

Everything is fucked, I'm not even gonna test myself because it's so fucking obvious I'm toxic. 

I've got these annoying ass dark rings under my eyes too that have got substantially worse even this year, and I chose to ignore my health for like 4 months & I seriously paid the price, I think all the pollution & the garbage food & plastics fucked up my face lol.  my face looks like it aged 10 years in those couple months & it's not getting any better. 

I've also noticed some sudden hair loss & receding too. Didn't expect hair loss given my ancestry. 

Edited by Striving for more

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@Striving for more being inocently poisoned sucks. But I recently finished the book and  It looks like chelation is effective, relatively cheap, safe and quite simple. 

It may be not exciting and perhaps kind of  annoying, but the vision of finally having a sharp mind and energetic body is SO jucy , at least for me. 


In case you missed it, I'll link you the book again. Together with the ACC FB group, where you can ask all your questions and they're anwsered by admins quickly,  you have more than enough to thrive.

Get the chelation going soon! A bright future awaits us. Again, make sure to follow the proper protocol for your unique ( but common) case. 

Edited by mmKay

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On 18/12/2021 at 7:28 PM, mmKay said:

BUT (1) : One of the research papers that Leo linked to mentioned that DMSA harmed the mental performance of mice if they did not have any heavy metals in them while Chelating. 

- Quote - [. . . ]  If you think something is wrong with your child after reading this section, try chelation. ( it was a section about the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity in child development )

Just do it.

The instructions are the same as for an adult. Only the dosing is different. In a few weeks it will become very clear whether your child needs to chelate. If something happens, they need to do it. If nothing at all happens on round or afterwards, they don’t.

It won’t matter how much chelator you give them. If there are no metals to chelate, the chelators will have no effect at all. If something happens, it’s because there’s enough toxic metal present to be a problem.


I'm kind of convinced of the safety of this protocol after finishing the book. Great read. Very insightful. Highly recommended.


  • Does chelation remove important minerals?

The chelators discussed , alpha lipoic acid, DMSA and DMPS, are highly selective for heavy metals. They do not directly remove the lighter nutrient metals. People who have mercury often have low magnesium and zinc because mercury keeps your body from holding on to them. When chelating, this problem may be exacerbated for magnesium.

No other metal is affected.



Edited by mmKay

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Looks like 80%+ of my personal questions have been anwsered. All the info is so widely avaliable that It's basically just taken me a week.

Some conclusions and anwsers for myself : 

It seems to be safe to go into the chelation protocol without testing.

No urine test or hair test. I don't mind not knowing the before chelation numbers and after chelation numbers. I don't feel like taking the risk of reacting negatively to a high dose of DMSA for the provoked urine test. Nor I want to spend 120€ on a hair test to tell me that in fact I need to chelate ( I belive I do need to do it anyways ) 

Going by feel is how I will navigate.

If I take chelators and feel bad = I'm toxic, I need to lower dose and keep chelating for a long time ( I expect to do a year of rounds ). If I don't feel anything for like two months ( positive or negative )  while chelating it means I'm actually clean and heavy metals are not my issue, and I have to go back to researching other possible causes of my mental decline .


3 days is a minimum round of chelation. I can go longer If I can take the side effects but not shorter. Increase the rounds by one day each time. Longer rounds are better to avoid redistribution as blood levels of chelators drop and the heavy metals are dropped around in our body.


Supplements : vitamin C, Magnesium. Vitamin E. Zinc. AKA core 4.

I'll also will be taking adrenal support and liver support supplements ( posted before ) and most likely also some Iodine for thyroid support and I'll experiment with l-tyrosine. I still need to adjust the brands to see If I tolerate all of them properly.

Also omega 3 fish oil and Vitamin A since my personal diet lacks these. They're relatively safe and the book recommends them. Viamin A = under 25.000 UI a day. Fish oil I don't remember but feel free to ask me and I'll look it up for ya again.

Both of these brands are high quality and recommended by Leo.

Dosage for chelators : For initial rounds start slow and ramp things up : 12'5 MG is a very conservative ammount but I'm okay with starting slow. If all goes well next round will be 25MG, 50MG and so on. ( going by feel and when I find the right dose - aka when side effects are just bearable, not too strong ) I'll stay there for two months before progressing to higher doses. 


I'll only start with DMSA for like 5 to 10 rounds of increasingly higher doses. After that I'll start taking ala by the same method : slowly ramping up the dosages. 12,5 will be my initial dose.

Ala is the most important chelator because It's the only chelator that removes heavy metals from your cells, organs and brain .


At this point I'm just waiting for my order to arrive so I can start walking the walk and not just rambling. 

But there is more to be read on the ACC FB forum protocol.

You don't know what you don't know, right ?

Edited by mmKay

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It seems that Adrenal glands are extremely important for feeling energetic. I could get them tested but it costs another 130 bucks.

[...] Blood tests are often not very informative, as they usually only test once in the morning. A 4x salivary cortisol test is recommended. often has the best pricing, and ships internationally.

I've purchased the adrenal cortex supplement that supposedly has 0 possible side effects so i'll just be taking that for now, just in case.

Edited by mmKay

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I like to imagine this is how Andy Cutler got Hesvy metal poisoning LOL

Its funny cause he looks so much like him

Its a joke - rest in peace and thanks for all your amazing contribution. 

Im kind of tempted of posting this on the ACC forum LOL I worry I may get kicked out ?

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" A trial of chelation is the best test of toxicity ( as long as you're 100% amalgam free ) . Any response to the chelators, POSITIVE or NEGATIVE , ON ROUND or OFF ROUND - confirms toxicity.

