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The Importance of the Duality of Love and Fear, Free Choice

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One of the most fundamental things you can be grateful for is the fact that you can make the Choice of being Grateful.


Trillions of your brothers and sisters will never be able to decide to be Grateful, and those who are human, most will never reach the consciousness to consider to take this choice. Notice the power that was given to you, the miracle of choice, to determine your own perception.


Truly, this is one of the things you can be most grateful for. Look at yourself, and the miracle you are. You have the potential to create Love and Harmony in this world and yourself, just by the power of choosing what you pay attention to. On the other hand you could create Hell, for yourself and others. Notice how many in this world do so. You have the capacity to think of only the negative things for every hour of every day of he year that you are awake. To contemplate all the negativity in this world, what is wrong with the world, with yourself with others. That infact is a very easy choice to make, to give in to your fear, to be defined by your fear, to let fear guide your thoughts and actions.


What makes humanity special is not our intelligence, but our capacity to make a conscious choice between Love and Fear. And notice that this choice is your Freedom. That it would not be worth anything, it would not be a choice, if you were not given the opportunity to choose Fear over Love. The fact that Love has to be your free, conscious choice, is what renders it Love in the first place. If it was forced upon you, if it was not a result of Wisdom, if, well, it was not out of Love, it would not be Love.



So, what you can be most grateful for is the fact that you can choose between Love and Fear. Between Gratefulness and Dissatisfaction.  Get in touch with this gift you were given brothers and sisters. Connect yourself to it, realize how special it is, how it is not at all a given in this world, a given even in your own life.


This Free Choice is a direct connection to True Free Will. Because whatever you will choose, that is actually you, God, making a choice out of pure Love. If you choose fear, it will be because you wanted it.

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Emotions and other sentiments aren't divided in dualism, they are independent of each other but can also combine at the same time on things. Plenty of people have love and fear simultaneously about partners or children and such.

Your point about choosing gratitude is a good one but it's unhelpful to see emotions, sentiments and concepts as an either one or the other dualism paradigm since they aren't really that way in how they get expressed in us.

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9 hours ago, SOUL said:

Emotions and other sentiments aren't divided in dualism, they are independent of each other but can also combine at the same time on things. Plenty of people have love and fear simultaneously about partners or children and such.

Your point about choosing gratitude is a good one but it's unhelpful to see emotions, sentiments and concepts as an either one or the other dualism paradigm since they aren't really that way in how they get expressed in us.

This is an assumption.

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3 hours ago, Scholar said:

This is an assumption.

You assume it's an assumption.

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@Scholar Maybe I should have been more clear and less snarky about how I felt your response was empty of a point since you didn't really say anything.

What part of that bolded quote did you think I was making an assumption? That it's unhelpful? That emotions, sentiments and concepts aren't a dualism? Or maybe it is just an assumption of yours that they are a dualism and it's helpful to view them that way so see me saying they aren't and it isn't is seen as an assumption by you?

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3 hours ago, SOUL said:

@Scholar Maybe I should have been more clear and less snarky about how I felt your response was empty of a point since you didn't really say anything.

What part of that bolded quote did you think I was making an assumption? That it's unhelpful? That emotions, sentiments and concepts aren't a dualism? Or maybe it is just an assumption of yours that they are a dualism and it's helpful to view them that way so see me saying they aren't and it isn't is seen as an assumption by you?

The concept of duality is used to serve a function. Dualities conceptually are extremely useful for humans, and most practical too. In most instances, fear and love will be in opposition. To deem a non-dual perspective to be more truthful or valid than that is itself a duality, and part of the same process of conceptualization.


It is indeed very helpful to look at the world this way sometimes. You are still too focused on deconstruction.

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11 hours ago, Scholar said:

The concept of duality is used to serve a function. Dualities conceptually are extremely useful for humans, and most practical too. In most instances, fear and love will be in opposition. To deem a non-dual perspective to be more truthful or valid than that is itself a duality, and part of the same process of conceptualization.


It is indeed very helpful to look at the world this way sometimes. You are still too focused on deconstruction.

I'm not constructing or deconstructing anything, I'm looking at what is.

Dualism is a perception of the mind, it's not a thing other than in the mind. It is the human mind that lumps emotions, sentiments and concepts into two 'oppositional' groups. You said non-dual, I didn't because I'm aware that dualism is in the mind so once I transcended dualism in my mind's perception I realized it's not really anything so don't use it to understand my perspective. It's you who is perceiving dualism in the two concepts but are assuming it is my perception and you apparently cannot perceive something other than it.

Maybe I can give you some insight to the perspective of the mind that doesn't perceive things in a dualism. When I said 'unhelpful' you probably are seeing that as one side of a dualism with 'helpful' on the other side as if they are opposites. In my mind helpful is an effect, a helping effect but unhelpful is no effect, it's neutral. Along the spectrum of the 'helping' dynamic is hindrance, it's blocking help, we don't perceive it as neutral because it keeps us from help.

Now can you see how once the perception of dualism and pairing up things in oppositional poles is transcended it creates more clarity so things can be viewed as they are for what they are. Another issue with dualism perspective is that the oppositional mindset manifests conflict in the mind between the perceived two sides. As well as an exclusivity perception, it's one or the other, it's a challenge to perceive things as a whole or both, it creates division.... the separation.

I thought about which word I would use for that pretty long and I chose 'unhelpful' because in my perspective it is neutral not the opposite of helpful, it's the absence of help, not working against help though it appears to be blocking help. If I did have an assumption it would be that people seek to resolve the oppositional perspective and be free from a  conflicted mind. Of course dualism would be considered 'helpful' if one wanted to create the oppositional conflicted mind.

To bolster the sense of separation and justify identity dualism would be 'helpful' yet this would also create the oppositional and conflicted mind. All we have to do is look at society around us to find the evidence of this, it doesn't take much contemplation to recognize it. This isn't a matter of truth or valid, those concepts are from the perception of dualism and why they came to your mind since you are so keen of fostering the dualism.

Yea, I probably shouldn't assume what people really want.


Edited by SOUL

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