Thought Art

Anyone here casually smoking DMT?

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Leo's been talkin about how he casually smokes DMT But, I always saw DMT as the breakthrough trippy infinite fractals. Anyone else have experience using this in a way that doesn't involve powerful breakthroughs?

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I personally don't, but many people across several psychedelic communities I'm part of do casually and regularly smoke n,n-DMT, most often low dose but punctuated with high dose.


At low dose it is a mild sedative and can impart a deep sense of peace, love, stillness, and clarity.

Edited by halfknots

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  On 12/17/2021 at 3:36 AM, halfknots said:

At low dose it is a mild sedative and can impart a deep sense of peace, love, stillness, and clarity.


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I casually smoke weed, so I like the idea of having a better more efficient/effective substance to use casually.

But ultimately all these drugs are crutches and are not necessary 

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@Raptorsin7 Only if you use it as a crutch

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  On 12/17/2021 at 10:51 AM, Thought Art said:

@Raptorsin7 Only if you use it as a crutch

I think if you are truly in alignment with consciousness and your highest desires there is no need for external substances 

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nah for me the body load is strong and uncomfortable

makes me feel weird, cold and tired

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yes i used to smoke it daily until i ran out, usually with 250mg-500mg packets - it was nice, i am a bit fucked in the head. go hardcore if you're willing always surrender, the intensity will really help you with mastering surrender to what is and that is by far the most useful thing i've gotten

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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Nowadays for the past 2 months, I have been vaping DMT around every other morning before visualization.

Just low doses after doing breathing exercises.

It can definitely be integrated into daily lifestyle, if the lifestyle is kept supportive of such frequencies, and kept clean for such frequencies to flow.

An example of such a supportive lifestyle is: Keeping the home clean and harmonious; the body too, our different areas of health, such as our financial health & more.

If we can live in harmony with daily awareness, then vaping DMT every morning would be like brushing teeth. Just like how an enlightened master would not be thrown out of balance by anything; not even frequent DMT use.

And so the tolerable frequency of using this lies within how happy we keep our lifestyle.

A good calibration would be the difference between Hedonism & Eudaimonia. The hedonist would be less prepared to support daily use of nn-dmt/5-meo, than the one in Eudaimonia.


Jesus Christ would definitely be able to handle dmt frequently. Just tell me, why wouldn't he?

DMT is Love. How could frequent Love hurt; only for the ones who live their patterns in limited/destructive ways.

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  On 12/17/2021 at 10:51 AM, Thought Art said:

@Raptorsin7 Only if you use it as a crutch

If you’re casually using a drug, it’s most likely a crutch to escape from some quality of your sober, grounded experience. Therefore, ultimately a distraction. 

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  On 12/17/2021 at 9:58 PM, Consilience said:

If you’re casually using a drug, it’s most likely a crutch to escape from some quality of your sober, grounded experience. Therefore, ultimately a distraction. 

There is no difference between paychedelics state and "sober"... Both simply states of conciousness.

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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@Consilience I didn’t say chronically 
Thanks for sharing your perspective.

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  On 12/17/2021 at 9:07 PM, Igor82 said:

If we can live in harmony with daily awareness, then vaping DMT every morning would be like brushing teeth.

why would you do it every morning?  it's just sounds excessive af. don't make it a habit, use it with the purpose, know and feel when you needed it.

  On 12/17/2021 at 9:07 PM, Igor82 said:

Just like how an enlightened master would not be thrown out of balance by anything; not even frequent DMT use.

What? this such a contradiction you just said.

you want to use dmt for integrating, hence finding balance. but you phrase it as dmt may be a hindrance to your balance but because you're a 'master',  dmt won't throw you off your balance. 


though i agree with what you said about healthy body & mind as a foundation for getting into dmt. something along those lines.

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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  On 12/17/2021 at 10:51 PM, Gregory1 said:

There is no difference between paychedelics state and "sober"... Both simply states of conciousness.

