
Non-Duality Wall Trick

3 posts in this topic

I discovered this cool trick a few days ago and want to see what other peoples experiences with it are  

Stand in front of a wall like this and rest your forehead against it. 

Stare at the wall and slightly down into it. 
Calm your mind like meditation while staring at the wall. 
Continue to focus on this and you will cease thinking and you will also lose your “boundary” on the wall. 

I initially discovered this while on acid and was an absolute mindfuck. I have replicated it the days since. 
This makes it very easy to tell when you’re in ego dissolution because you literally become the wall and the rest of the room that you can perceive. 

While I was doing this a couple minutes ago, I was noticing the ego and thoughts going thru my mind and that would pull me out of the wall and back into my body. In fact, the very thought to make this post is what pulled me back into duality/thinking/ego and actually allowed me to post this!


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I’ll have to try this OP!

I had a similar realization by looking into my own eyes in a mirror, like an inch away from the mirror, on shrooms.

All of a sudden, I realized that the person in the mirror was just looking at nothingness—which was me.  It was actually incredible shocking to realize I was the ‘void’ that allowed a mirrored image to think I was looking into a mirror ?  Like it made me panic for a quick second when the “shift” happened and I wasn’t there.  That was the damn truth.





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@Everything Thanks for sharing ???✨

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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