
Channeling alien energy experience

8 posts in this topic

Alright, so, I'm chilling, eating my dinner.

On a microdose of LSD and smoked a tiny bit of weed, vibing, but very low dosage.

During the dinner, the following video is recommended to it and I watch it:

Around 15:00, the experienced woman guides the Sky Life girl to start channelling this alien energy for the first time.

The intensity of the exchange made me cry.

Then, there was a guiding to do this myself. Opening my mouth upwards, this energy came through me, and I was speaking some sort of 'words' much like in the video is shown. The experience also came, more importantly, with a 'feeling' and 'images' although these descriptions don't fully justify the breath of the experience. 

When the experience started, the internet (which always works) lagged through which automatically paused the video. 

The experience only lasted for around 15-30 seconds.

Exactly when I closed my mouth, the internet reconnected and the video continued.

This happened literally just now, so wanted to capture the report as it is still fresh.

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An appreciated share. I hear ya loud & clear on this. Far as I can deduce, the ‘alien’ channeling, the power going out in buildings, electronics not working / working intermittently of their own accord, the hands ‘situation’, URL’s crashing yada yada, it’s the bigger picture so to speak. Makes sense without (thought activity wise), making sense of it. Seems like the more the show is enjoyed & awfully appreciated the wilder it gets. If you haven’t & are interested, Reiki classes can be excellent for honing the channeling. Symbols are very useful as well. 



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In the moment, Only both of them can understand clearly what is being said. sometimes, the communication can be fully understood through mere eye contact without a the need to vocalize any sound to the other.

Although we got no clue what they were both saying, you could sense what the body is expressing in both sides if you are sensitive enough

it is clear (to me), that the overall context of the situation was that she was giving her the openness, space and safety for an aspect of her pain body to heal

Edited by Mosess

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this is too much female new age stuff to handle for me. thanks anyway for sharing. I think speaking crazy is an approach from osho to still the mind and is nothing new

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2 minutes ago, OBEler said:

this is too much female new age stuff to handle for me. thanks anyway for sharing. I think speaking crazy is an approach from osho to still the mind and is nothing new

You talk about crazy as if it is not within you

Energy in motion is labeled as crazy, be cause we are in the dark ages.

The consequences of labeling Emotions as crazy are being shown in "everyday human tragedies", 

I am talking about Drug use, Mental illnesses, Suicide, War & violence.

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Interesting post. I've had some paranormal experiences myself in the past which have left me puzzled and confused. I think there is definitely something to this. 

Edited by SQAAD

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@Mosess hm you are right. Reminds me of the film The Joker. Let us be careful to just label emotional energy as crazy

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On 12/12/2021 at 2:17 PM, Identity said:

Alright, so, I'm chilling, eating my dinner.

On a microdose of LSD and smoked a tiny bit of weed, vibing, but very low dosage.

During the dinner, the following video is recommended to it and I watch it:

Around 15:00, the experienced woman guides the Sky Life girl to start channelling this alien energy for the first time.

The intensity of the exchange made me cry.

Then, there was a guiding to do this myself. Opening my mouth upwards, this energy came through me, and I was speaking some sort of 'words' much like in the video is shown. The experience also came, more importantly, with a 'feeling' and 'images' although these descriptions don't fully justify the breath of the experience. 

When the experience started, the internet (which always works) lagged through which automatically paused the video. 

The experience only lasted for around 15-30 seconds.

Exactly when I closed my mouth, the internet reconnected and the video continued.

This happened literally just now, so wanted to capture the report as it is still fresh.

Pretty cool man, ya aliens, spirits, angels, mysterious forces are out there interacting with us and many others, even though ultimately its all God.  Its pretty wild when you go into these realms, non-duality teachings and teachings that lack this aspect can sometimes dismiss or poo poo, these things, but they are as real as anything.

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