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A small revelation

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I want to share a small revelation with you guys. God revealed it to me in an ingenious way within my experience, so I had to share it. 

Let's suppose we divide the people of this world into two categories. Young(below 40 years old) and Old (above 40).

The Old always wants to protect that which is already created. It wants to protect because it worked all life to create it. 

The Young always wants to establish itself and create something different and better than the Old. 

Reality is a never-ending battle between the Young and Old.

The Old People who currently hold positions of power in society have a vested interest to keep things as they are. They don't want anything to change. They want to keep things as they are even if things are pretty bad.

If you are Young, you must believe that you can change things for the better. You must try to create a better reality than the one which we currently inhabit.

And you shouldn't see the Old as your enemy since one day you too will be Old and will try to protect that which you have created. 

Don't hate the player, Love the Game.

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Yup. The old are attached to memory, to what they know. Whatever we don't know, we fear and thus try to avoid. 

The young don't yet have a whole lot of memory, but a life full of potential, so they want to create something new. And then that's their world, just as the old once had a world that was new to them.

It's a constant flow of the new replacing the old. That's why conservatism is, in the final analysis, a losing game. You don't even have to fight it. 

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1 hour ago, JosephKnecht said:

Reality is a never-ending battle between the Young and Old.

This was the natural order. Although, I would argue that change (in society) is happening ever more rapidly mostly because of technology. And the Elon Musks of the world are not that young.

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

And the Elon Musks of the world are not that young.

Some people are always Young in spirit. :) 

In the past, when the Young wanted to run away from the Old, there was always an escape. 

That is how America was founded. Maybe Mars will be the new America. One can always dream. 

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