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Egodeath In Dream?

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I've watched the guided Neti Neti Meditation before sleep yesterday, and I had quite a vivid dream afterwards. I can't remember details, but I do remember that at one point in the dream I watched a video of a guy meditating, opening his eyes and smiling almost frantically. The moment the corners of his lips went up, I knew that he became enlightened just in that moment, and suddenly I realized that there was no difference between me and him, that the me and him does not exist. And then everything went completely crazy, I had an incredibly feeling of fear that overcame me, and I immediately tried to escape the dream. I remember that feeling from sleep-paralysis, it's like something is pulling at me, and there is the strong sense of death in case of me letting go. Like, "if I don't fight this right now, my heart will literally stop beating" kind of fear. I have always fought that feeling, I remember I had this quite often in my teens. It never takes long to escape the dream and wake up.

Now, today I was aware of the fact that maybe I could just let go and see what happens, but I literally couldn't. The fear was just too great. I think that shows me that I am not remotely ready to be enlightened yet, if I can't even face death in a dream. But my question is, is it possible to become enlightened by a dream, if one is willing to let go? Or has something like this been described in any historic recordings of enlightenement?

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25 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Or has something like this been described in any historic recordings of enlightenement?

nope, never !

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What about astral projection ?

Does ego death automatically leads to enlightenment ?

Edited by Soulbass

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7 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

what about astral projection ?

The etheric body can travel in dreams. There is every possibility of it leaving your body.

When you remember it, it is remembered as a dream, but it is not a dream in the same sense as the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can go out of you when you are asleep. Your physical body will be there, but your etheric body can go out and travel in space. There is no space limiting it; there is no question of distance for it.

Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, may interpret this as the realm of the unconscious.

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I know that dreams have to be "recovered" by thoughts and memories, when we awoken from sleep, I'm used to do that with lucid and non-lucid dreams.

I've from time to time experienced spontaneous events, that seemed to be related to the etheric body, it felt very different from physical body or thoughts.

Once on / beyond dreaming section, someone said "dreams aren't ours".

In the end, what's the link between subconscious and metaphysics ?

Edited by Soulbass

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1 hour ago, Soulbass said:

Does ego death automatically leads to enlightenment ?

Ego death is self-realization. Self-realization is reaching to your center. Many religions have believed that self-realization is the end—for example, Jainism—you have come to your ultimate truth. 

It is almost impossible to fall back from self-realization— not absolutely impossible, because the self can deceive you; it can bring your ego back.

The self and the ego are very similar. The self is the natural thing and the ego is the synthetic, so it happens sometimes that a self-realized man becomes a pious egoist. His egoism is not going to harm anyone, but it certainly prevents him from dropping into the ocean and disappearing completely.

Enlightenment is the dewdrop slipping from the lotus leaf into the vast, infinite ocean.

11 minutes ago, Soulbass said:

In the end, what's the link between subconscious and metaphysics ?

METAPHYSICS is nonsense !


Edited by Prabhaker

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In Ra's material, Ra say that the goal of our density is love.

Then, if someone is enlightened, doesn't he/she need still, to reincarnate and come back on earth to learn love ?

It seems like the society/world is fucked up my mens mostly, because we haven't learned love yet (love in a sense that what's really matter is not to reach goals, but to live harmony in a non-competitive way).

I really wonder what are Leo's thoughts on The Wachowskis works, especially Jupiter Ascending and Sense8.

I'm almost sure psychedelics and consciousness played an important role at the beginning of their career, which impacted their message/scripts.

Edited by Soulbass

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