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Contrasts Between ACP and Leo's Protocol

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Very happy to see Leo release a video on heavy metal detox, however I am left with some confusion...

1. It says specifically on Andy Cutler's website (here) to avoid DMSA "challenge tests" at all costs, as is poses a huge risk to those who are actually toxic with mercury as well as saying the results aren't very meaningful.... the Mercury Detoxification Manual recommends 10 rounds of ALA as a test (starting with 25mg and doubling each round).

2. Leo made it very clear that one should start with 25mg of ALA and work up to 200 - 250mg over 10 to 20 rounds. It was, however, a little ambiguous as to how much DMSA you should start with. He said you should take 30mg per kg of body weight per day (less if needed).


Can anyone help me understand how dangerous the challenge tests really are, and if just doing the 10 rounds of ALA is a poor way of gauging if you are actually toxic or not? I would also like to understand what dose of DMSA you should start at... it seems like the 30mg per kg of body weight is something you would work up to, right?


Thanks everyone

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@Droo_ Thanks droo... sounds like 25 mg of each is a good starting point. Also seems like challenge tests should be avoided if you suspect you're highly toxic.

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