
Leo, can you talk more about the 2 directions of spiritual work?

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

After 40 years of chasing your Jnanas and listening to wise old Buddhists -- when you are sick of all those games -- come back to me and I'll tell you exactly how to realize that you are God.

No I'm not talking about jnanas, Im talking about Jhanas, they are completely different. Jnanas are knowledges that lead to cessation, and Jhanas are states of conciousness more profound then psychedelics, Ive told you this several times but your not listening 

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@wildflower I know what you're talking about. Classic Buddhist dogma.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@wildflower I know what you're talking about. Classic Buddhist dogma.

Nope no dogma, you can and should verify it in your own direct experience.


Thats like saying 'psychedelic dogma' lol, either you want to achieve the most profound states of consciousness i.e. Jhana, and do the work to get there, or not, the choice is yours

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There is nothing to achieve. And if there is something to achieve then you've already achieved it.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

You are even imagining sleep.

Your imagination has no limits and it manifests as "physical reality".

You are imagining entire classes of objects like atoms, microbes, animals, dinosaurs, planets, history, future, humans, etc.

You can imagine having a dog in childhood, and this will be indistinguishable to you from actually having had a childhood. You will actually start to believe you had a childhood. But your entire childhood is imaginary.

@Leo Gura If reality is infinite, wouldnt i live that imagined childhood one time "for real" at least?

Its imaginary But It happened. 

And Dont reply "you just imagined that ;)" ? please

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura If reality is infinite, wouldnt i live that imagined childhood one time "for real" at least?

Its imaginary But It happened. 

And Dont reply "you just imagined that ;)" ? please

But you're imagining it RIGHT HERE AND NOW!! you can't get around that fact

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course.

You are even imagining sleep.

Your imagination has no limits and it manifests as "physical reality".

You are imagining entire classes of objects like atoms, microbes, animals, dinosaurs, planets, history, future, humans, etc.

You can imagine having a dog in childhood, and this will be indistinguishable to you from actually having had a childhood. You will actually start to believe you had a childhood. But your entire childhood is imaginary.

Because there is only ever eternity shape shifting into different stuff 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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14 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura If reality is infinite, wouldnt i live that imagined childhood one time "for real" at least?

Its imaginary But It happened. 

And Dont reply "you just imagined that ;)" ? please

Maybe you could live it.

You're not living it now, therefore you are imagining it.

But even if you were living it, it would still be imaginary.

NOW is imaginary too.

You are dreaming. There is nothing but dreams. Your dream is Absolute and it lasts forever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura will you tell us about your time in asia? and how many buddhists you have met? it sounds like you have spent a lot of time in buddhist monasteries and probably with different kind of buddhist teachers of several countries. 

i mean you must have met a certain population to get a significant proove for your claim.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

But even if you were living it, it would still be imaginary.

NOW is imaginary too.

You are dreaming. There is nothing but dreams. Your dream is Absolute and it lasts forever.

Yes, of course, I 'agree' in that.? 

Its all an Infinite Dream where I imagine all sorts of person, places, and things to make It as real as It gets. 

Although I've never seen the back side of an object, or something outside my Pov, i still have doubts if some kind of material reality exists outside my Absolute Imagination/Perception. 

But yeah i Hope one day i will accept Im God imagining stuff and Im Alone ? not sure how that would become "Love" But anyways

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Leo Gura I made a video on this subject a little while ago and I'm curious of your thoughts on it, more so on the second part of the video (feel free to skip to 5:05).  The notion of God being alone, from a God point of view, wouldn't you say that its just as much as an imagination/idea/experience for God arising as say never being alone, or "being" in such a manner as not thought or experienced as neither alone or not, not alone?  I feel that hammering the idea of "alone" and the symbols that this means for many, reinforces an unhealthy idea of solitude, especially for "supposed seekers" who are already dealing with this egoic false idea of loneliness?  Maybe, maybe not?  Just curious.


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1 hour ago, mememe said:

@Leo Gura will you tell us about your time in asia? and how many buddhists you have met? it sounds like you have spent a lot of time in buddhist monasteries and probably with different kind of buddhist teachers of several countries. 

i mean you must have met a certain population to get a significant proove for your claim.

I'm from India, I have met many and I have seen how unknown they are about God realisation. see some budhist monastery videos you will get the idea. Budhist are in stage blue in most of south asian countries. 

