Tyler Durden

God playing roles

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Alan Watts would say that the actors, after the play is over, go behind the scenes in the green room and take their masks off. If other people are actually God in disguise, does that happen in reality as well or the roles are permanent?

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It's just a metaphor... You're getting hung up on imagery. 

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@BenG But it seems to be very fixed. My gender, race, nationality, physical looks, etc. that was imagined by God to have a human experience, doesn't look like something that can be changed in this life time. People around me also stick to their roles all the time.

Edited by Tyler Durden

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2 minutes ago, BenG said:

All of that is changeable. If you want to.

Sounds intriguing. How to achieve that? But don't tell me I have to physicaly die first ?

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@BenG All of that sound like changes that are in line with materialistic view. I was thinking more like going to sleep as white male in Europe and waking up as black female in Africa.

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@BenG Thanks for your explanation. I'm still trying to figure out how to interpret God's play and roles inside it. Even though I should know about that because I created it in the first place but I forgot ?

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@Tyler Durden Cool thread, read through your discussion with BenG. 

Unfortunately, being able to change reality in the way you wish, at least without throwing a potentially dangerous formula for HPPD into the mix, is magical thinking.

Spirituality is more about changing your relationship to reality than bending reality to your will. There's a great scene from the matrix about just this, actually.


Fortunately, you won't physically die if this happens. However, it can certainly feel like you're forgetting large chunks of information about yourself. This forgetting is part of a metaphysical transformation that some, who've gone through the process, report to have "felt like dying". You aren't dying.

If it makes you feel more comfortable with the process, which has a long track record of getting pretty creepy at times, try reframing it. For example, you could think of it like deleting the cookies and clearing the cache on your web browser, so that it runs faster. Not so scary now. Same old browser, right? Alternatively, you could think of the information you're forgetting as having been getting in the way of your remembering something else which will radically improve your luck in ways that just about everything else in life can't quite. For the best results, don't worry so much about getting the next great reframe from Leo or your other teachers, and just get creative! If you have the energy, make it a game to see how you can reframe unsightly situations in novel ways that you find personally empowering. When you get tired and don't want to play anymore, recall something simple that gives you just a little more peace of mind in the next moment.

It's perfectly fine that you're asking these types of questions. And don't beat yourself up for having physical insecurities. The big old wide open void of forgetting is our pal on the spiritual path, and when you're ready to move on, she'll take good care of all these woes for ya.

Back to the bad news. You need to stop looking back if you want to be able to sprint fast enough for long enough to totally leave your problems in the dust. Knowing how much pain they cause is a step in the right direction, and fully feeling pain might make a good next step.

You can't wake up and live the rest of your life in someone else's body, but you absolutely can enjoy the body you've got. Godspeed, Tyler.

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