
consequences of covid rulings and cutting people off from society

17 posts in this topic

whether you are pro vax or anti vax it doesn't matter.. let's put that aside for a second.

tensions are rising and people are dividing.  what are going to be the real consequences of unvaccinated members of society being isolated and cut off from socialisation because of having a different world view/opinion?  People are becoming mentally unstable.  Already in Germany there has been 2 murders related to covid rulings... and it's only gonna get worse when vaccines become a legal requirement.  Clearly the more someone is forced into doing something, the more they will resist.  life is counterintutive right?  mental health issues are rising, people becoming severley depressed and also in a state of anxiety over all of the rules.  Even people who are vaccinated are stressing over all the rules which get stricter every week.  Nothing has changed since a year ago.  UK companies making billions off mandatory PCR tests and people being tracked entereing the country to make sure they are self isolating (even when vaccinated).  Whens it all gonna end?  btw i am vaccinated before anyone attacks me.  I just feel like things are going really far now, seems like it's getting worse not better.  Not to mention vax corps refusing to remove patents in order to allow other countries to use the vaccinations.  people on their 3rd and 4th shots whilst poorer countries can't even get 1 shot.  really man wtf is going on...

Edited by Pavement

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In my country it's all chaos. Some are vaccinated. Some are not. The vaccinated ones are actually getting it. Kinda strange 

There are PCR tests everywhere. 

I just don't know when all of this will end, if it ever will. 

Shoo shoo Covid, go away. You are taking too long. And don't start shit with another variant. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, Pavement said:

Whens it all gonna end? 

7 - 10 years  if we are lucky.

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On 13.12.2021 at 1:29 AM, Arcangelo said:

7 - 10 years  if we are lucky.

What do you base this on?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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In some countries it is over

UK drops COVID-19 restrictions, scraps mandatory face masks

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Unvaccinated people are usually individualist in nature, some even admit that the vaccine is the best collective strategy to fight this pandemic but they say: but I won't take it.

They see themselves apart from the collective.

Egocentric worldview as pure as it gets.

So, if you ask me: it is right to marginalize people who don't want to play the society rules in the first place at the same time they enjoy its perks?  


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I remember brexit and people telling the brexit people how bad they were, rather than talking with them, it entrenched their position. It went so far that when I tried to have a discussion about a particular industry (supplements), I was dismissed a lunatic for not being pro europe on it, despite the fact there was a large push to cut their effectiveness down to EU standards. I had a relatively neutral position on brexit at first (didn't vote), as I prefer regional government not national or international power. Then I came to vote to stay in the second vote after hearing out both options in more depth, so I was hardly a hard core brexiter either. I just experienced and watched the judgemental, holier than thou attitude that was present.

I have yet to see anyone talk to someone who hasn't had the vaccine and ask them why, instead we all sit in judgement over them. This is one aspect of modern society I loathe to my core. If the same amount of effort was put into talking, as was judging, there would be a considerably smaller divide present in society. On this topic and an increasingly large amount of  others we can't even talk about it anymore because its banned! So I guess the divide is here to stay.

And yes, I realise they do it to you as well. Judge Judge Judge.

Edited by BlueOak

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So the unvaccinated—who are choosing to be unvaccinated by their own choice, are mad about the consequences of their decisions?

Big lol.

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7 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

Unvaccinated people are usually individualist in nature, some even admit that the vaccine is the best collective strategy to fight this pandemic but they say: but I won't take it.

They see themselves apart from the collective.

Egocentric worldview as pure as it gets.

So, if you ask me: it is right to marginalize people who don't want to play the society rules in the first place at the same time they enjoy its perks?  


Have you ever taken an illegal substance?

If yes, then you're not playing by the society's rules and deserve to be marginalized.

And that also makes you a hypocrite. 

