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1 nothing or 0 nothing?

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18 minutes ago, WokeBloke said:

I don't think all creations already exist. Creation is being made right now. Creations don't exist until they are created. For example, this computer didn't exist until it was created.

You don't understand what infinity means. It's all, totality, infinity is everything, what is to create too, since it is infinite. there is nothing outside. if there was something outside, then it would have a limit and it would not be infinite ... but it is. overwhelmingly infinite. hideously infinite, or wonderfully infinite, depending on how you see it

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You don't understand what infinity means. It's all, totality, infinity is everything, what is to create too, since it is infinite. there is nothing outside. if there was something outside, then it would have a limit and it would not be infinite ... but it is. overwhelmingly infinite. hideously infinite, or wonderfully infinite, depending on how you see it

It occurs to me there's a difference between infinite and without limit, like how an infinitely large size is different from sizelessness. In deep trips you probably have experienced that boundlessness.

I wonder if reality is infinite or limitless. The difference being that with the infinite, all must exist now at once, whereas limitless is more like a magicians top hat with no bottom where you just pull things out over and over and over. But they aren't all out at once right now. Rather they can come out and go back.

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@RMQualtrough i think it's the same, unlimited is infinite. if it has no limits, it does not end, so it covers everything. reality is infinite, we are infinite, but we pretend to be finite to appear to be something, instead of nothing that is infinity. but we are not something, we are everything, total. Nothing. indefinable.  very strange to the mind 

Well, maybe a definition. want to be, passion to be: love

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall My experience of sizelessness was usually one of malleability rather than rigidity which is why I question it.

That is how I am meaning infinite vs limitless. Limitless would be malleable whereas I imagine infinite to be fixed. Limitless would be that unexplained abstract things like color can appear from nothing but then can also go back to nothing, rather than their constant somethingness being set in stone, unable to ever regress back into the nothingness ground of being.

I've had various experiences of sizelessness. Usually what happens is, consciousness grabs onto whatever it can. When you are fully "out of body", it feels to encompass the complete width of your vision as well as sounds, touch, etc. If you lost an eye, its scope would narrow. There wouldn't be a fixed extra width where vision used to be, rather it molds into whatever it is aware of.

So I don't think they're the same at all but, I wonder which one it is. Is it an infinity of the malleable kind which can spit out infinite things and then swallow them back into nothing, its size always encompassing the scope of its contents? Or of the rigid kind where no things rise or fall but are all forced to eternally be.

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2 hours ago, WokeBloke said:

why do you think I am changeless?

Consciousness is beyond change and changelessness, and it is a realization rather than a thought. The monkey mind is always trying to make sense of ultimate reality, but it can't comprehend paradox.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 08/12/2021 at 10:42 PM, WokeBloke said:

Now I wonder if you would say that there is 0 nothing or is there 1 nothing?

Spirituality is not about counting.

57% paranoid

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Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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The sense of self's biggest problem is death.

So it tries to adopt any story where it can believe it will continue on existing infinitely.

Similarly to religion.

The shocking and sometimes terrifying realization is that it's already not real.

It's already not alive.... it's an illusion of self that wants to continue living. ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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