
How deeply can You awaken?

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15 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

but some of us "sober" localizations of consciousness have indeed realized what we are .

Or so you tell yourself ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I love you. And I don’t need dmt to realize that I love you unconditionally. I love you so much I can’t even handle how much I love you. To share my love with myself is the reason I exist. Never could I not love you unconditionally, even if I tried. 

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Or so you tell yourself ;)

I get your point though .. we never really know what our minds are capable of unless we make some profound distinction between our human incarnation and something that's profoundly different...and I get psychedelics help with that.

Just acknowledging that there is a lot of progress that can be made while not on psychedelics ..  I am sure you know this, but you seem to dismiss it a lot. 

Edited by Terell Kirby

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@Leo Gura isn't it a fair thing to say that if a person can endure big pain without suffering, that his awareness is totally disidentified from the body-mind system and he resides in that place of total detachment from everything.?

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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9 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Why you didn't agree with what Consilience sayed about pain and equanimity? See I think your understanding of meditation has some holes in it. First of all, it takes enourmous awareness and disidentification from the body-mind to be able to endure big pain. It's not a spiritual trick really.

It's a trick. Like training yourself to stand on your head.


It's a direct consiquence of your ability to disidentify from sensations.

There's the delusion.

You ARE all sensations. What are you running away from? You should be identifying with all sensations. After all, you are EVERYTHING and ONE. How can you disidentify with anything when Your/God's Will literally creates everything? By disidentifying you create duality in an effort to perform a spiritual trick.


Without very intense awareness that is not possible. So... why do you not agree with this that intense awareness makes a person capable to disidentify from everything that he is not and end all blind resistence to the pain?

That is simply a different thing from consciousnes of God.

I'm not saying those aren't impressive feats. But such feats do not guarantee God-realization.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Leo Gura isn't it a fair thing to say that if a person can endure big pain without suffering, that his awareness is totally disidentified from the body-mind system. He resides in that place of total detachment from everything.?

But this isn't Truth.

Truth is that you are the identity of EVERYTHING.

The goal is not a total detachment but a total self-embrace.

This is one of the problems with Buddhism. God cannot escape any aspect of itself, nor would God want to. Because God is Love. What kind of God runs away from some pain? The solution is not to escape pain or disidentify from it, but to love it because you are conscious that it is what you are.

Ask yourself this: If God is not pain, then where did pain come from? Who created it? The devil? Haha

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But this isn't Truth.

Truth is that you are the identity of EVERYTHING.

I accept that.

And I think total identification with everything leads to love realization. And total disidentification leads to nothingness.

I also think these are two truths about reality at the same time being equally true. One is that "I am everything". Another is "I'm am Nothing" I feel they are both true. One leads to total disidentification from everything and end of suffering another leads to total merging into existence. Total engrossed into existence and loving existence with all you have. 

One is dissmising existence totally another is accepting and loving existence totally. Two sides of the same coin. Yin and yang.

What are your thoughts on this?

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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40 minutes ago, Consilience said:


The fact that you think psychedelics lead somewhere different than hardcore spiritual practice just proves this. Again, this place is turning into a joke for serious sages. Your lack of holism, wisdom, and arrogance is just astounding given the quality of your earlier content man. What the hell happened? Honestly… 

YouTube took away the dislike button so now his spiritual ego is free to move about without emotional repercussions :D

But in all seriousness, very well put. I’m out :ph34r:

Some of you here seem very helpful and not delusional...If anyone wants to keep in contact, I’m over on instagram @whisperingpinestea

infinite love!

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I'm not saying those aren't impressive feats. But such feats do not guarantee God-realization.

See but it does guarantee that the monk who can bear lots of pain is at the peak levels of disidentification. And peak levels of disidentification implies a peak level of awareness that he is in. Because without awareness you cannot disidentify from pain. Would you not agree?

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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4 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I accept that.

And I think total identification with every leads to love realization. And total disidentification leads to nothingness and end of suffering. 

I also think these are two truths about reality at the same time being equally true. One is that "I am everything". Another is "I'm am Nothing" I feel they are both true. One leads to total disidentification from everything and end of suffering another leads to total merging into existence. Total engrossed into existence and loving existence with all you have. 

One is dissmising existence totslly another is accepting and loving existence totally. Two sides of the same coin. Yin and yang.

What are your thoughts on this?

Yes, of course they are two sides of one coin. But notice, that is ONE coin, united in Love. That coin is God.