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13 hours ago, Epikur said:

In some countries it is over

UK drops COVID-19 restrictions, scraps mandatory face masks

I'm so confused, did I miss something? Weren't the UK's cases out of control and they were having massive issues? As of today, they still have 70k+ daily cases, why are they lessening restrictions? 


On 12/12/2021 at 6:13 PM, Pavement said:

whether you are pro vax or anti vax it doesn't matter.. let's put that aside for a second.

tensions are rising and people are dividing.  what are going to be the real consequences of unvaccinated members of society being isolated and cut off from socialisation because of having a different world view/opinion?  People are becoming mentally unstable.  Already in Germany there has been 2 murders related to covid rulings... and it's only gonna get worse when vaccines become a legal requirement.  Clearly the more someone is forced into doing something, the more they will resist.  life is counterintutive right?  mental health issues are rising, people becoming severley depressed and also in a state of anxiety over all of the rules.  Even people who are vaccinated are stressing over all the rules which get stricter every week.  Nothing has changed since a year ago.  UK companies making billions off mandatory PCR tests and people being tracked entereing the country to make sure they are self isolating (even when vaccinated).  Whens it all gonna end?  btw i am vaccinated before anyone attacks me.  I just feel like things are going really far now, seems like it's getting worse not better.  Not to mention vax corps refusing to remove patents in order to allow other countries to use the vaccinations.  people on their 3rd and 4th shots whilst poorer countries can't even get 1 shot.  really man wtf is going on...

I think covid was a huge blessing in disguise. It showed that our seemingly solid society is actually a huge fucking mess and a situation that required for us to come together showed us how far we are from being able to do that. 

It showed us how little we can trust our own politicians, our fellow people, our laws, our media, etc. Our very notion that the world was solidly put together got sledgehammered. I'm very hopeful that locally it lets people see how corrupt their individual government officials are.

My province's government handled the situation absolutely abysmally and I'm very excited to see accountability drop on those people in the next few years. I'm investigating them as we speak and we can be sure that the people that failed us shall not be forgotten, I'll make sure of that myself (: 

Edited by LordFall

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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2 hours ago, vladorion said:

Have you ever taken an illegal substance?

If yes, then you're not playing by the society's rules and deserve to be marginalized.

And that also makes you a hypocrite. 



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It's just stupid. 

It reminds me of TmZ shit. 

Very little of it is actually based off of science, that's been clear to me for over a year now. 

I'm not vaccinated because I think the product safety is abysmal, I'm 29, take care of my body and have no comorbidites.

I am also aware that there are repurposed drugs that work both for prevention and treatment, I have taken these and I know for a fact, based off of data, that I am protecting society more than a vaccinated person that needs perpetual boosters. 

I think part of the problem here is that our society in general has a piss poor understanding of health, so health authorities could say you now need a 6th booster and need to triple mask and people wouldn't bat an eye. 

People also wouldn't understand tyranny if it slapped them in the face, we are pretty clueless. 

So people don't understand data, they don't understand health, they don't understand people, and we have this mess that we're in. 

I think what this pandemic is showcasing is society's misplaced values. 

We are in a very spiritually inept world and it shows very strongly.

At the same time, suffering a lot of times leads to consciousness, so this may be the bright light from all of this going on. 

The world desperately needs to become more conscious, and as awful as this pandemic has been, it's also accelerating that process.


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I have family members who still refuse to be vaxxed and one of them only now got the first shot due to being diagnosed with cancer *big sigh*. I cannot change their mind and they won't take advice from a 'youngling'.  It sucks because both are dealing with delayed medical care that they otherwise need (and complaining about it because hospitals are clogged and surgeries delayed..). 

Edited by puporing

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On 12/14/2021 at 7:29 AM, Carl-Richard said:

What do you base this on?


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On 1/23/2022 at 9:01 PM, hoodrow trillson said:

So the unvaccinated—who are choosing to be unvaccinated by their own choice, are mad about the consequences of their decisions?

I guess that's what happens when you don't agree with the consequences.

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