
Evil is real. Prove me otherwise.

62 posts in this topic

13 hours ago, JayFueel said:

To you who think evil and good are one in the same, I challenge you to live it out by recording yourself harming an innocent person. It should be easy enough to not get caught if you’re careful. You cannot do it because you’re intellectually dishonest.

lmfao Leo made a post on his blog saying if he dropped a nuke on 6 million people he would still love himself and the swatsika backwards is the symbol for buddhism. Lol do whatever the fuck you want god doesn't give a fuck lol 

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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18 minutes ago, Iesu said:

lmfao Leo made a post on his blog saying if he dropped a nuke on 6 million people he would still love himself and the swatsika backwards is the symbol for buddhism. Lol do whatever the fuck you want god doesn't give a fuck lol 

It has been said once already, but it bears repeating: you severely misunderstand the point of spirituality if you use it to justify evil actions.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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16 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

It has been said once already, but it bears repeating: you severely misunderstand the point of spirituality if you use it to justify evil actions.

idrc  I feel like shit everyday and have been for the past 2 years. Spirtuality has been a fucking nightmare of solipsism and nihilism. Half the worlds population could die so what? just a fucking dream 

Edited by Iesu

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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4 minutes ago, Iesu said:

idrc  I feel like shit everyday and have been for the past 2 years. Spirtuality has been a fucking nightmare of solipsism and nihilism 

Can you elaborate on that? Maybe I can offer some advice as to how to navigate through this into something more manageable. The truth is that you're not alone and that these early stages can be brutal for a lot of people. Can I ask first and foremost if you're a nicotine/tobacco and alcohol user?

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@The Rainmaker @Carl-Richard the trauma is so severe I cant even cry, if there was a gun in front of me id put it in my mouth. Guess who's mentioned that its so horrifying you want to put a gun in your mouth ^

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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6 minutes ago, The Rainmaker said:

Can you elaborate on that? Maybe I can offer some advice as to how to navigate through this into something more manageable. The truth is that you're not alone and that these early stages can be brutal for a lot of people. Can I ask first and foremost if you're a nicotine/tobacco and alcohol user?

almost if not daily nicotine, alcohol but yes recently. Used to do molly coke xans weed adderall acid shrooms dmt although I have never had a bad dmt trip 



I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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@Iesu I'm sorry to hear that. I figured trauma would be the reason. Trauma can be absolutely terrifying, but if you're facing it, you're most likely doing the right thing for yourself. During my spiritual journey, I've had to confront the fact that I had to get brain surgery at the age of one after cracking my head open falling from a ten-foot+ drop. I had to face the fact that I received even more brain damage being beaten at a party, a night which I was so blackout drunk that I didn't even remember it until I unearthed the memories with psychedelics and nootropics. Essentially, I had to confront the fact that I had a disability, a fact that my ego cleverly hid from my entire life prior. 

"It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier."

I've found enormous medical benefit, of course, in everything from prayer to meditation to psychedelics to herbs to dream journaling to manifestation. But what made me stronger than any of that was forgiving literally messaging the people who gave me the injuries and telling them that I forgive them. Once you do something like that, it's like an alchemical transmutation. Nothing will ever hurt you the same way again afterwards. 

I wish you the best of luck and if you want to talk to me about anything specific, shoot me a private message. I'm always willing to help. 

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8 minutes ago, Iesu said:

almost if not daily nicotine, alcohol but yes recently. Used to do molly coke xans weed adderall acid shrooms dmt although I have never had a bad dmt trip 



I am a former Adderall addict. I'm nearly 600 days sober. I am a recovering alcoholic as well. I have been involved in spirituality for about 2 years like you now, and ever since then, my alcohol habit has dramatically reduced, but it was only 3 months ago that I finally chucked it altogether. I know that it probably seems like a mountain to even consider dropping something like alcohol if you're addicted enough to it, but trust me, it's worth it to regain control of your life. Alcohol is complete poison that makes people miserable and discontent. Dropping nicotine will have the same value, but alcohol is just a whole 'nother animal.

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Just now, The Rainmaker said:

I am a former Adderall addict. I'm nearly 600 days sober. I am a recovering alcoholic as well. I have been involved in spirituality for about 2 years like you now, and ever since then, my alcohol habit has dramatically reduced, but it was only 3 months ago that I finally chucked it altogether. I know that it probably seems like a mountain to even consider dropping something like alcohol if you're addicted enough to it, but trust me, it's worth it to regain control of your life. Alcohol is complete poison that makes people miserable and discontent. Dropping nicotine will have the same value, but alcohol is just a whole 'nother animal.

drugs arent the issue. there not being any other beings is 

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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3 minutes ago, The Rainmaker said:

I am a former Adderall addict. I'm nearly 600 days sober. I am a recovering alcoholic as well. I have been involved in spirituality for about 2 years like you now, and ever since then, my alcohol habit has dramatically reduced, but it was only 3 months ago that I finally chucked it altogether. I know that it probably seems like a mountain to even consider dropping something like alcohol if you're addicted enough to it, but trust me, it's worth it to regain control of your life. Alcohol is complete poison that makes people miserable and discontent. Dropping nicotine will have the same value, but alcohol is just a whole 'nother animal.