But God-realization is even more profound and personal than just realizing everything = nothing.

God-realization requires that you take personal responsibility for the creation of reality. It's not just that reality exists somehow. It's that YOU fucking created it! You are fucking creating it! But you aren't conscious of this because you fundamentally refuse to accept yourself as God. It's too radical for a human to accept.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But this isn't Truth.

Truth is that you are the identity of EVERYTHING.

And some of us have realized this without taking a single psychedelic .. 

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Somewhere out there is a planet where aliens walk around smoking 5-Meo cigarettes every 30 minutes and everyone is at a higher state than Leo will ever reach in a 1000 lifetimes. These non-duality my dad could beat up your dad wars are so boring. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Consilience ???I agree.

Sure Psychedelics Will always take you hundreds of degrees higher, But so What Lmao? 99% of people want their awakening to stick)integrated into everyday Life. And for that Im afraid Psychedelics work poorly, if not even makes It harder since It makes you see nostalgic/apathy the fact that you wont ever be Able to get to those states sober much of the time. 99% of people would choose living in a baseline of a certain high state of Consciousness such as high mindfulness/no self (But very low compared to that ones of Psychedelics) that living in identification with ego/thoughts mind, But be Able to go to absolute Infinity a couple of times a month. Like, woah, its obvious.

It took me some time to learn that Psychedelics are really "hang Up the phone when you get the message", I used to believe Leo about the do 150 trips rule, But after seeing that Psychedelics really Dont up the baseline Consciousness and really they share a lot of the side effects that all drugs have,Im afraid Im beggining to clearly see they have a ceiling in terms of What value they can offer to humans,  and It looks that sober Boring methods are really the only option of any kind of real possibility of living in a certain high level of Consciousness and embodying/integrating stuff

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9 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

See but it does guarantee that that monk who can bear lots of pain is at the peak levels of disidentification.



And peak levels of disidentification is also a sign for the peak levels of awareness that he is in.


Peak consciousness is not about disidentification. That monk is not infinitely conscious.

Peak consciousness is INFINITY.

You can train a body/mind not to react to pain. But that doesn't mean consciousness has reached INFINITY or anything close to it.

Forget about pain. What you want is INFINITY and God-consciousness. I promise you won't be dissappointed with God-consciousness ;)

INFINITY is what you are. That's your true identity. Of course! ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Peak consciousness is not about disidentification. That monk is not infinitely conscious.

Peak consciousness is INFINITY

Okey, but can I question this? For example, what causes identitfication with the body-mind-psyche? Isn't it that lack of awareness is causing this identification with something that I am not? And isn't it true that if I become fully concious, I will gain the power to see that the identity is not me. When awareness is full on a distance arises between mind-ego and awareness. This is what I call disidentification. A clear distance between mind and awareness. So much so that one becomes totally aware that everything passes except awareness and this gives him total disidentification from everything. So. I hope it's easy to follow. The conclusion should be that total disidentification is only possible if the awareness hits the peak. Because it is lack of awareness that causes identification with mind in the first place. Would that make any sense to you?

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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10 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

And some of us have realized this without taking a single psychedelic .. 

There are many degrees of realizing it.

7 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Somewhere out there is a planet where aliens walk around smoking 5-Meo cigarettes every 30 minutes and everyone is at a higher state than Leo will ever reach in a 1000 lifetimes. These non-duality my dad could beat up your dad wars are so boring. 

Only in your dreams ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:



Peak consciousness is not about disidentification. That monk is not infinitely conscious.

Peak consciousness is INFINITY.

You can train a body/mind not to react to pain. But that doesn't mean consciousness has reached INFINITY or anything close to it.

Forget about pain. What you want is INFINITY and God-consciousness. I promise you won't be dissappointed with God-consciousness ;)

INFINITY is what you are. That's your true identity. Of course! ;)


What Leo wrote is correct.Care about your health too it always comes 1st.

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I do not understand why we--God--are playing this trick on ourselves where we don´t know that we are God/One?

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28 minutes ago, Sam Johnson said:

@Leo Gura I love you. And I don’t need dmt to realize that I love you unconditionally. I love you so much I can’t even handle how much I love you. To share my love with myself is the reason I exist. Never could I not love you unconditionally, even if I tried. 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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1 minute ago, Dulinho said:

I do not understand why we--God--are playing this trick on ourselves where we don´t know that we are God/One?

Life=existance=creation=play =love=unity=learning=understanding etc

Mod,maybe one sunny day?!

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