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White Knight & Neurosciences

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1. I've discovered lastly the concept of "White Knight" syndrome, I don't know if it's concrete or fashion-psychology, but I'd like to know what are your thinking about it ? I did not watched yet your videos on dealing with toxic relationship and such, so maybe my answers are here.

2. Also I'd like to know your insights on neurosciences, neuroplasticity and neurochemistry. There is a lot of connections to makes with self-help. It's somehow technical, but sometimes it helps to get into how things works, to have a better understanding.

(For exemple : the role of dopamine in anticipation of rewards, how to create new connections while a meditation or visualisation exercices, how conscioussness at different levels works related to brain waves...). I feel like turning our greatest weakness into a strengh, is like a way to create connection between an existing neurons-network, and a new one...

Thanks !!!

Edited by Soulbass

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