
Are center-left Democrats stage Yellow?

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People like Joe Rogan and Barack Obama have some Blue traits, some Orange traits, some Green traits and some Yellow traits in them because of how relatively open-minded they are to many different kinds of perspectives and to all different kinds of political parties. Then wouldn't center-left Democratic politicians and voters also be stage Yellow people? After all, they are liberals who have a lot of good blue values, good blue values, and good green values unlike the progressives who don't have very little to no Blue values in them. Plus, the centre-left Dems are more reasonable with Republicans than progressives are with them, and definitely more moderate and pragmatic than progressives are about getting any liberal policies enacted for our society.

Edited by Hardkill

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Yellow has a mature systems view that isn't merely a compilation of the previous stages. I will make a thread about systems thinking soon. Consider it my magnum opus ?

EDIT: Here it is.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Hardkill No, they are Stage Orange. They have a good dialogue with stage blue because stage blue has already surendered power to orange in the US and most liberal democracies around the world.

Almost all what you call "center-left" is in a solid form of orange, sometimes blue-orange, with some very, very, very small tints of green in some cases. But they are very far from getting to a solid green, much less solid yellow.

The most advanced ideas that have relevance in the public debate are the green ideas represented by progressives.

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Yellow people tend to not fit into basic political leanings such as center, left, right, etc.

That being said, they are definitely more so on the left side of political ideaology, but the difference between them and an average progressive is that they are able to think way more systematically about the issues, and are much more pragmatic...placing logic above a "bleeding heart".

For yellow leaders, the goal isn't to annihilate the "other" side (whether it be conservatives, liberals, progressives), it is to make the best policy where everyone in the spiral benefits. Systems thinking 101, basically.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Okay, I read everyone's responses and studied as much as I could on the first post on your systems thinking thread @Carl-Richard. I think I get what you are all saying and I think I see why now centre-left Dems probably aren't stage Yellow beings after all.

So, even if centre-left Dems aren't solid Yellow people, then perhaps they still have some Yellow traits in them because not only are still more open-minded than Republicans, Conservative Dems, and Progressives are, but also they have always been the most effective in bringing about actual significant progress socially and economically for the country. 

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Even people on the far-left side of the spectrum are still only stage green. Don't give them too much credit.

Stage yellow people don't do status quo, they would revolutionize how we do politics. They're too ahead of their time to get elected at this point.

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16 minutes ago, Yarco said:

Even people on the far-left side of the spectrum are still only stage green. Don't give them too much credit.

Stage yellow people don't do status quo, they would revolutionize how we do politics. They're too ahead of their time to get elected at this point.

Then how did Obama get elected President even though he has a lot of stage Yellow and became the first black US president ever in history?

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Then how did Obama get elected President even though he has a lot of stage Yellow and became the first black US president ever in history?

The forum guidelines literally prevent me from telling you without risking a ban, it's one of the things we aren't allowed to be radically open-minded about here.

So I'll just say that I don't think a stage yellow leader would be capable of drone striking children for corporate interests instead.

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8 minutes ago, Yarco said:

The forum guidelines literally prevent me from telling you without risking a ban, it's one of the things we aren't allowed to be radically open-minded about here.

So I'll just say that I don't think a stage yellow leader would be capable of drone striking children for corporate interests instead.

Yeah, I understand that argument. Yes, he was corrupted by corporate lobbyists including the military industrial complex. However, Leo said here on the thread "Tulsi Gabbard Joins The Forever War Machine On Tucker's Fox News Show": 

On 9/22/2021 at 4:39 PM, Leo Gura said:

Tusli has always been quasi-conservative.

However, the idea that drone strikes should never be used is silly. Drone strikes are a tool and they will continue to be used because it's better than other military options. Progressives are too utopian about drone strikes. Drones are not going away, they just need to be reformed and improved.

Now, I am not just agreeing with Leo just because I always take his word as gospel. I agree with what he's saying about that because from a both holistic viewpoint and practical standpoint drone strikes are the best thing that the US can do, for the time being, to protect the US and its allies from their enemies within Middle East.

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no they're hypocrites imo

talking the good talk while bombing weddings with drones, supporting saudi while they bomb school buses in yemen

and so on etc. etc. :) 

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The closest thing to Yellow political parties / candidates are Process Oriented political parties like Volt, something that can only be found right now in some of the progressive Social Democracies of Europe.

A Process Oriented political party is one that seeks to improve the level of public discourse by consensus building and by a process of co-determination to discover what the best political solution to any given issue may be.

Naturally a high degree of social solidarity within a mature Green democracy is pretty much a prerequisite for this sort of system to function, which is why they're only starting to appear in the most developed countries in the world.

Green Social Democracy v2.0 is another way to think of these sorts of parties.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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