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Striving for more

Why I'm creating a new account.

1 post in this topic

I am probably creating a new account. 

I will keep this one & all the bookmarks ect.. but this account was another fail to me. 

Why? Because what I really wanted, with my Journal & any of my comments...I wanted low quantity, high quality, clarity, structure, accountability, inspiration & to feel connected

I didn't want pointless comments, pointless journals, asking same questions again, saying the same shit again. Going on typing rages as if that would help anything, it doesnt, I'm a logical male I need results & action not talking shit. I fucked up too many times

And I left a lot out with my journals too. I didn't exagerate but I skipped revealing so much about myself due to being self conscious & paranoid. 

But I also revealed or commented a lot on things that aren't important or useful. 

I am creating a new account I think as a sign of a fresh start, with fresh journals. 

***NONONO. NOT "Fresh Journals" > Just one journal. Only one. w

This time, everything I post will have a purpose. I will be decisive about the structure & regularity of my posts before starting, & this will enable me to maintain discipline, I will also be more honest and humble about my weaknesses & mediocrity, less egotistical & most importantly just more structured. 

The word structured is scary to me, even when I aim for structure typically not much structure exists, but I believe I can turn it into a strength, and fuck you if disagree (Lol Joke). 

^ Ah look at that, another unecessary sentence. 

I also want a fresh start to implement a new habit of being as concize as possible, it's not my strength but I see the value of it, saying more with less. I think you should always be concise, there's literally no downside > less processing work for the reader, easier to read back & compare, faster communication. 

I'm also a perfectionist & I actually value my contribution & being a source of inspiration or utility in all areas of life for its own sake, as well as my own personal needs, and all my shitty ass journals on here just clog up space & waste a readers time. 

No, If I have something to say it's dam fucking useful. 

Everything I say & do now is damm fucking useful, damm fucking strategic. 

Everything I do from this point has a dammm fucking purpose. 

I think I am about to take a month of from this forum. Come back with a new account start of the year. Then I will start my journal, In 100 years time people will look back, the thoughts of a cross breed of davinci & casonova.

Edited by Striving for more

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