  • Start with one chelator at a time, so you know how you react to it .
  • If side effects are too much then stop the round and trial half of that dose in the next round .
  • If there are no side effects AT ALL ( Including off-round ), then the next round you can double the dose.
  • If you have minimal side effects on or off round, stay at that dosage for at least 3 rounds before increasing, as side effects tend to to acummulate over time.

If you are taking an appropriate dosage of chelators, redistribution symptoms should be fading on day 2 and gone by day 3. If it persists into day 3, you are on too high of a chelator dose.

Edited by mmKay

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On " half-life " 

The half life is the time it takes to reduce the chemical by half.ç

In a very oversimplified illustration, if you took just one dose of 100mg of ALA now, in 3 hours there’d be about 50mg of ALA left. Another 3 hours would have 25mg of ALA remaining. 9 hours after the dose, there’d be 12.5mg, etc. So it takes 8 half lives (about 24 hours) to get down to about .39 mg.

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"Mopping up" refers only to combo rounds, where each chelator (ALA + a D) is taken for at least the minimum of 63 hours.

After the minimum time, the ALA round is ended, but people continue to take the D chelator for an extra dose or two to “mop up” mercury in the extracellular spaces to help reduce redistribution.

Selenium can help passivate mercury for a time by preventing it from binding in the body. Eventually it will disassociate and need to be chelated out. ( dosage : 50 - 300 mcg - how often ? IDK )

I purchased this selenomethionine Supplement ( yes, from America )

Edited by mmKay

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F*ck. I may end up taking a hair test to have a little more info.


One study found that people who smoke have four or five times higher cadmium concentrations in their blood than people who don't smoke.

I've been a life long second hand smoker ( aka passive smoker ) . IDK if how severe it is relating to cadmium toxicity.

Cadmium chelates with DMSA and possibly ALA. The key to chelating cadmium safely, in addition to the usual chelation precautions, is to ensure the urine is alkalinized to a pH of 7 or greater (preferably closer to 7).

This is because cadmium is insoluble in acid urine; we alkalinize it so that the cadmium does not deposit in the kidney. Urine pH is measured with pH test strips and small quantities of baking soda in water/capsules taken on round to raise the pH.

Yeah IDK about swallowing baking soda.


What is Urine pH?

pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (basic) a fluid is. 

A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Below 7 fluids are acidic, while above 7 they are alkaline.


How to test at home? Urine PH test strips


The kidneys help keep the blood pH from going too low or too high by filtering acids or alkaline compounds (bicarbonate) from the blood and releasing them in the urine. That’s why the urine has a wider pH range compared to both blood and saliva. The normal range of urine pH is between 4.5 and 8

Diet, certain drugs, infections, and poor kidney function can all affect the pH of urine. 

Meat, fish, dairy, and grains all increase the number of acids that the kidney has to filter into the urine. Most vegetables and fruits (especially citrus) generate alkaline compounds, reducing the number of acids the kidneys must filter


Note for self : ( although they recommend small quantities of baking soda in water/capsules taken on round to raise the pH. )

Acidic foods that I consistently eat : Organic grass fed grass finished ground beef ( 300g / day ) ,white rice, Onions. eggs. Shredded organic tomato sauce.

Alkaline foods that I already eat : cooked organic red and green bell peppers, Lentils, pinto kidney beans.

Alcaline foods that I may add that I know I tolerate well : Steamed cauliflower, steamed brocolli, MORE BEANS, SWEET potato ( not average potato ), Citrus Fruits - yup citrus fruits are alkaline , not acidic .

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One of the reasons that I belive to be heavy metal toxic is years of ingesting tap water ( and life long love for sea food ). In school, at home and more recently as I've started working in a restaurant and eating there EVERY SINGLE day I learned that they use tap water to cook the rice and pasta.

No wonder my mental sharpness and short term memory has been declining ever since. ITS BEEN 4 YEARS OF DAILY FOOD FROM THERE.

I'll mosty likely do a hair test but I just had the genious idea to bottle up some tap water and make a heavy test analisis, and perhaps also for some other toxic stuff. 

 I'd like to know the info for sure but I don't know about the costs and so on.

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Haven't been posting for a while. I'm just waiting for my order at this point. It looks like there may be extra " importing fees " as it does come from the UK - thanks brexit.

I had to delete the download link to the digital library as my other post got deleted and I got 2 warning points. Mercury Detox Manual is just 20 bucks and it's definitely worth it so get that. Otherwise do a little research and you should be able to find it online.

Edited by mmKay

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Hi mmKay, thanks a lot for doing that journaling/researching/summarizing. I'll soon be following along with you... Let me ask : did you order the DMSA with or without the Vitamin C ? I see that some dosages have extra Vitamin C, some don't. Leo seems to have gone with the added Vitamin C since the 100 mg dosage comes with it. So, in the end, we'll end up taking a shitload of Vitamin C during these 3-4 days of chelation!

I think I'll start with the 12.5 mg dosage, like you. I did the hair analysis and the main concern for me is definitely Lead.

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@beaconsfield it does have like 50 mg of vitamin c added depending of the dose of dmsa I believe but taking high amounts of vitamin C is safe so no worries.  ( see linked clip )


Edited by mmKay

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You're right. And, after all, it only adds an extra 400 mg of Vitamin C per day, approximately, which is totally reasonable. Thanks for your answer.

I have another question for you... you've mentioned :


Basic supplements for lead are the same as those for mercury except that you don’t need the zinc and magnesium.

As I've mentioned, my main issue is with Lead. From what you've read so far, do you think supplementing with Zn and Mg anyway could cause any harm or turn out to be counterproductive?

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