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How to Accomplish Massive Goals???

25 posts in this topic

26 minutes ago, Phil King said:

You shouldnt have to work 8-10 years just to make a $5,000 movie. Maybe youd have to work that long to secure $5million to make ur movie, but there have been people with way less experience make solid films with under $10k. They just obsessed over how they could make the best movie they could with their limited budget, skill, crew, etc. Like they genuinely thought they would die if they couldnt create their movie. Thats obsession and dedication

@Phil King  I want to be experienced enough so that, IF this tiny film turns out okay, it would then serve as a "proof of concept" of my abilities so that I would then be able to directly pivot off of it and secure $5M to make a "real" low budget film. There is a 0.001% chance of that happening, but still. That tiny film is the goal, but basically I really just want to have the skill to do the real thing by that point as well

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@Theprofessional  You could shortcut that 8-10 years (15% of your total life - how much of your remaining life?) and put out a gofundme today, get that 5k, then do the best you can with it. If you have real passion, you'll probably do some good with it, probably also make some real mistakes and fix them. This will teach you enough to do the next project even better.

If you think you need experience, this is the way to get it. The real world.

This is not brain surgery. There's no real reason to not start learning from real experiences today.

Get a cinematography student on your team to help you, so you learn even faster.

I just saved you 9.5 years of your life.


You'll want to say: "It's not that easy" - mind you, I never said anything about easy.

This is hard, because it takes guts and self-belief.

Things 10 years of school won't give you.


And it's not an either-or situation. You can do all of this, starting TODAY, whilst still attending school and becoming educated. There's plenty of room for your own projects when studying this art - friends of mine are in filmmaker school and they are already getting paid to make real things for real people.


Do I have compassion and understanding for your state of mind and reasoning?

Yes. I waited 10 years to start my business, I thought I was objectively not ready. Which was true, I was a mess. But with a little more self-belief, I could have stood up and fallen down and stood up again, and gotten ready that way far sooner. Turns out the only thing that gets you ready for real, is doing it.

Edited by flowboy

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18 hours ago, Theprofessional said:

I'm literally NOT "worthy".


On 12/12/2021 at 0:30 PM, Nahm said:

Write what you want to experience on your dreamboard. 

There is no need to think about it. 

Simply write it and you’re done. 

Then just do stuff you really enjoy. 

Notice self referential thoughts, thoughts about a you / separate self, and instead express which emotion is experienced. Jealousy feels much better than unworthiness, for example. Doubt is also an emotion. The expression of doubt feels significantly better than than unworthiness or jealousy, and most significantly, better than the suppression. The emotion is guidance - to what you are wanting. 

Love to hear how it goes. 


You are already creating reality. 

Basic meditation.

Awareness of thoughts.  

There is life without doubt, without unworthiness. 



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