
How do you practice gratitude ?

13 posts in this topic

For those who practice it everyday, what are your ways of thinking & your practices for gratitude ?

How it changed your life ? 

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I like to get a really pretty picture and look at it for ten minutes and send love and gratitude that such places exist and that right now, as I look at this picture, it is all for me.  I am a witness to such magnificent beauty!

When you do this, you start to see it in your environment as well.  This is a strong pathway towards having awakenings and is a great tool to use.  Sending gratitude and love outwards tends to your bubble of perception, it is like a salve for bad times, it brings better things into your life and you'll start to notice small things to be grateful for.  Think like a photographer when looking for gratitude in the world.  You are taking "snapshots of gratitude" wherever you can.

Gratitude is one of the best ways to change your entire perception.


^  Grateful, loving faces.

Edited by Loba

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This isnt really a direct answer but it seems appropriate.


Edited by Adodd

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@Loba oh I'm so grateful for this ! Definitely will incorporate that in my life!! I'm in love with all the beauty around us 

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Basic gratitude mindset that you can start right away: Your life may be shit, but at least you woke up today!


Edited by Terell Kirby

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On 12/7/2021 at 11:56 AM, Gabith said:

For those who practice it everyday, what are your ways of thinking & your practices for gratitude ?

How it changed your life ? 

Its sometimes hard to practice gratitude if you don't know what you have, until you lose it.  So I find it a good reminder question sometimes to look into how I would feel if I lost, my loved ones, job, life, anything that I sometimes take for granted.  This seems to sometimes "trigger" genuine gratitude.

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Before every evening meal, I ask myself. "What am I grateful for today." And whatever comes up I acknowledge and pay gratitude towards. 


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Memento Mori - Meditate on your death.

I'm honestly surprised that nobody has suggested this yet.

Meditation on impermanence, on your own finiteness as this human form brings immense gratitude that you are alive today.

If you think death is morbid, then that will most likely be your attitude towards life.  The only thing morbid is the attachments and attitudes associated with the idea of death.  

Memento Mori is the ultimate meditation practice.  If you can conquer your fear of death, you have become a master of all fear.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@Gabith What works best for me is to incorporate appreciation into daily activities. For example if I am grocery shopping I appreciate the farmers for growing the food, the truck drivers for delivering the food and supplies, all the employee's for keeping the store clean and stocked, all the people involved in the construction of the store etc. You can do this with any activity. 

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Too much gratitude practice is mental some yoga and gratitude will happen on its own

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you just try to appreciate everything


i appreciate this nice spa and sauna

appreciate this lovely tree

appreciate this pet

appreciate this known or unknown person

appreciate warmth

appreciate these good or bad feelings

and so on

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I like to just sit on my knees and do a simple prayer. Thank God for five things. Ask for guidance.

It looks like I'm being religious but that's not what it is.

It's a great way to connect to your higher self, and a good reminder to be open, and let go of trying to control.

As well as a gratitude practice.

It's all those things in one.

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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