
Knowledge Game

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I am going to notify a hidden game, which is played by the masses. Dropping it leads to great spiritual advancement!


What is a knowledge game?

A game where one pretends he can know something while one is omniscient. One thinks getting smarter by reading, playing certain games, listening to certain academic people, watching documentaries and TV about many things and so on.

What is really the dissatisfaction they somehow experience?

There is the dissatisfaction of thinking that he knows more then he did before, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.
There is the dissatisfaction of thinking that he knows more then the other, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.
There is the dissatisfaction of thinking that one knows less then the other, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.
There is the dissatisfaction of thinking that one knew once more then he does now, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.
There is the dissatisfaction of thinking one will get to know more then he does now, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.
There is the dissatisfaction of thinking one will get to know less then he does now, while in truth this isn't the case. As a result one is dissatisfied.

Then what is the case?

One is in denial of self, pretending to be someone that is separated from ones self (living "someone else's" life). Which is the result of not consciously engineering the right mindset to achieve ones goals resonating with ones own being. This leads to self defeat, crawling into ones own world playing the knowledge game. Attachment to literature is the result, which must falsely protect the sense of self that is seeming to be in self doubt.

The illusion?

The self doubt, has no base! Its a result, and actions based on the results coming from self doubt, are highly suspicious, impulsive and lead again to not desired results. This vicious cycle is rooted in attachment with the fruits of ones duty. (Not doing what you truly love, but rather doing what others love to see you doing, always lead to self doubt as a result!)


Away from the sense indulgence considering the world of knowledge based on books, except the books explaining this, listening to academic people, except for wise and intelligent people, experienced people knowing Dharma, no longer watching all these documentaries, except those that are about wise and intelligent people truly experienced in life, knowing Dharma. (Attaining wholesome information). Refrain from wrong "friends."

These actions, lead to result that are clearly related to your previous actions. Readers! Be clear, write them down,  build upon this refrain. Consciously writing it down, clearly pointing that it is the result of a refrain action.

When completely grasping that you influence this all, drop the rest of the books and literature etcetera and build even more upon this refraining. When completely rooted, one reads without reading, watches something without watching and so on.


Correction of the misunderstanding: One could not see that it was due ones own actions leading to its according result because one did not consciously construct the right mindset in order to achieve a certain goal in life, which has led to living someone else's life, believing this being does know how it works.

Due to refraining, one becomes clear that ones own actions has led to this result. Realizing this, one becomes firm, steady of mind, and set a clear goal in ones life. When steady and firm, one attains energy, becomes filled with life potency again. When building up, one becomes as a result happy, joyful, graceful with the results that he accumulated consciously, while firmly and steady progressing upon the results from these actions. This leads to peace of mind, one becomes finally calm. Understands how he must work in harmony with the law of actions leading to its results and can finally do what one truly loves to do rooted in self trust. 


Until dropped: Game On Readers!


Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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@Aware  Just reading your words generate a big bliss on my body, and I can't read anymore. Lol...

What you say sounds so real to me that is scary.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 hour ago, Aware said:

@abrakamowse Life Force.

Truth resonates when we listen or read about it.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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