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On the lip of insanity, a way to feel separate again?

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Hanging on the lip of insanity for the last weeks, I've been questioning myself, why the hell I am doing it? Then I snapped out seeing I can choose NOT to feel like that. I can just be here and now happy. I kinda feel like it's a mechanism or something that I like to feel: "I am an outstanding, separate individual". Then I question why I have to be separate from everything. Why cant I just be here, happy, thoughts come: "because you are insane, you cant ever be happy with those kind of thoughts, you are a separate insane human being. Even having such thoughts prooves you're insane, because nobody else has such thoughts, you are alone dealing with YOUR thoughts. Nobody else is dealing with them."

Now I can choose to believe them too. What I did for the last weeks. 

Basically I am responsible for my own sanity. No one can take that from me. 

Once one touches Truth. There is no way back. Ever.




Edited by Nadosa

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Just try and enjoy the ride. 

Be mindful that your suffering is always bearable (so far at least). Think back to times in your journey where it was worse than now - and be grateful that's passed. Try and welcome the emptiness feeling.

I have no idea where this is going though.

Edited by iboughtleosbooklist

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@Nadosa once you Touch the truth there is a way to go back. Just forget the truth. It is possible

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