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Harsh Bagdia

Always in life you have before you three choices:

2 posts in this topic

"Always in life you have before you three choices:

1. You may allow your uncontrolled thoughts to create The Moment.

2. You may allow your creative consciousness to create The Moment.

3. You may allow the collective consciousness to create The Moment."

Source:- Conversations with God Book 3 Page 71


I want to make sure I understand above statements correctly &discuss them. 

So for example -

1. Creation by uncontrolled thoughts can be repeating patterns/coping mechanisms/unconscious body movements/beliefs.

2. Creation by creative consciousness 

can be creating this thread, creating art, music, etc , giving active attention to any subject and coming up with innovative ideas.

3. Creation by collective consciousness 

can be being victim in certain circumstances, surrender & letting go, listening to spiritual wisdom. 

So I see that I shall bring awareness to uncontrolled thoughts, engage more and more in creative consciousness & develop discernment about collective consciousness serving me or not. 

Any thoughts?

PS- If you haven't already, I recommend to read this book(Conversations with God) to everyone seeking Truth & Understanding. 











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Collective consciousness can consciously or unconsciously create the moment as well.

The collective can follow unconscious patterns and the collective can also consciously create :)

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