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The Usage Of Unused Energy And Tackle My Inner Demons

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Sometimes I have some periods, where I get a boost of energy and motivation to change my life, to some things that are good for me and my future like reading some good books instead of novels or I want to do some sports, so I can stay healthy and fit. I get them mostly, when I look some sites of universities. Three days ago I was interested in Harvard, so I got on their homepage, looked photos of the university buildings and searched for the application deadline. And then I got that motivation to work hard, so I can get on that damn beautiful, amazing and superb university, where I can study literally everything. The only problem is the money and maybe also my English and the short period of time:D So I thought, I can work hard in school, so I can get a scholarship or donations. I made a plan (very often) to visualize my idea and work after this plan. I wanted to work after the plan and I could do it.  But when I get this boosts full of energy, there is something in me stopping to use this energy. I don´t know what it is, but I want to get rid of it and use this bunch of motivation. Maybe it´s an inner-resistant or bad vibes or maybe  some devil power in me. I don´t know. I only know that I want to get rid of that "thing", so I will do this journal and maybe get inspiration, motivation and help. 

I also want to watch Leo´s video on a regular base and yeah hope to fulfill my dreams and maybe study one day at Harvard or some other amazing university and the most important thing: be happy:)

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Everything that seems to be blocking, is just a signal of underdevelopment in sense of in need of adaptation within yourself.


When feeling angry, really try to feel angry.

When feeling lack of energy, really try be in lack of energy. 

If feeling frightened, stand wide open to actually try to really feel frightened consciously.


Learn to get rid of the illusion that there is someone operating. As soon as you really try and put effort to get into it, one easily realizes that it just was a small detail of rejection of self, (not willing to adapt, being flexible).


Literally Mango, learn to sit in the middle of the spot of discomfort.

"Give it Awareness, and its doomed to transform".

Edited by Aware Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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@Aware That sounds so easy when you say it so but to do is a way to hard. I have problems with accepting my emotions. I´m kinda a control freak of my emotions, so it will take time and hard work, I guess. But thanks :)

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