That doesn’t change anything about what I wrote. There is a distinction to be made with craving after an experience that is not currently present and having the equanimity to be with such craving. When craving is directly experienced (equanimity), it no longer drives behavior. When craving is resisted, which is only possible via the belief in a separate self, craving no longer drives behavior. 

When one is casually using drugs, even consciousness expanding drugs like psychedelics, its fundamental, psychological root is in the belief of a separate self, dissatisfied with its current experience and seeking to change it. When the actuality of craving is penetrated wholly and completely, there is no room left for dissatisfaction. The entire mechanism driving the need for a state change unravels. 

Of course, at the highest there is no separate self, just a movement of reality. But if this movement was seriously recognized, there would be no need to casually jump states. The actuality of what is already so is just as profound and mystical as any altered state. After all, there is no difference between the psychedelic and “sober” state. 


Please note there are crucial distinctions between craving and other such mental states like desire, curiosity, excitement. Not all mental states lend themselves well if the pursuit is Awakening. 

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  On 12/17/2021 at 11:19 PM, Thought Art said:
@Consilience I didn’t say chronically 
Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Chronically or no, the potential for using a casual approach as a means of escape seems high. You’re your own best authority so it’s your call, of course. These matters of the underlying mechanisms behind behavior are incredibly subtle, delicate, and often difficult to discern. Perhaps casual use is driven by a pure excitement and curiosity, perhaps it’s from an underlying dissatisfaction with sobriety, or maybe both? No matter what, rock on man. I wish you fulfilling and sacred travels. ??

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@Consilience No, I’ve just never heard of this before. I always though it was infinite fractals or nothing. 

leo uses it while clubbing for example so, I use the word casual for having fun with it

People are allowed to enjoy their minds via different methods.

you are kind of projecting? Maybe

im sure what your saying has truth though 


People enjoy walks, foods, wine etc in a healthy way from time to time. Doesn’t mean they are craving or dissatisfied with sobriety. 

I generally think it best to have a serious spiritual intent.  

When you say it’s a distraction… distraction from what? You need not be in a serious mindset all the time. There is a time for seriousness and occasions for enjoying and experimenting safely or having fun. 

Edited by Thought Art

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  On 12/18/2021 at 1:58 AM, Thought Art said:

you are kind of projecting on a lot of people right now which I don’t really appreciate. Your allowed to simply enjoy an altered state without being dissatisfied with being sober or craving anything. There are different states you can enjoy. 

I never said otherwise and even highlighted the importance of recognizing alternative motivations such as excitement, curiosity, desire, etc. Craving is the real beast. If you think I’m advocating the inability to enjoy altered states, please re-read what I wrote. 

I don’t feel I’m projecting anything, just sharing my perspective as someone with a lot of experience with casual psychedelic drug use and altered states. 

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Okay, I understand 

I was projecting 

Edited by Thought Art

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  On 12/18/2021 at 0:50 AM, Consilience said:

That doesn’t change anything about what I wrote. There is a distinction to be made with craving after an experience that is not currently present and having the equanimity to be with such craving. When craving is directly experienced (equanimity), it no longer drives behavior. When craving is resisted, which is only possible via the belief in a separate self, craving no longer drives behavior. 

When one is casually using drugs, even consciousness expanding drugs like psychedelics, its fundamental, psychological root is in the belief of a separate self, dissatisfied with its current experience and seeking to change it. When the actuality of craving is penetrated wholly and completely, there is no room left for dissatisfaction. The entire mechanism driving the need for a state change unravels. 

Of course, at the highest there is no separate self, just a movement of reality. But if this movement was seriously recognized, there would be no need to casually jump states. The actuality of what is already so is just as profound and mystical as any altered state. After all, there is no difference between the psychedelic and “sober” state. 


Please note there are crucial distinctions between craving and other such mental states like desire, curiosity, excitement. Not all mental states lend themselves well if the pursuit is Awakening. 

@Consilience Agree. 

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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