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Terell Kirby

God = Existence = Infinity = Love = You

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Thought this would help some of you on the subject of understanding facets of God.

God is Infinite. Why is this the case? Because God is Existence itself.

Now you may be tempted to think if God is Existence, then it must not be non-existence.

But you must be clever enough to realized that for non-existence to even be spoken of, it has to first Exist.

Also, since God is Existence .. it can help but Love every aspect of it .. even the relatively "bad" stuff.

Oh .. and remember that You are actually God .. and everything in between :)

God = Existence = Infinity = Love = You

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8 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Oh .. and remember that You are actually God .. and everything in between :)

Oh yeah, almost forgot, thank you! :P

9 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Love every aspect of it .. even the relatively "bad" stuff.


Love all of you, even when it hurts, amen ??

9 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:



10 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

God = Existence = Infinity = Love = You

That's a neat formula right here, maybe hurry up and patent it, could be a biggie soon

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But what does this imply for the human Me?

What does change in my life?

It's like... one of those things which you want to say "And what?".

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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2 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

But what does this imply for the human Me?

If you study my post carefully, you’ll realize that your human form is just one aspect of your True is not limited to it.

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11 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:


God = Existence = Infinity = Love = You

You know how math teachers always want you to show your work? Here's my work.

God = dude in the sky

Existence = literally a "sticking out from". 

Infinity = ?

Love = ?

You = Whatever I think I am


So since the only correct answers in this kind of math are question marks, I'd suggest drop the others from the equation because they all add up to, "I think I'm a dick" 



My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Breakingthewall Is love a thought? How do you know, know, KNOW, love?

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:


@Breakingthewall Is love a thought? How do you know, know, KNOW, love?

I would say that love is the will to be, but maybe its something broader

Edited by Breakingthewall

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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

yea it's all like a painting and god is the artist

or like those movies where the producer and director also acts in the movie

like stallone in the expendables :) 

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It's not precisely that you have forgotten that you are God. Rather, in the story, God (boundlessness; truth) is imagining what it would be like to forget that it is God if it were God (thereby imagining itself into existence apparently; but don't forget, there's no it), through infinite intelligence, appearing as a game with illusory aspects. So there isn't really a you, as there's no self-reference, duality, or actuality. This is the distinction between waking up in the dream and waking up from the dream. Upon waking up from the dream, it would never even occur that God (or anything) has any actuality, because there's no duality, only emptiness without limit (i.e. not even that). God is self-creating and therefore empty of self-existence. It's unreal yet paradoxically it's the only reality -- there's no it. Truth is, while untruth is not, and whatever manifests, is not.

Edited by The0Self

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1 hour ago, The0Self said:

God is self-creating and therefore empty of self-existence. It's unreal yet paradoxically it's the only reality -- there's no it. Truth is, while untruth is not, and whatever manifests, is not.

Honestly many times I have had this realization: beyond God, there is only unlimited emptiness. god is a fiction. I am God, and I am a fiction, the reality is that I am empty without life, absolutely nothing, a kind of dead that seems alive. but on the other hand I see the opposite. I am pure vitality, existence. I don't really understand it, I'm obviously not enlightened, but I don't adopt any other people's ideas. I continue to deepen, although that empty nothing where God is revealed as something fictitious, futile, is terrible, desolation in an absolute degree. Of course those are ego projections, there is nothing bad in the infinite void without life, but for the ego is horror

Edited by Breakingthewall

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I am awake at night and I realize that I am looking for company, I am looking for love, to escape from that emptiness, but life clearly tells me: look for solitude. immerse yourself in it. loose any tie, any support. Really, totally. It's not easy ... can I do something so serious? It is not: do it, that glory awaits you, not at all. is: do it and enter the empty well where there is nothing you are going to get, you are going to lose everything. but everything is nothing, it is total fake

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@Breakingthewall However, the dream world is (or at least very much seems to be) an apparent manifestation of infinite intelligence. It exists for no purpose (nor does it actually exist at all), but in a way that’s the same as saying the sole purpose is amusement. All it has as the vehicle for amusement is what you call you. Synchronicities and patterns and awe, gratitude, love, joy, bliss, meaning, and awesomeness and shittiness and all manner of diversity are the nature of the dream world. It’s interesting without limit, so that it can be interested without limit. Absolute freedom. All the intelligence there is, and this is what it imagines, selflessly. If it ain’t quite awesome, look a little harder (open your eyes), and trust it; trust the flow; trust feeling. Nothing is hidden unless something being hidden is part of the unified whole or, dare I say, the plan. It is ultimately without meaning, purpose, and even actuality, but it is ordered in a way that makes purpose not only really easy to find, but also easy to forgo.

Edited by The0Self

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2 hours ago, The0Self said:

However, the dream world is (or at least very much seems to be) an apparent manifestation of infinite intelligence.

yes, in opposition to the emptiness that underlies, there is the richness of what is perceived. this leads to the realization of: emptiness is, I am.. although if you embody emptiness it seems (to me) that I am not. courage to accept being it is becoming possible

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Thanks man my life has totally changed since I just read that post... (ironic).

I aprecciate the effort but Mental masturbation doesn't do anything unfortunately more than wasting time. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Thanks man my life has totally changed since I just read that post... (ironic).

I aprecciate the effort but Mental masturbation doesn't do anything unfortunately more than wasting time. 

Speak for yourself, it’s not anyone else’s fault that you’re too small-minded to understand these things.

Go somewhere else .. and let others benefit from my sharing of wisdom to the best of my ability.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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19 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

Speak for yourself, it’s not anyone else’s fault that you’re too small-minded to understand these things.

Go somewhere else .. and let others benefit from my sharing of wisdom to the best of my ability.

Sorry if that came across too rude. It was not my intention.

I definetely had experience high state of Consciousness to understand where you are coming from. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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