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Striving for more

Why daily routines make you poor & fragile [trigger warning]

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Excellent video !!

I used to turn up late for work because "I must get my daily routine in". I had this OCD Neurotic attitude to my daily routine that "I must Exercize visualize & meditate & do affirmations otherwise my day won't go well"

That becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, if u need over complicated X.Y.Z to achieve normal things then you created a crutch for yourself. 

I find this constantly happening to me with food too. 

recently started eating flax seed & cacoa powder. 

I normally have flax seed in the morning but today I had ran out, the instant voice in my head "u need that bro, the DHEA bro, 20 point IQ increase man, u'll need that to focus, it's the magical ingredient"

But really? I shouldn't need that, I realized the ultimate goal is to be able to focus & work whether I'm hungover, disappointed, , without caffiene without supplements, you just fucking do it.

How else can u be dependable, u wouldn't have these fancy crutches in a zombie appocalypse, u wouldnt have optimzied sleep, but youd step up & do the dirty work anyway, shoot those fuckers (although we all know, some good shinyy cocaina would be excellent here). 

In fact, ima go without flax seed a week or 2 keep to my simple eggs oatmeal diet for now. I might try going without green tea for a bit, that's becoming a crutch & it's getting repetitive. 

Similarly, I try not always go gym, sometimes Intentionally take a week off, or train with body weight. Theres prob countless better more meaningful examples tho im tired

Edited by Striving for more

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