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thoughts about the Travis Scott “satanist”idea?

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Hey guys. I found this clip

And I was a little suprised to see how many people still believe in the stage blue god and devil.if you read the comments in the vid you will see that most of the commenters really believe Travis Scott has made a deal with a literal devils in order to further his career.they seem to think that almost everyone who is elite(famous singers/actors)has made a deal with stage blue satan. the vid has 300000+ views and quite a lot of support.any thoughts on the topic?

Edited by Ineedanswers

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I think it's nonsense and weird.

For example, his whole explanation of demons and how they work is strange, because how would he know this?

In addition, there's no biblical reference to explain how to demon function. He says that "every demonic realm has a contract and expiration date..." (2:48-2:52). I am confident that it is not biblical and pretty much Hollywood inspired lol.

It's also just more reasonable to believe that human being are negligent and thats why the events occurred.

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