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Technique For Improved Mental Balance

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Hey I wanted to share a technique that can help bring more ease to the mind. It's inspired by Dr John Demartini's breakthrough experience technique, but I haven't got through his book yet so i'm sure his technique has more depth.

I think this can be very useful for anyone who is struggling to see tangible results in their well being, despite having insight into spiritual practice, awareness etc.

Basically, you want to take any situation, person, event etc in your life that you may have resentful, negative, judgmental, feelings/thoughts towards and consciously reflect on the positive side of that event, etc. 

So if you hate/judge/resent/etc your mother/job/coworkers/government/etc then take time to actively reflect on the positive side of said thing. Find something you can appreciate and be thankful for. There are positives and negatives to everything, so if you spend long enough you can really find positives about anything, even if it seems difficult at first.

Take the holocaust for example. Most of us can see the downsides of genocide, racism etc. But there were also positives to the holocaust. Most people have such a strong negative reaction to the horrors of the holocaust that it will make future holocausts and genocides less likely because people will be much more invested and involved in future world events to prevent it. Look at Germany's political shift as a result, there seems to be a genuine remorse and guilt about the ordeal, which will likely positive impact Germany and other countries in their treatment of minorities etc.

You can apply this to everything. I think it can work especially well if we can turn this exercise and point it at ourselves and our own lives. Just taking time to reflect on the positive and good parts of our lives that we may overlook can be profound.

I also recommend not to try and logically come up with positive aspects, but rather set an intention to come up with positive aspects of some thing, and simply rest conscious presence, and let your intuition and subconscious bring ideas up for you


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