Leo Gura ❤

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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3 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

I'm from India, I have met many and I have seen how unknown they are about God realisation. see some budhist monastery videos you will get the idea. Budhist are in stage blue in most of south asian countries. 

what about hindus? i noticed hindus and buddhists have a strange kind of competition, in some sense a lot of similar values but too much shared karma to accept each other as religions of the same branch/twig. its a bit like with testamentaric religions the closer they are the more they seem to differ.

you mean it’s difficult to be god realized in stage blue? in india is mainly theravadic buddhism?even buddhism has different branches - how can god realization be generalized? 

Edited by mememe

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47 minutes ago, mememe said:

what about hindus? i noticed hindus and buddhists have a strange kind of competition, in some sense a lot of similar values but too much shared karma to accept each other as religions of the same branch/twig. its a bit like with testamentaric religions the closer they are the more they seem to differ.

you mean it’s difficult to be god realized in stage blue? in india is mainly theravadic buddhism?even buddhism has different branches - how can god realization be generalized? 

Hindus is a general term for many categories. And these categories in Hindus itself compete like vedantis and Tantrics go say other is wrong path. Budhist/Jain/Tantriks/Vedanthis all compete with each other. (But not all , one who realised doesn't do that) 

Is God realisation possible in stage blue like I am God realisation creator of everything. its possible but then he/she will no longer be stuck in that blue.  My generalisation of budhism(especially south asia) is from meeting many budhist and seeing their monastery videos and lectures, there arent that much budhist sects here to get confused look at what they are doing in srilanka, mayanmar all in nice robes issuing death threats to muslims. Budhism is just a religion like hinduism. ( out of topic: If Iam right budhist are first people who started killing based on blasphemy- Ashoka????) b/w I am also open to GOD realised buddhist I am waiting to see one. 

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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On 12/8/2021 at 11:30 PM, Leo Gura said:

There is a feature of consciousness which I would call self-comprehension or self-understanding, and also a feature I would call interconnectedness. These are what I would call the upward direction as opposed to the downward direction of deconstructing sensory experience through formal technical meditation like Vipassana, or stilling the mind to the point of cessation.

So what's required for God-realization is a crazy degree of self-comprehension and interconnectedness.

The problem with traditional Buddhist practices is that they still the mind and produce cool higher states, but they don't give you that crazy degree of interconnected necessary for total self-comprehension. And so therefore reality, self, other, God, and Love are never really understood for what they are, even though there might be ego-loss. Ego-loss is not the same as a deep comprehension of things. This comprehension is not merely the human mind at work, it is God-Mind comprehending itself at an Absolute level.

Do some Vipassana while on your next high dose trip ? That’s where the magic happens. Then you see deeper and can translate it to baseline shifts. Also you can do Vipassana basically 24/7 if you want to be hardcore. I like staring at the center point of the x at the top of a web browser at work when there’s nothing important to do. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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8 hours ago, wildflower said:

That's why Buddhism is the best system of embodiment, as it literally systematically trains no-self, no identity, renunciation etc


I don’t see it that way. If everything is your imagination… enjoy it. It’s all alone and the only thing that exists… so take care of it. It’s special. Self love.


I also wonder if what you are saying is really a correct interpretation of Buddhism. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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6 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Do some Vipassana while on your next high dose trip ? That’s where the magic happens. Then you see deeper and can translate it to baseline shifts. Also you can do Vipassana basically 24/7 if you want to be hardcore. I like staring at the center point of the x at the top of a web browser at work when there’s nothing important to do. 

How is vipasana even possible on high dose trip, isnt vipasaana looking at your body sensations. staring at centre point of the X at top of web browser is concentration exercise.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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6 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

How is vipasana even possible on high dose trip, isnt vipasaana looking at your body sensations. staring at centre point of the X at top of web browser is concentration exercise.

A deep trip can bring you into some paradoxical realizations that you imagine vipassana. 

deep trips blow vipassana out of the water but I’m sure they have synergy 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Harikrishnan again you point towards a really small branch of buddhism. to say buddhists are not god realized is the same as saying christians, hindus, muslims, jews and ofc all other religions and all pseudo religions in sense of isms are not god realized - in short: no one is.

ofc. let’s not make an excuse, a lot of religions are used to justify racism/naziism/chauvinism/mysogenism and all kinds of other discrimination, force and war - to talk about god realization.

does it make a difference if the religion in itself is not promoting force to make someone using force against another being god realized or not?

i‘d go even further and ask: what is god realization? no religion really seems to find an answer for it which is exactly the same as another religion, hence the question about

„what is god realization?“

seems to be still and quiet overlooked by the most religions. 

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