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What to do against "time running out"

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I'm in my mid twenties now and I feel like time is running out for me to make the cut. I'm working on it but it hurts being not where I wanna be at that age.

How to deal with it?



<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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If you drop the making the cut thing and just do what you can and see that you can't do anything else anyway you could probably relax and let life unfold until your body is no more which is something you have to come in terms with before you die. I guess spirituality is a way to come in terms with your mortality and impermanence of things but it's hard and this troubles me too. 

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@UDT just take the bull by the horns.

Do the maths. Say you want everything done by age 50. That's (50-25)*365.25 = 9131.25 days. What can you do with that many days? You could break out a spreadsheet, with each day on each row, and then start planning your future. Look at the spreadsheet once a month and update it, mark off your achievements as you go. Then stop worrying about how much time you have left.

57% paranoid

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Worrying about it is not going to help at all. You can only help yourself by facing yourself, and do what you have to do. In stead of wallowing in guilt about what you haven't done what you should have done. It's not too late to make amends

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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On 09/12/2021 at 1:06 AM, Yarco said:

Can you elaborate on what "making the cut" looks like to you?
Where should people be at your age?

@Yarco  Im changing career paths to become a doctor, which takes literally all my time and I had to stop my first career path - which is a sacrifice - I might need to study in another country If I´m unlucky, so I gotta move again back and forth, I wanna settle and build something and stop being on the move all the time 

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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