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Is government regulation an example of stage Blue or stage Green?

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I get that Law and Order is an example of stage Blue, but what about government regulation?  I know that conservatives are examples of stage Blue because they strongly believe in tradition, religion, conformity, moral codes of conduct, social norms, manners, hierarchy, law and order, discipline, pride in one's civilization, military, police, obedience, etc. Yet even though conservatives and Republicans in the US have always proudly portrayed themselves to be the champions of law and order (despite actually being more violent and dangerous than most liberals and Democrats), they are ironically against big government regulation, particularly when it comes to business and the economy. Yet, Stage Green people, including liberals, progressives, and most Democrats seem to be more in favor of more government regulation on everything within their society even though they have been the champions of the liberal movement. 

So, is government regulation an example of stage Blue or stage Green or both?

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Depends entirely on the regulation. Regulation only happens within a context of certain values and those dictate the spiral stage. 

Government regulation is a mechanism for enforcing certain values, not a value in itself. Although depending on the stage, there can be demand for more or less regulation. 

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Regulation is not the same as control. Blue wants control. Orange wants freedom. Green wants regulation.

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22 hours ago, Tim R said:

Depends entirely on the regulation. Regulation only happens within a context of certain values and those dictate the spiral stage. 

Government regulation is a mechanism for enforcing certain values, not a value in itself. Although depending on the stage, there can be demand for more or less regulation. 


22 hours ago, SonataAllegro said:

Regulation is not the same as control. Blue wants control. Orange wants freedom. Green wants regulation.

If Blue wants control of everyone within its society in such an authoritarian manner then why are there more Blue citizens than Green citizens in the US who are against certain things like vaccine mandates from the government? 


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People on this forum should really question their own presupposition that the Democratic party is by definition more 'enlightened' than the Republican party. That Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are more enlightened than Donald Trump. If they were more enlightened wouldn't they get better results? Make America a better country? Is that really going on?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

If Blue wants control of everyone within its society in such an authoritarian manner then why are there more Blue citizens than Green citizens in the US who are against certain things like vaccine mandates from the government? 

Stage Blue ≠ (necessarily) Authoritarianism

Don't forget that people aren't only blue. Or any other stage. It's always a mixture of stages, e.g. of blue and red or blue and orange. That's where the demand for freedom comes in.

People and societies are too complicated too cram them into simplistic categories like "stage blue". 

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35 minutes ago, Tim R said:


Stage Blue ≠ (necessarily) Authoritarianism

Don't forget that people aren't only blue. Or any other stage. It's always a mixture of stages, e.g. of blue and red or blue and orange. That's where the demand for freedom comes in.

People and societies are too complicated too cram them into simplistic categories like "stage blue". 

Wait, I am confused. Even if stage Blue isn't necessarily equal to Authoritarianism, Leo said this: 

On 9/2/2019 at 5:44 PM, Leo Gura said:

Stage Red & Blue spirituality is dogmatic and authoritarian.

On 8/21/2019 at 3:15 PM, Leo Gura said:

Stage Blue has authoritarian tendencies. Because they like to follow a strong leader. So once a strong leader emerges by conquering everyone else, Blue falls in line and conforms.

Blue loves, loves, loves conformity. It gives Blue a sense of security & comfort.

Blue loves unambiguous black & white leadership style. Like in the military. Everyone knows his rank and knows exactly what is expected of him.

Blue makes excellent soldiers because they are so loyal. Of course the problem is, Blue also makes excellent Nazis.

So, why don't conservatives who have a lot more Blue than liberals, and Blue is still about complying with the laws and orders of society without question, then why aren't conservatives not as compliant or as cooperative with the government's vaccines mandates as liberals are? Why are liberals more compliant with the vaccine mandates?


Edited by Hardkill

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I see it as an example of stage Blue. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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