Bro it's healing all the fucking brain damage I'm a fucking perma fried vegetable. I tried hanging myself but being suffocated while conscious was even more of a nuisance

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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1 minute ago, Iesu said:

drugs arent the issue. there not being any other beings is 

"Drugs aren't the issue." --every drug addict ever


Leo Gura is not arguing for solipsism in the posts you've included. Other beings do, in fact, exist. What he means is that, metaphorically speaking, we're all vessels filled with stardust from the same pitcher. Consider the story of "The Egg;" if you've never read it, you can easily find it on Google. You are not alone in this universe. If this is what spirituality is doing to you, then maybe you just need a break from it. 


What he means when he says that there are no others is that we're all one. He doesn't mean that nobody else is out there to interact with. 

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5 hours ago, JayFueel said:

If everything is just an illusion, a taste and neither better or worse than anything else, it should be no problem. However, your conscious convicts you that harming an innocent person is absolutely wrong. 

That would be irrelevant to whether or not evil exists as anything remotely resembling a concrete entity. People are all the same. Only the circumstances change. Your disposition is a circumstance. Not everyone has the same conscience anyway, but that’s beside the point.

Something seeming to be better or worse than something else is real but not true — preferring one over the other still can happen even when there’s no delusion left. What do you think awake people go around seeking to do the exact opposite of what they prefer to do?

Edited by The0Self

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2 minutes ago, The Rainmaker said:

"Drugs aren't the issue." --every drug addict ever


Leo Gura is not arguing for solipsism in the posts you've included. Other beings do, in fact, exist. What he means is that, metaphorically speaking, we're all vessels filled with stardust from the same pitcher. Consider the story of "The Egg;" if you've never read it, you can easily find it on Google. You are not alone in this universe. If this is what spirituality is doing to you, then maybe you just need a break from it. 


What he means when he says that there are no others is that we're all one. He doesn't mean that nobody else is out there to interact with. 

I beg to differ and I have seen a video of the egg

Edited by Iesu

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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1 minute ago, Iesu said:

Bro it's healing all the fucking brain damage I'm a fucking perma fried vegetable. I tried hanging myself but being suffocated while conscious was even more of a nuisance

I know how hopeless it feels because I've been there. Like I said, I got brain damage when I was 1 and even more of it from my years of alcohol and drugs and getting into violent mischief at parties. Trying to cure such a thing is never going to be an easy endeavor. It's going to be a day-in-and-day-out affair until you're better again. But when you do get better again, it will be such a holy moment that you'll weep and kiss the ground you walk on. Do you have a daily meditation habit? Do you use psilocybin? How about nootropics like lion's mane mushrooms? Have you experimented with legal herbs like mugwort and kava and yarrow? Have you gotten an MRI? 

You're not permafried. The nature of everything is to change, including the brain. There aren't many things that I consider objective truths, but the fact that medical miracles exist is a hard fact. I've been at death's door from brain damage and I've conquered it to such an extent that it spooks the people around me out. 

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7 minutes ago, The Rainmaker said:

Other beings do, in fact, exist. What he means is that

Your description of “what he means” is simply not true, first of all, but I also doubt it’s what Leo means. There isn’t anything at all that exists. No one is separate. And there is literally no reality, in truth. Solipsism need not worry you, as infinity holds infinite infinities. Even though you’re alone floating in empty eternity as everything timelessly forever (and not even that), it doesn’t mean the dream can’t apparently have real others — even with their own apparent inner lives. ? 

Edited by The0Self

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2 minutes ago, The0Self said:

There isn’t anything at all that exists. No one. Solipsism need not worry you, as infinity holds infinite infinities. Even though you’re alone floating in empty eternity as everything forever, it doesn’t mean the dream can’t apparently have real others — even with their own apparent inner lives. That may be a shock. 

at least you've been helpful. I would be more mindfucked that other people DO exist vs not 

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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@The0Self A true Buddha teaches all of his students accordingly to the spiritual level they're at. I think this guy needs to be more grounded in the mundane right now. That doesn't mean I don't agree with you because I do. It's just that someone who's battling for his life because of concepts like solipsism doesn't need to get twisted into more metaphysical word games. 

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