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Federico del pueblo

How do you open mixed groups (guys and girls)?

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Hi everyone,

for the gamers amongst you:

I'm still struggling with talking to groups of guys and girls. Only girls is ok, I just compliment them and then start my banter talk. With mixed groups I'm still affected by the presence of the guys, especially if they look fairly "alpha" and I'm more in my head feeling like I need some specific logical reason to talk to them.

I'd like to be able to engage the entire group first and then throw in some more intentful stuff towards the girl of my interest, because if I talk to the girl first guys can become protective rather quickly.

How do you guys do it?

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Well, the correct answer is you should approach the girl directly regardless and calibrate AFTER the fact.

You can open her direct, and then if she says, "That's my bf/husband, you can say, Oh, no worries. He's a lucky guy."

Just don't open too physical.

Or... if you wanna be more of a pussy about it, approach indirect with, "Hey guys, I wanted to come over and be social. How do ya'll know each other? Are you two a couple? No? Oh, you're a cutie ;) "

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