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Separation and Grief

1 post in this topic

We die to be born.

We abandon ourselves to find ourselves. 

We find ourselves to know ourselves.

And we forget ourselves to remember ourselves. 


Why must we go through so much pain to find love? 

Why must we be in so much denial to find change? 

To finally understand? 


If I understand you, I can understand me. 

If I understand me, I can understand you. 


And yet, our survival blinds us to each other. 

Our fear blinds us to ourselves. 

And our grief blinds us to reconciliation. 


Let us unite in separation. 

Let us love in grief. 

Let us hold our fear and fear our love. 

For our love feels like risk,

and our risk is our deepest sign of bravery. 


Edited by Gianna

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