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Is weight loss or heavy metal detox more of a priority?

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I just watched the latest video on detoxing heavy metals.

Just wondering which should be a priority if you had to choose from serious weight loss (50+ lbs) vs detoxing heavy metals first.

My reasoning is... I've heard that a lot of the toxins in the body are stored in the fat. So if you start rapidly losing weight, won't you be releasing all of these toxins back into your bloodstream? Who knows if they'll be excreted or just moved around within your body, so I wonder if it's better to slowly remove toxins first.

Plus losing weight might be easier after a few detox cycles if it gives you more energy, willpower and mental clarity, etc?

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@Yarco I would probably say do both at the same time because they're both going to take a long time (not medical advice).

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I would start with preparing your body for the detox first by eliminating junk, processed carbs, sugar, oils, meat, dairy and coffee and sticking to kinda semi-vegan wholefood diet for a month before you even think about detoxing. Get your gut, kidneys and liver prepared for what is to come. Just this will already help you start losing weight. Your gut needs to be prepared to take that shitstorm and liver & kidneys should not be burdened by alcohol, junk food or any unnecessary pharmaceuticals because there will be a lot coming down once you start the chelation.  

A problem I see with AC protocol is that so many people just start taking the products without putting an inch of effort into correcting their diet, this is actually what you see a lot on AC facebook group. And this is how one can end up with toxin redistribution, hepatic recirculation etc. If the microbiome isn't balanced well, that may have an impact as well. And then it takes tremendous amount of effort and nutrients by your liver (google Phase I & Phase II detox nutrients) to get rid of stuff so the body needs to be prepared and have a lot of micronutrients stored. AT least I'd do this if you care about long-term outcome as well as short-term. 

So to answer your question, give yourself at least 2 months of slow body cleansing and correcting of diet, more exercise etc and refeed the body with nourishment as it will require a lot of energy to do the detox. In those 3 months you will probably lose a lot of weight aleady. And then onc you are stronger, jump into that detox pool. 

Yes, losing weight releases a bit of toxicity but not as much as chelation will. Carrying extra body fat will be burdening your detoxification a lot so that should be taken care of first. 

Hope that helps. 

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The problem is that someone carrying that extra weight would not already be in good health. It would suggest that they are not eating right. You would basically want to radically transform your health before considering doing heavy metal detoxing. The results just from getting rid of that weight and eating right would already be great. 

You could consider getting a sauna to help start your detoxing. I know those ACC groups don't let you mention that, but even Andy Cutler at one point said that you could even get rid of some mercury with just a sauna. This would help your natural detox systems start to get more into working order and it would help with the weight loss as well. I would even consider doing it while heavy metal detoxing just for the fact that you are really ramping up a natural detox pathway. There are plenty of options to actually get a good budget one for even a small apartment. You can make a infrared one for a couple hundred bucks. 

You should also really be starting with a gut protocol, then a liver protocol. The thing is that these two areas are going to be hit hard while trying to get these metals out of your body. You want all of your channels of distribution working properly. I know the ACC groups doesn't mention this, but even proper fiber intake would be huge with a protocol like this. You should be aiming for 2+ bowl movements per day to help get out as much toxins as possible. That and a good intake of water. 

Edited by Average Investor

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