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Is Consciousness Limited In It's Creative Potential

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Do you believe that consciousness is limited in it's creative potential by the practice constraints of being a human in the 21st century with certain tech, natural laws, intellectual capacity etc?

I was thinking about how cool it would be to create my very own video game and incorporate all the elements I like and basically design the ultimate game i'd love to play, but then I thought there are likely practical constraints that will limit my vision and basically I will never make an amazing game I'd love because i'd be limited by technology. But on the otherhand consciousness seems to be unlimited and so maybe our wildest dreams are really plausible and possible.

What does everyone think?

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It’s unlimited 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The human mind is a limiting factor on creative potential. There are some things in the universe that are so far-out that no human in the history of civilization will ever think them.

BUT the limit is so large that it's practically unlimited.

There are only about 170k words in the English language, the average vocabulary a person actually knows/uses is only 20k - 40k words. But the amount of books or songs you could write is so large that for all intents and purposes it's basically infinite.

Even after thousands of years, there are still over a million books being published in the US alone EACH YEAR. The number isn't slowing down, it's actually accelerating.

In 2021 it's very unlikely that technology is going to be a limiting factor for you. Make sure not to make up excuses that prevent you from even starting. For example, even if you can't make photorealistic graphics, you can still make a close enough approximation to convey your vision.

Edited by Yarco

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2 hours ago, Yarco said:

The human mind is a limiting factor on creative potential. There are some things in the universe that are so far-out that no human in the history of civilization will ever think them.

BUT the limit is so large that it's practically unlimited.

There are only about 170k words in the English language, the average vocabulary a person actually knows/uses is only 20k - 40k words. But the amount of books or songs you could write is so large that for all intents and purposes it's basically infinite.

Even after thousands of years, there are still over a million books being published in the US alone EACH YEAR. The number isn't slowing down, it's actually accelerating.

In 2021 it's very unlikely that technology is going to be a limiting factor for you. Make sure not to make up excuses that prevent you from even starting. For example, even if you can't make photorealistic graphics, you can still make a close enough approximation to convey your vision.

I have a vision in thoughts of how I want the game to unfold. My only concern is that I will be limited by technology and so the entire project will not be feasible. It's like I either want to do it right and execute my vision or i'd rather just place my attention else where. 

I'm also concerned about the time it would take to finish the product. Right now I am very interested in the topic, and I like just thinking and reflecting on different dynamics of the game, but if someone told me it would take 10 years to finish the project or something idk if I would be as happy to pursue it. 

Part of me thinks that if I just follow these good thoughts and genuinely want to create something based on my vision, then consciousness will find a way to make it a reality for me. But idk I'm skeptical, even though I want to believe 

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I have a vision in thoughts of how I want the game to unfold. My only concern is that I will be limited by technology and so the entire project will not be feasible. It's like I either want to do it right and execute my vision or i'd rather just place my attention else where. 

Speak to a professional game dev and explain the basic concept for your game, they'll be able to let you know pretty quickly if it's possible or not. There are big game dev Youtube channels that usually have their own Discord servers where lots of game devs would be glad to weigh in.

I wouldn't be too worried about someone stealing your idea, the chances someone is actually going to execute on it is incredibly small. Especially if the alternative is you never pursue it and a great idea just dies.

If your idea involves combining non-dualism teachings and spirituality with video games then you're already not the first:

2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I'm also concerned about the time it would take to finish the product. Right now I am very interested in the topic, and I like just thinking and reflecting on different dynamics of the game, but if someone told me it would take 10 years to finish the project or something idk if I would be as happy to pursue it. 

Part of me thinks that if I just follow these good thoughts and genuinely want to create something based on my vision, then consciousness will find a way to make it a reality for me. But idk I'm skeptical, even though I want to believe 

It depends if it's just an idea of something that you think would be cool, or if it's a true life purpose.

Even if it's your life purpose and passion it's going to be hard. You're going to have to spend hundreds of hours watching boring tutorials to learn basic skills, looking up how to implement various things into your games, and that's the relatively easy stuff before you start trying to add things to your game that nobody has ever thought of or tried to code before.

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