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Mindfulness/Traua healing applied to approach anxiety

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With Stuff like David R Hawkins and Julien Blanc's Transformation Mastery - do we not think that by going out and approaching but also by putting our awareness on those sensations of fear and/or journaling about those feelings of fear, we can reduce our approach anxiety/general social anxiety more permanently overtime? Julien Blanc claims he doesn't need to get 'in state' anymore, he is naturally in state because he isn't resistant to the sensations in his body. 


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Indeed. Aka ‘listening’. No one can get in a concept. Think about it, feel, notice the self evident fruitlessness & senselessness of that way of thinking. Don’t suppress & objectify, listen. Respect & honor the guidance. Abide within it, as if there were any other option really. 



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Yes. You retrain your nervous system and uncluttered your beliefs and there are many ways of going about it. Journaling, therapy, inner child, integrity, etc. I’ve reached this point as well. Worrying about your state before going out is like worrying about being in shape 10 minutes before a marathon. It’s something you should of trained and done months/years prior. It’s why I’m such a huge proponent of inner work to get women and don’t really recommend highly tactical/ cognitive classic pick up style approaches for getting women. The outer stuff just falls into place mostly on its own when you’re thrust into experience and when the inner is untangled and flowing. The one thing the classic pick up approach gets most right is exposing yourself to plenty of experience.  

Edited by Lyubov

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I do think that this could be a valid strategy.

I think in the self esteem series Julien talks about how he uses social comfort zone challenges to become aware of the sensations of anxiety and the awkwardness and feels into them to then let them go.

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